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Coronavirus 02: Thailand heals it with HIV and flu pills in 48 hours: oseltamivir, lopinavir and ritonavir

Coronavirus healing:
1) with the drug cocktail from Thailand: oseltamavir, lopinavir and ritonavir
2) with whole foods, all whole grains, with olive oil, evading all harmful things - see nutrition guidelines in general - see blood group nutrition
3) with vitamins

Video: WIN AGAINST CORONAVIRUS: nutrition+immune system - and Italy disaster is home made! (19'4'')

Video: WIN AGAINST CORONAVIRUS: nutrition+immune system - and Italy disaster is home made! (19'4'')
https://youtu.be/edjTX2FrO1o - YouTube channel: mandalaxxl - uploaded on March 24, 2020

Fact sheet -

news presented by Michael Palomino (2020)
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Epoch Times online,

Thailand Feb.2, 2020: Coronavirus cured with flu and HIV medication - coronavirus is no longer detectable in 48 hours:
Coronavirus NEWSTICKER: Second transmission route discovered - Thailand reports successful treatment with flu and HIV medication
(original German: Coronavirus NEWSTICKER: Zweiter Übertragungsweg entdeckt – Thailand meldet gelungene Behandlung mit Grippe- und HIV-Medikamenten)


<Researchers found out that the virus can also spread through the digestive system. The Thai authorities have reported successful treatment of the virus with a cocktail of flu and HIV medications: oseltamivir, lopinavir and ritonavir.

The new Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) continues to spread. One day after their return from the Chinese city of Wuhan to Germany, three people tested positive. The Germans flown out of China should stay in the South Palatinate barracks in the town of Germersheim for at least 14 days - that is the length of the previously known maximum incubation period, i.e. the period from infection to a possible outbreak.

Editor's note: We have to assume that the Chinese government agency's figures on deaths and infections from the Wuhan virus in China are incorrect. We therefore do not publish it. We strive to find out the actual numbers

Sunday Feb. 2

3:35 p.m .: Thailand reports successful treatment

The Thai authorities have reported successful treatment of the new kind of coronavirus treating it with a cocktail of flu and HIV medications. The state of a woman from China infected with the virus has improved dramatically after taking the drug cocktail, the Ministry of Health in Bangkok reported on Sunday. The patient was no longer able to detect the virus within 48 hours after the start of treatment, said the doctor Kriengsak Attipornwanich.

The doctors gave the woman a combination of the flu drug oseltamivir and the antiviral agents used to treat HIV, lopinavir and ritonavir. The ministry said the drug cocktail should now be tested further in the laboratory.

[Thailand: 8 corona cases healed, 11 not healed yet]

To date, 19 infections with the new kind of coronavirus have been detected in Thailand, which is the second highest number of cases outside of China after Japan. Eight of the patients are now cured and eleven are still being treated in hospitals.

2:20 p.m .: Second transmission route discovered

There is not only droplet infection, but the virus can also spread through the digestive system (link (Chinese)). Chinese and American researchers have also found the virus in stool samples and rectal swabs after discovering that some patients have diarrhea instead of the usual fever.>


Side effects of oseltamavir (tamiflu): vomiting during the first 2 days
Link (pdf - German): https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/product-information/tamiflu-epar-product-information_de.pdf


Side effects with Oseltamivir (Tamiflu)

"Side effects of oseltamivir (Tamiflu): \ "With adults, the most commonly reported side effects during treatments studies were nausea and vomiting, and in the studies for prophylaxis studies vomiting was the most reported side effect. The majority of these side effects was reported once, either on the first or second day of treatment, and resolved spontaneously within 1 to 2 days."

"The most commonly reported adverse reaction in children was vomiting. The majority accepted the side effect and was continuing the treatment with Tamiflu."

"Since the introduction on the market of Oseltamivir the following heavy side effects were reported: anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions , liver disease (fulminant hepatitis, liver dysfunction and jaundice), angioneurotic edema, Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis, gastrointestinal bleeding and neuropsychiatric disorders. (For neuropsychiatric disorders, see section 4.4)."
Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis, