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Tragic life of gays (homos) 01

Cruel health facts about gay existences: sexual illnesses, infections, pads and diapers etc.

For 10 years gay life it is "cool", infections do not matter, but from 30 on comes the hell when the anus does not close any more...
Being gay is "hot" life for 10 years, but then with 30 the anus does not close any more, life is with pads and diapers. There are no warnings.
Criminal anal sex toy 01, a giant plug as
              big as a man's hand  Criminal
              anal sex toy 02, a row of knobs that stimulates the anus
              as much as possible  Criminal fisting with the fist
              and forearm in the anus and in the colon  Diapers are also
              for gays 01  Diapers are also for gays 02: diaper
                inserts for cloth diapers
Criminal anal sex toy 01, a giant plug as big as a man's hand [37] - Criminal anal sex toy 02, a row of knobs that stimulates the anus as much as possible [38] - Criminal fisting with the fist and forearm in the anus and in the colon [39] - Diapers are also for gays 01 [22] - Diapers are also for gays 02: diaper inserts for cloth diapers [23] - and diapers will be also for women who have inserted too big objects into their anus provoking a crack in their anus...

Book of
                        Thomas Schmidt: Straight Narrow?: Compassion
                        & Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate (1995)
                        - ISBN 0-8308-1858-8  Graphics with the age at death compared
                      with heteros, homos, and lesbians - statistics of
                      1992  Gay
                                  priests of criminal gay Vatican 02 in
                                  violet clothes  Genital herpes on the penis on the glans  Condylomata warts on the penis
Book of Thomas Schmidt: Straight Narrow?: Compassion & Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate (1995) - ISBN 0-8308-1858-8 [2] - Graphics with the age at death compared with heteros, homos, and lesbians - statistics of 1992 [33] - Gay priests of criminal gay Vatican 02 in violet clothes [9] - Genital herpes on the penis on the glans [31] - Condylomata warts on the penis [30].
presented by Michael Palomino (2018)

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Cruel health facts about gay existences: sexual illnesses, infections without end, pads and diapers etc., anus (rectum) does not close any more, fecal incontinence, pads and diapers for ever etc.

The facts about gays are absolutely shocking:

Being gay is NOT a "freedom", but freedom is only there in the first few years. When this is not only a phase of life, so gay life means BIG SUFFERING because with much anal intercourse the anus will be overstretched and cracks are forming which are hardly healable any more thus the sphincter (anus, rectum) is not closing completely any more. Therefore many gays from 30 or 40 years on have to wear diapers. They are hardly acceptable in a society, they can hardly have sex any more, they cannot go to any swimming pool any more, and many gays are hardly eating anymore because they want to evade any bowel movement and defecation, they become anorexic, their immune systems become very vulnerable, they become permanent patients for criminal pharma.

It's absolutely incomprehensible why the governments of the world are CONCEALING this fact that many gays of over 30 have the big problem that their anus is not closing any more, just because gays are putting too big objects into their anus (there are large stoppers, rows of balls, fisting with a whole man's fist with his forearm etc.). And this can also affect women when they have too heavy anal intercourse or when they put too big objects into their anus provoking cracks in the anus so also women will have anus is not closing completely any more, with all possible infections, and life will be with pads and diapers for ever as a result.

As gays have normally no education in natural medicine nor have any further education with natural medicine, and as gays are rejecting any natural logic with spontaneous sex and with aggressions against "normal society", so they are not following prevention much, but they often reject any rules of prevention. Therefore there is the maximum of danger with sex without protection with unknown men in the anus zone, and these people become the permanent patients of criminal pharma with sexually transmitted diseases, with infections, and from 30 on anus cannot close any more in many cases. Therefore gays are becoming also good diaper clients. It seems that criminal pharma LIKES this. WARNINGS ARE NOT EXISTING!!!

NWO governments are concealing the anus which is not closing any more - are concealing anorexia - and are concealing the early age of death

It can be assumed that NWO governments of the world (with Rothschild, Rockefeller, Soros, etc.) are DELIBERATELY CONCEALING the anus which is not closing any more BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO DESTROY THE BIG BUSINESS OF CRIMINAL PHARMA WITH THE GAYS.

Many gays from 30 on are hardly eating any more just for evading any bowel movement and defecation, or hey even become anorexian. Also THIS is HIDDEN by the governments.

Additionally, statistics show that gays die much earlier (with an average of 39 or 42) than healthy heteros with stable ties with women (76). Also these statistics are DELIBERATELY CONCEALED by the NWO governments, as it seems, because the gays seem to be a factor in the program against overpopulation. Pharma shall rip the gays off, and then they die soon, this corresponds to the propaganda of overpopulation.

From 30 on, life of gays is a BIG SUFFERING, with much health cost and with many restrictions that could be prevented by governments if warnings would be  given. Gays aged 30 and over develop a kind of schizophrenia because their anus, which is no longer closing, makes them chronically incurably ill, but at the same time they want to defend the "freedom" to be gay. Then comes the depression and then the suicide. So: A healthy life looks different.

Michael Palomino, April 27, 2018

The frequency of homosexual practices in a society - 0.6% to 0.7%, worldwide maximum 1%.
Book of Thomas Schmidt:
                            Straight Narrow?: Compassion & Clarity
                            in the Homosexuality Debate (1995) - ISBN
                            0-8308-1858-8 from the book by Thomas Schmidt: "Straight Narrow?: Compassion & Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate (1995) - ISBN 0-8308-1858-8"

NORC, logo
The NORC (National Opinion Research Center [in Chicago]) assumes today (1995) based on the latest scientific findings an active homo rate of a maximum of 0.6 to 0.7% of "US" adults; see Studies 1-19 from the years 1970/1988/1989 and 1990; the rate is similar in France and England with 1.1%. The 10% theory is scientifically untenable and wrong! Worldwide today's maximum is 1% ! [web01]

Change of sex partners with homos and lesbians

Book of Thomas Schmidt:
                                    Straight Narrow?: Compassion &
                                    Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate
                                    (1995) - ISBN 0-8308-1858-8 from the book by Thomas Schmidt: "Straight Narrow?: Compassion & Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate (1995) - ISBN 0-8308-1858-8"

Studies by A. Bell / A. Weinberg (numbers 20 and 21) show that a large part of homosexual activity takes place aside of fixed relationships: 90% of homosexual men have this habit, and 72% of lesbian women have this habit. [web01]

Homo bars (Gay Palace in Amsterdam [4])  lesbian bars (Lexington Bar in
                    San Francisco[5])
Homo bars (Gay Palace in Amsterdam [4]) and lesbian bars (Lexington Bar in San Francisco[5]) for informal sex among gays or lesbians just like that

The homo men live life-threatening - unknown strangers as sex partners - also with AIDS - sexually transmitted diseases without end

Book of Thomas
                              Schmidt: Straight Narrow?: Compassion
                              & Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate
                              (1995) - ISBN 0-8308-1858-8 from the book by Thomas Schmidt: "Straight Narrow?: Compassion & Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate (1995) - ISBN 0-8308-1858-8"

Having gay anal sex with unknown sex partners means an extremely high health risk, because for the gays AIDS doesn't really matter. [web01]

75% also stated that more than half of the sex partners were unknown strangers, and 65% said that with more than half of the partners they only had intercourse one time in life. [web01]

Even in recent studies (Boston / Los Angeles) the average homosexual has at least 20 sex partners per year despite of AIDS. The health risk is enormous! [web01]

AIDS test / HIV
AIDS test / HIV test [6]

40% are infected with a sexual transmittable disease (STD) every year! (Lit. No. 117) - an army of people affected by sexually transmitted diseases! 75% of all homos questioned suffered from an STD at least once! [web01]

Number of sex partners in homo life: 74% have over 100 sex partners in life, 41% have over 500 sex partners in life, 28% have over 1000 sex partners in life [web01].

Graphic: Number of sex
                      partners in the life of gays: 74% with over 100,
                      41% with over 500, 28% with over 1000
Graphic: Number of sex partners in the life of gays: 74% with over 100, 41% with over 500, 28% with over 1000 [7]

Homo practices: short, anonymous affairs and many infections

Book of Thomas
                              Schmidt: Straight Narrow?: Compassion
                              & Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate
                              (1995) - ISBN 0-8308-1858-8 from the book by Thomas Schmidt: "Straight Narrow?: Compassion & Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate (1995) - ISBN 0-8308-1858-8"

In reality, the sexual practices of homosexuals usually involve short, anonymous affairs with disease-laden, physical-traumatic activities. (see the book, pages 108-110 Sexual techniques). According to studies (Lit.No.62 and 63) there is a direct link between the number of partners (see chart), drug abuse and the probability of unsafe sex. [web01]

This means: the more sexual partners they have - the more drug abuse they have - and the more unsafe sex they have [web01].

The gay mafia of the world

From the analysis of world history, a secret world government of gays can be derived, who have their center in the criminal Vatican, and they are ruling the criminal NWO secret services:


The gay Vatican

Gay priests of the
                      criminal-gay Vatican 01 in red clothes  Gay priests of the criminal-gay
                    Vatican 02 in violet clothes  Gay sauna in
                    Rome where Vatican bishops go for a good fuck with
Gay priests of the criminal-gay Vatican 01 in red clothes [8], 02 in violet clothes [9] - Gay sauna in Rome where Vatican bishops go for a good fuck with prostitutes [10] - well, there are infections, sexual diseases, bandages, diapers, and the clothes of the bishops are well suited to secretly wearing diapers...

Gay bishops visit Gay Street in Rome and go to the gay sauna to fuck or being fucked by gay prostitutes.
Video: http://www.hist-chron.com/k/katholikenscheisse/vi-ENGL/video004-gay-Vatican-bishops-in-gay-saunas-w-rent-boys.html

The Vatican has an area of almost 1/2 km2, there live about 1000 bishops and 1 Pope (see Wikipedia: Vatican City), and therefore this is the gay paradise: They only have to read 1 book, and then they get paid - and almost everyone is gay there, and they have gay sex without end, everything secret, because the Vatican is considered "holy".

Gay Street in Rome, one sees only
                    young gays, with infections, but still without
                    bandages and diapers  Vatican Army (Vatican Guard), that
                    are 150 Swiss clowns, who are organizing boys to
                    criminal pedophile bishops of the Vatican - may be
                    also for the Pope
Gay Street in Rome, one sees only young gays, with infections, but still without bandages and diapers [11] - Vatican Army (Vatican Guard), that are 150 Swiss clowns, who are organizing boys to criminal pedophile bishops of the Vatican - may be also for the Pope [12]

The Vatican Guard organizes boys for systematic child abuse for the criminal pedophile passion for boys in the Vatican...
(This is general knowledge in Switzerland, where the 150 clowns of the Vatican Guard are all coming from).

Opus Dei with gay "upper class" ("numerary")

The Mafia of the Vatican is the
                    criminal secret service "Opus Dei Gay",
                    they are concealing that their upper class of the
                    numerary are all gay
The Mafia of the Vatican is the criminal secret service "Opus Dei Gay", they are concealing that their upper class of the numerary are all gay [13].

The upper class of Opus Dei (numerary) is forced to reject all contacts with women, to kill their love passion feeling with pain instruments [and thus they are probably gay]. This is shown for example in the article <Opus Dei: "No secret organization at all"> (original German: <Opus Dei: "Überhaupt keine Geheimgesellschaft">): http://www.focus.de/wissen/mensch/religion/christentum/tid-8682/opus-dei_aid_234995.html

FBI with a gay upper class

FBI logo  Herbert Hoover of the FBI, the gay
                    FBI boss, portrait  President Kennedy
                    1962, wanted to discriminate gays and wanted to
                    expel the gay FBI boss Hoover from the FBI
FBI logo [14] - Herbert Hoover of the FBI, the gay FBI boss, portrait [15] - President Kennedy 1962, wanted to discriminate gays and wanted to expel the gay FBI boss Hoover from the FBI [16]

Even the upper class of the FBI is gay. President Kennedy was gonna drop the FBI bosses because they were gay (Hoover etc.). But Kennedy did not succeed:
The source for this event is the book of John Coleman: The Committee of 300: The Kennedy family was not sexually tolerant but was against gays. That's why he had a direct opponent in the FBI, FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover, who lived with his friend, Clyde Tolson. Kennedy wanted to drop Hoover, but he did not succeed (p.370).

FBI was collaborating with the Kennedy assassination with CIA and MI6. One can admit that this was also a gay revenge against Kennedy.

Gays at key posts in the Dirincri Catholic Judicial Police in Latin "America"

Dirincri, Logo,
                    Investigation Division against Criminality (original
                    Spanish: División de Investigación de Criminalidad) Dirincri, Logo, Investigation Division against Criminality (original Spanish: División de Investigación de Criminalidad) [17]

The Catholic Criminal Police "Dirincri" is also from the Vatican.
(This told my my lawyer in Lima).
Thus one can assume that even there in "Dirincri" the upper class is gay.

The gay mafia of bank bosses, industrial bosses and high presidents

The high bankers, industrialists and presidents must all be Satanists in order to be directly or indirectly represented on the Committee of 300 (see the lists of the Committee of 300 and the servant groups), and these personalities are also often gay and organize child abuse of boys in their clubs, e.g. in the Basel Animal Circle, or in Germany in the club "Crocodile" (information comes from Swiss judicial circles).

Drugs and alcohol with 50% of the homos  - depressions and suicidal intentions up to 40%

Book of Thomas Schmidt:
                                    Straight Narrow?: Compassion &
                                    Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate
                                    (1995) - ISBN 0-8308-1858-8 from the book by Thomas Schmidt: "Straight Narrow?: Compassion & Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate (1995) - ISBN 0-8308-1858-8"

49% of the gays took drugs in connection with sex (9% of them every week), 57% consumed alcohol in connection with sex. [web01]

                  abuse with heroin injection  a box of beer  Depression
Drug abuse with heroin injection [18] - a box of beer [19] - Depression [20]

The most accurately documented problems are:  (Lit.66-91)
-- Alcohol abuse: 47% of homos have a history of alcohol abuse, compared to 24% of men in general.
-- Drug abuse: 51% of homosexual men compared to 7% of men in general; 35% of lesbians compared to 5% of women in general.
-- Depression: 40% of homosexuals compared to 3% of men in general.
-- Suicide intentions or suicide attempts: 35% of the homos compared to 11% of men in general, 31% of lesbians compared to 24% of women in general. [web01]

Among homosexuals, drug abuse, depression and suicide are undisputed problems on an epidemic scale; but they are not the only ones! [web01]

Health problems - physical difficulties of homosexuals outside AIDS
-- physical trauma (from injuries)
-- non-viral infections
-- viral infections.
For some of these diseases, homosexual men account for 70% of all commonly diagnosed cases. (ref.no.92/93) [web01]

This means that homosexuals are excellent customers for the criminal pharmaceutical industry (!).

Healings infections with Mother Earth
Infections of all kind (by bacteria, viruses or fungi) are cured with coconut oil.

a) The physical trauma of gays with anus and intestines

Book of Thomas Schmidt:
                                    Straight Narrow?: Compassion &
                                    Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate
                                    (1995) - ISBN 0-8308-1858-8 from the book by Thomas Schmidt: "Straight Narrow?: Compassion & Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate (1995) - ISBN 0-8308-1858-8"

Gays don't know how to take care of their anus

a) Physical trauma with gays is the threat of their body health. Widely distributed are by the perforation of the anus:
-- injuries to the sphincter,
-- chronic fecal incontinence,
-- diarrhea,
-- cramps,
-- hemorrhoids,
-- prostate damage,
-- ulcers and cracks that provoke infections. [web01]

                    are also for gays 01  Diapers are also for gays
                    02: diaper inserts for cloth diapers 
Diapers are also for gays 01 [22] - Diapers are also for gays 02: diaper inserts for cloth diapers [23] - and diapers will be also for women who have inserted too big objects into their anus provoking a crack in the anus...

Gays with sexually transmitted diseases without end, because they do not observe the hygiene

In addition to such injuries, homosexuals are threatened by a big package of sexually transmitted diseases. It looks as if 75% of homosexual men currently have one or more diseases (Lit. No. 95) and at least as much as 75% have one or more sexually transmitted diseases behind them (Lit. No. 96), and at least 40% of homosexuals fall ill or become infected with an STD within one year. [web01]

There are e.g. papilloma nipples, genital herpes [web13]

Penis cancer and anal cancer with gays: 17 times higher risk for anal cancer


<As already mentioned, penis cancer or anal cancer are relatively rare. However, studies have shown that the risk of anal cancer in gay men is 17 times higher than that of heterosexual men. Incidentally, men with HIV have an even higher risk of developing anal cancer.> [Web18]

<Wie bereits gesagt, sind Peniskrebs oder Analkrebs relativ selten. Aus Studien weiß man aber, dass das Risiko für Analkrebs bei schwulen Männern im Vergleich zu heterosexuellen Männern um das 17-Fache erhöht ist. Männer mit HIV haben übrigens ein nochmals erhöhtes Risiko, an Analkrebs zu erkranken.> [web18]

Cancer heals with 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in 1 glass of water with 3 to 4 tablespoons of sugar molasses (molasses, maple syrup) - drink this sober, then wait 30 minutes for the next drink - when there is no diarrhea do this also in the evening 2 hours after the last meal - do all this during 12 days, the body pH rises, the body becomes basic - cancer can not survive - 90% healing rate - you just have to know that.

b) Non-viral infections with gays

Book of Thomas Schmidt:
                                    Straight Narrow?: Compassion &
                                    Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate
                                    (1995) - ISBN 0-8308-1858-8 from the book by Thomas Schmidt: "Straight Narrow?: Compassion & Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate (1995) - ISBN 0-8308-1858-8"

b) Non-viral infections are among homosexuals (by frequency):
-- Amebiasis (also called amoebic dysentery, is an intestinal infection with cysts in the colon with a lot of diarrhea [web02]): 25-40%, (Literature No. 98)
-- Giardiasis (is an inflammation of the mucous membrane with diarrhea, flatulence and rarely also fever[web03]): in 10-30%, (Lit. 99),
-- gonorrhea (is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the urinary and sexual organs[web04]): 40-80%, (Lit.100 and 101),
-- bacteria like e.g. Salmonella (bacteria that can cause severe infections and diarrhea in AIDS patients [web05]) and bacteria of Campylobacter (cause inflammatory diarrhea like Salmonella [web06] [when gays lick the anus and are not clean]): 10-20%, (Lit. 102),
-- Chlamydia (bacteria that cause mucosal infections in the eyes, respiratory tract and in the genital zone [web07]): 5-15%, (Lit. 103) ,
-- syphilis (affects skin and organs with skin damage and ulcers up to their complete destruction [web08]): at 30%, (Lit. 104), and
-- Ectoparasites: 69%, (Lit.106/107). [web01]

Doubled toilet symbol, diarrhea  Ritz salt crackers cure diarrhea in 2 days  Syphilis:
                      ulcers can provoke the destruction of complete
Doubled toilet symbol, diarrhea [24] - Ritz salt crackers cure diarrhea in 2 days [25] - also to eat a little bit of quince (chew it well) calms diarrhea - Syphilis: ulcers can provoke the destruction of complete organs [26]
Healings with Mother Earth
Bacteria, viruses and fungi healing away with coconut oil. Diarrhea usually heals in 2 days with Ritz salt cracks.

c) Viral infections with gays: Warts, viruses, inflammation of the liver (hepatitis)

Book of Thomas Schmidt:
                                    Straight Narrow?: Compassion &
                                    Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate
                                    (1995) - ISBN 0-8308-1858-8 from the book by Thomas Schmidt: "Straight Narrow?: Compassion & Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate (1995) - ISBN 0-8308-1858-8"

c) viral infections among homosexuals by frequency:
-- Virus Condylomata (with genital warts [web14]): 65% of homosexuals have the virus in their body, 30-40% are affected by anal warts.

Condylomata warts on the anus  Condylomata warts on the foreskin  Condylomata warts on the mouth  Condylomata warts on the penis 
Condylomata warts on the anus [27] - on the foreskin [28] - Condylomata warts on the mouth [29] - on the penis [30]

-- Herpes virus (genital herpes): 10-20%, the number is rising

Genital herpes on the penis on the gland  Genital herpes on the buttock (on the ass)
Genital herpes on the penis on the gland [31] - Genital herpes on the buttock (on the ass) [32]

-- Hepatitis A liver inflammation: 40% of gays were diagnosed with a viral infections causing hepatitis A, 3 times as often as in the rest of the population (Lit. 112-114).
-- Hepatitis B hepatitis: at least 65% of homosexual men have been diagnosed with viral infections that cause hepatitis B - at least 16% are infected annually;
-- permanent liver damage is often the result. [web01]
-- Symptoms of hepatitis are: fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, dizziness, vomiting, abdominal pain, grey stools, joint pain, jaundice [web15].

Healing of viruses and liver with Mother Earth: coconut oil and sodium bicarbonate
-- viral diseases are healing away with coconut oil, add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil twice a day into meals or beverages.
-- Organs, glands and nerves (including the liver) with hepatitis B also heal with soda (sodium bicarbonate): take 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 glass of water with molasses, maple syrup (sober and 2 hours after the last meal, for people who like it sweet) or with cider vinegar or any other vinegar (sober once a day, for people who like it with vinegar).

Average age of death - comparison hetero-homo
-- Married hetero men: 75
-- Unmarried men, divorced men: 57
-- Gay homos without AIDS: 42
-- Gay homos with AIDS: 39 [web01]

Graph with the
                  age of death comparing heteros, homos, lesbians - 1992
Graph with the age of death comparing heteros, homos, lesbians - 1992 statistics [33]

Causes of death with male homosexuals compared to heterosexuals
Comparing 5371 gay death cases with with white straight men aged between 25 and 44 years, homosexual men died - if AIDS was not the cause of death:
-- 10 times more often in accidents
-- 18 times more by accidents in the traffic
-- 25 times more often by suicide (e.g. with sleeping pills [web16])
-- 87 times more often by murder [especially by right-wing activists]
-- 22 times more often due to a heart attack (AIDS patients, some AIDS drugs and hepatitis drugs cause deposits in the coronary arteries [web17])
(Study by the Family Research Institute, Inc. Washington DC 1992, USA). [web01]

Fatal road accident  Sleeping tablets  Heart attack
Fatal road accident [34] - Sleeping tablets [35] - Heart attack [36]


Gays, anal practices and anus problems

In a forum there were the following statements:

-- every anal intercourse should be started "slowly" to relax the anus before it is penetrated
-- one should absolutely fulfill to the stretching exercises
-- the penetration with lubricant with a penis up to 5cm of diameter is then no problem [web09].

However, the practice of many male homosexuals is much more extreme, whereby women can also become extremists and thus endanger their own lives with an anus that is no longer closing:

-- they want to have sex all the time with anal intercourse
-- they push themselves objects into the anus, which are much too big and then present themselves with pride having the "biggest diameter"[web09].

Here are examples of criminal anal practices that provoke an anus that is no longer closing:
Criminal anal sex toy 01, a
                    giant plug as big as a man's hand  Criminal anal sex toy 02, a row of knobs that
                    stimulates the anus as much as possible  Criminal fisting
                    with the fist and forearm in the anus and in the
Criminal anal sex toy 01, a giant plug as big as a man's hand [37] - Criminal anal sex toy 02, a row of knobs that stimulates the anus as much as possible [38] - Criminal fisting with the fist and forearm in the anus and in the colon [39]

"<"normal" anal sex certainly does not harm the ass. with wicked anal sex, homos or even women who need it 3 times daily quite violently and deeply, as well as with these extremely stretchy people, who are already really horny to show off with the biggest diameter, I would not be quite sure."> [web09]
(original German: <"normaler" analsex schadet dem popo bestimmt nicht. bei abgefahrenem analsex, homo's oder auch frauen, die es 3 mal täglich ganz heftig und tief brauchen, sowie bei diesen extrem dehnungsfreudigen menschen, die quasi schon richtig geil drauf sind mit dem grössten durchmesser zu protzen, wär ich mir da nicht so ganz sicher."> [web09])
That is why proctologists (doctor for rectal disorders) have more and more work [web09].

                with a patient
Proctologist with a patient [41] - the more anal intercourse (AV) is practiced, the more work the proctologist will have...

Some doctors think that anal stretches widen the ass or do the abdomen "good" [web09].

There are NO warnings for young gays of an anus that is no longer closing...

Diseases caused by anal intercourse

After anal intercourse can occur:
-- cracks in the anus,
-- cramp of the sphincter muscle,
-- the sphincter muscle can suffer cracks by wild and unlimited anal intercourse when larger objects are inserted into the anus, and THEN THE CLOSING MUSCLE DOES NOT CLOSE ANY MORE, but there will be a permanent fecal incontinence, and those affected become permanent diaper users such as babies [web09].

"Oh yes, about the subject I wanted to say the following yet: Only with excessive anal treatments an overstretching can occur, in the worst case can be cracks, which can lead to the fact that the intestine no longer closes properly and one must wear a diaper. A cautious anal stimulation will not be able to cause this." [web09]
(original German: "Ach ja zum thema wollt ich noch sagen: Nur bei exessiven analen behandlungen kann eine überdehnung, im schlimmsten fall zu einem riss kommen, der dazu führen kann, dass der darm nicht mehr richtig schließt und man eine windel tragen muss. Eine vorsichtige anale stimulation wird das nicht verursachen können." [web09])
And one has to know: the loosening of the sphincter muscle by anal intercourse is not possible, but this loosening only occurs in old age, but not by anal intercourse, but generally. [web09]
Criminal anal sex toy 01, a
                    giant plug as big as a man's hand  Criminal anal sex toy 02, a row of knobs that
                    stimulates the anus as much as possible  Criminal fisting
                    with the fist and forearm in the anus and in the
                    colon  Diapers
                    are also for gays 01  Diapers are also
                      for gays 02: diaper inserts for cloth diapers
Criminal anal sex toy 01, a giant plug as big as a man's hand [37] - Criminal anal sex toy 02, a row of knobs that stimulates the anus as much as possible [38] - Criminal fisting with the fist and forearm in the anus and in the colon [39] - Diapers are also for gays 01 [22] - Diapers are also for gays 02: diaper inserts for cloth diapers [23] - and diapers will be also for women who have inserted too big objects into their anus provoking a crack in the anus...
So: gays [and also women who repeatedly insert large objects into the rectum / anus] often end up in hospital at some point because of fecal incontinence and wear diapers, not all, but many: The anal muscle gets cracks, the intestine [anus, rectum] never closes properly any more, and this leads to be a diaper user. [web09]
Healing of the anus with Mother Earth: COCONUT OIL+ HYDROGEN PEROXIDE
Coconut oil or hydrogen peroxide (oxygenated water) applied weekly heals injuries and cracks well away. Whether this also heals an anus that no longer closes, one can try it, but remains questionable.
Anus no longer closes - neighbors are lied about a hospital stay because of a herniated disc

-- Many people who practice anal intercourse and have pushed in much too large objects are in hospital because of an anal muscle that can no longer close, in gay slang this is called a "frayed asshole". The neighborhood knows nothing about this, but the neighbors are given a false reason for hospitalization, e.g. "herniated disc"[web09].

Gays with underweight: They don't eat anything anymore to avoid defecation (!)

It is possible that gays are often so skinny because they hardly eat anything to prevent bowel movements and defecation, because the anus no longer closes.
(Conclusion Palomino and indications of friends)

For 10 years gay life it is "cool", infections do not matter, but from 30 on comes the hell when the anus does not close any more...

Being gay is "hot" life for 10 years, but then with 30 the anus does not close any more, life is with pads and diapers. There are no warnings.


Onmeda.de online, Logo

9.5.2016: Report: A gay man damages his sphincter muscle by a big object - some cm of shit always follow - transparent, greasy, smelly film comes out, constantly wet and smelly trousers
Sphincter does not close, remains open
(original German: Schliessmuskel schliesst nicht, bleibt offen)
https://www.onmeda.de/forum/hämorrhoiden/2411527-schließmuskel-schließt-nicht-bleibt-offen [web10]

This gay patient has ripped his anus (asshole) with a big object. But the doctors cannot detect anything, and his anus remains open. Here is the report of the gay patient in a forum:

<Since one year I am fighting going from doctor to doctor, without success.

I suffer of constant wetness in the anal zone, sitting a long time and moving it's even more. A transparent greasy and smelly gel comes out from the rectum, my trousers are smelling in an unacceptable way after some ours. After defecation always some shit is coming down smearing the after zone. The inner sphincter seems to be intact as there is no shit coming from the colon, but there are coming only some cm which are remaining in the exit.

The problem came when I put a big object the anal way and I was not cautious enough. I had a strong pulling pain for several hours at the anus. Since this moment I notice that the outer sphincter muscle is no longer pinched, but remains slightly open all the time, the skin has also become somewhat worn out all around. When I move, I notice that the skin around the sphincter rubs against each other and does not just stick together. So the outer muscle ring is not completely closed. When I spread my buttocks, I see directly into the anal canal or to the inner sphincter. It's only closing fine when when I tense consciously. I have already been to the hospital about 10 times, but after the pressure measurements (sono, mano) and ultrasound, nothing special could be found. I have described my problem, but they think that my pinch and rest values are very good. That may be true, but in my opinion the outer sphincter muscle is still overstretched.> [web10]
Healing of the anus with Mother Earth: COCONUT OIL+ HYDROGEN PEROXIDE
Coconut oil or hydrogen peroxide (oxygenated water) applied weekly heals injuries and cracks well away. Whether this also heals an anus that no longer closes, one can try it, but remains questionable.

Logo of Dr. Georg Pfau in Linz, Austria,
                male doctor
Logo of Dr. Georg Pfau in Linz, Austria, male doctor


Information from Dr. Georg Pfau - Frankenstrasse 23, 4020 Linz, Austria - Phone 0699 / 17 88 70 50

Love in Greek
Anal sex is very popular in some countries because it helps to avoid the defloration. But anal sex is also a gigantic source of all kinds of sexually transmitted diseases (STD). [web11]

Before anal intercourse, an enema must be made so that the rectum is clean.

Taboo topic ass


The anus is part of the intestine. The anus is not designed for the insertion of a penis. [web12]
Mother Earth has it: Coconut oil = natural lubricant
Coconut oil is a biological lubricant that simultaneously disinfects (all bacteria, viruses and fungi are removed).
The overstretching of the anus leads to injuries in the anus area, scarring (cicatrization) and cracks - no more sphincter but pads

The consequences of overstretching of the anus are injuries, scarring, and repeated overstretching results in fecal incontinence with the leakiness of the sphincter muscle with the continuous leakage of feces (real shit). Gays with big sex games with other objects that are much thicker than a penis often become fecally incontinent with big shit, the sphincter no longer closes, they have to use pads. [web12]
Criminal anal sex toy 01, a
                    giant plug as big as a man's hand  Criminal anal sex toy 02, a row of knobs that
                    stimulates the anus as much as possible  Criminal fisting
                    with the fist and forearm in the anus and in the
                    colon  Diapers
                    are also for gays 01  Diapers are also
                      for gays 02: diaper inserts for cloth diapers
Criminal anal sex toy 01, a giant plug as big as a man's hand [37] - Criminal anal sex toy 02, a row of knobs that stimulates the anus as much as possible [38] - Criminal fisting with the fist and forearm in the anus and in the colon [39] - Diapers are also for gays 01 [22] - Diapers are also for gays 02: diaper inserts for cloth diapers [23] - and diapers will be also for women who have inserted too big objects into their anus provoking a crack in the anus...
Hemorrhoids due to overstretching of the anus

Hemorrhoids often also come from mechanical injuries in the anus area, with infections of the intestinal flora. Often they heal, but they come back. 90% of hemorrhoids of young men are caused by anal penetration. [web12]
Healing of hemorrhoids with Mother Earth: COCONUT OIL+ HYDROGEN PEROXIDE WEEKLY CHANGE
Apply coconut oil or hydrogen peroxide (water enriched with oxygen) to heal injuries and cracks away, also hemorrhoids, 2x daily with coconut oil or hydrogen peroxide care - changing every week from one to the other.
In addition, blood group nutrition should be introduced. Constipation is avoided with olive oil or coconut oil in the food.
Mucosal cracks due to the overstretching the anus - which sometimes no longer heal - pads+diapers for the rest of life
Cracks (fissures) in the mucous membrane caused by objects can become chronic, can improve and deteriorate in rhythm. Sometimes an operation becomes necessary [web12]. However, some cases remain incurable and people with an anus that no longer closes have to live with pads (bandages) or diapers for a lifetime [web10]. The gays become like the babies...

Intestine rupture (intestinal perforation) with danger of death
An intestinal rupture causes that the shit is spread in the abdominal cavity infecting all organs. A rupture of the intestine can be provoked
-- by too much anal sex (criminal fisting) or
-- by careless insertion of big objects into the anus and intestinal area.
Criminal anal sex toy
                      01, a giant plug as big as a man's hand  Criminal anal sex toy 02, a row of knobs that
                      stimulates the anus as much as possible  Criminal
                      fisting with the fist and forearm in the anus and
                      in the colon   gravestone with raven bird in the fog
Criminal anal sex toy 01, a giga plug as big as a man's hand [37] - Criminal anal sex toy 02, a row of knobs that stimulates the anus as much as possible [38] - Criminal fisting with the fist and forearm in the anus and in the colon [39] - with an intestinal perforation death comes very fast: gravestone with raven bird in the fog (mist) [42]
An intestinal rupture is absolutely life-threatening, the pain is severe, in case of fever there is usually already an inflammation of the peritoneum. Without surgery, death is coming soon [by blood poisoning]. [web12]

Urethral infections, followed by urinary bladder infection and/or prostate inflammation

Urethral infections are normal with gays, because the intestines are full of bacteria and microorganisms [and anal intercourse with a condom is hardly possible because the rubber rubs with pain on the anus]. Inflammation of the urethra in the penis causes burning or pain during urinating. The infection can spread to the bladder or prostate, resulting in a prostatitis, 99% of prostatitis cases occur only with gays, with severe pain and fever. [web12]
Mother Earth has it: Coconut oil is the natural lubricant - curing urethral infections with lime blossom tea+coconut oil
Coconut oil is a biological lubricant that simultaneously disinfects (all bacteria, viruses and fungi are removed).
Urethral infection also occurs in heterosexuals when the vagina has not been cleaned or is infected. Healing urethral infections goes like this:
-- drink a lot of lime blossom tea (cold or warm, 2 litres daily)
-- add coconut oil (2x 1 tbsp per day) and
-- lubricate the penis with coconut oil (2x daily).
<<        >>


Cruel health facts about gay existences: sexual illnesses, infections without end, pads and diapers etc., anus (rectum) does not close any more, fecal incontinence, pads and diapers for ever etc. -- NWO governments are concealing the anus which is not closing any more - are concealing anorexia - and are concealing the early age of death -- The frequency of homosexual practices in a society - 0.6% to 0.7%, worldwide maximum 1%. -- Change of sex partners with homos and lesbians -- The homo men live life-threatening - unknown strangers as sex partners - also with AIDS - sexually transmitted diseases without end -- Homo practices: short, anonymous affairs and many infections -- The gay mafia of the world -- ALMOST THE COMPLETE VATICAN IS GAY AND IS AFFECTED BY THESE ILLNESSES, ALSO UPPER CLASS OF "OPUS DEI", UPPER CLASS OF FBI, UPPER CLASS OF OTHER NWO SECRET SERVICES, UPPER CLASS OF VATICAN CRIMINAL POLICE DEPARTMENT "DIRINCRI", etc. ...: The gay Vatican -- Opus Dei with gay "upper class" ("numerary") -- FBI with a gay upper class -- Gays at key posts in the Dirincri Catholic Judicial Police in Latin "America" -- The gay mafia of bank bosses, industrial bosses and high presidents -- Drugs and alcohol with 50% of the homos  - depressions and suicidal intentions up to 40% -- Health problems - physical difficulties of homosexuals outside AIDS -- Healings infections with Mother Earth -- a) The physical trauma of gays with anus and intestines -- Gays don't know how to take care of their anus -- Gays with sexually transmitted diseases without end, because they do not observe the hygiene -- b) Non-viral infections with gays -- Healings with Mother Earth -- c) Viral infections with gays: Warts, viruses, inflammation of the liver (hepatitis) -- Healing of viruses and liver with Mother Earth: coconut oil and sodium bicarbonate -- Average age of death - comparison hetero-homo -- Causes of death with male homosexuals compared to heterosexuals -- Gays, anal practices and anus problems -- There are NO warnings for young gays of an anus that is no longer closing... -- Diseases caused by anal intercourse -- Healing of the anus with Mother Earth: COCONUT OIL+ HYDROGEN PEROXIDE -- Anus no longer closes - neighbors are lied about a hospital stay because of a herniated disc -- Gays with underweight: They don't eat anything anymore to avoid defecation (!) -- 9.5.2016: Report: A gay man damages his sphincter muscle by a big object - some cm of shit always follow - transparent, greasy, smelly film comes out, constantly wet and smelly trousers: Sphincter does not close, remains open  -- Healing of the anus with Mother Earth: COCONUT OIL+ HYDROGEN PEROXIDE -- GAY - THE RISKS -- Love in Greek -- Taboo topic ass -- anus=intestine -- Mother Earth has it: Coconut oil = natural lubricant -- The overstretching of the anus leads to injuries in the anus area, scarring (cicatrization) and cracks - no more sphincter but pads -- Hemorrhoids due to overstretching of the anus -- Healing of hemorrhoids with Mother Earth: COCONUT OIL+ HYDROGEN PEROXIDE WEEKLY CHANGE -- Mucosal cracks due to the overstretching the anus - which sometimes no longer heal - pads+diapers for the rest of life -- Intestine rupture (intestinal perforation) with danger of death -- Urethral infections, followed by urinary bladder infection and/or prostate inflammation -- Mother Earth has it: Coconut oil is the natural lubricant - curing urethral infections with lime blossom tea+coconut oil

from: JA zum Leben Nr. 2003 / 51-53, Zeitung: GZ 02030379 S  P.b.b.: Wissenschaftliche Fakten
book by Thomas Schmidt:
              Straight Narrow?: Compassion & Clarity in the
              Homosexuality Debate (1995) - ISBN 0-8308-1858-8
from the book by Thomas Schmidt: Straight Narrow?: Compassion & Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate (1995) - ISBN 0-8308-1858-8
purchase at Amazon
with over 200 quotations and sources from various medical, psychological and psychiatric journals and studies, 240 pages, InterVarsityPress

Chapter 6, "The Price of Love", page 100-130; The health aspect of homosexual practices

[web02] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amöbenruhr
[web03] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giardiasis
[web04] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gonorrhoe
[web05] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salmonellen
[web06] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campylobacter
[web07] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlamydien
[web08] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syphilis
[web09] http://www.med1.de/Forum/Sexualtechniken/208107/?p=2
[web10] https://www.onmeda.de/forum/hämorrhoiden/2411527-schließmuskel-schließt-nicht-bleibt-offen

[web11] http://www.gaymed.at/startseite_gaymed/vorwort/liebe-auf-griechisch/
[web12] http://www.gaymed.at/startseite_gaymed/vorwort/tabuthema-po/

[web13] https://www.pinterest.es/pin/521150988123565678/
[web14] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condylomata_acuminata
[web15] https://www.pinterest.es/pin/475622410630221086/
[web16] https://www.queerpride.de/schwule-und-suizid-13519
[web17] https://www.aidshilfe.de/meldung/herzinfarkt-risiko-hiv-infizierten-deutlich-hoeher-bislang-angenommen
[web18] https://www.maennerapotheke.net/feigwarzen-beim-mann/

Photo sources
[1] Logo of Dr. Pfau in Linz, Austria: http://www.gaymed.at/startseite_gaymed/vorwort/liebe-auf-griechisch/
[2] Book by Thomas Schmidt: "Straight Narrow?: Compassion & Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate (1995): http://document.kathtube.com/13073.pdf -
[3] NORC logo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NORC_at_the_University_of_Chicago
[4] Gay Palace in Amsterdam: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/861243128715897484/
[5] Lesbian bar: Lexington Bar in San Francisco: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/289004501065748315/
[6] AIDS test, HIV test: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/367465650842104842/
[7] Graphic: Number of sex partners in the life of gays: http://document.kathtube.com/13073.pdf
[8] Gay priests of criminal gay Vatican 01 in red clothes: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/554998354072864449/
[9] Gay priests of criminal gay Vatican 01 in violet clothes:
Video: Wie der Satan im Vatikan wütet ! (19'22'') - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTkesGx4noo
[10] Gay sauna in Rome:
Video: Sodoma e Gomorra in Vaticano (3'1'') - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asOR4mwlqkE

[11] Gay Street in Rome, with only young gays with infections, but yet without pads or diapers:
[12] Vatican's Army (Vatican Guard), 150 Swiss clowns protecting gay Vatican organizing boys for criminal pedophile bishops and the Pope:
[13] Mafia of Vatican is criminal secret service "Opus Dei Gay" concealing the gay upper class of numerary that are gay and with pampers:
[14] FBI logo: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/188658671875288563/
[15] Herbert Hoover from FBI, gay FBI boss, portrait: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Edgar_Hoover
[16] President Kennedy 1962, wants to kick out gays from leading positions as FBI boss Hoover: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/407083253811672984/
[17] Dirincri, logo: https://www.facebook.com/Divindat-Dirincri-207913245999231/
[18] Drug abuse with heroine injection: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/327566572876015282/
[19] Case of beer: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/804385183419197908/
[20] Depression: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/353321533260781157/

[22] Diapers (pampers etc.) are also for gays 01: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/760615824539883419/
[23] Diapers (pampers etc.) are also for gays 02: diaper inserts for cloth diapers: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/489273947010323241/
[24] Toilet symbol, diarrhea: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/665406913668085235/
[25] Ritz salty crackers healing diarrhea in 2 days: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/74942781280020115/
[26] Syphilis: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/582582901771185453/
[27] Condylomata warts on the anus: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/312155817915743545/
[28] Condylomata warts on the foreskin: https://ehealthwall.com/condylomata-acuminata-pictures-cure-symptoms-treatment-causes/
[29] Condylomata warts on the mouth: https://ehealthwall.com/condylomata-acuminata-pictures-cure-symptoms-treatment-causes/
[30] Condylomata warts on the penis: https://www.pinterest.com.mx/pin/343540277804981356/?lp=true

[31] Herpes genitalis at the glans: http://de.medicine-worlds.com/genitalnyj-gerpes.htm
[32] Herpes genitalis at the buttock (ass): https://www.sundhed.dk/borger/patienthaandbogen/koenssygdomme/sygdomme/virusinfektioner/herpes-genitalis/
[33] Graph comparing age of death of heteros, homos, and lesbians, statistics of 1992: http://document.kathtube.com/13073.pdf
[34] Letal traffic accident: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/683632418408598434/
[35] Sleeping pills: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/224617100149652011/ - https://www.pinterest.es/pin/822821794393580499/
[36] Heart attack: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/814799757557502265/
[37] Criminal anal sex toy 01, giant stopper: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/824510644252702357/
[38] Criminal anal sex toy 02, row of knobs stimulating the anus to the maximum: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/810648001648655207/
[39] Criminal fisting: fist and forearm in the anus and colon area: https://es.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph55f0eb13d7042
[40] Symbol mortal danger with skull and bones: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/406942516322347318/

[41] Proctologist with a patient: https://www.goyellow.de/thema/proktologe/
[42] Gravestone with raven bird in the fog: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/573364596301931692/
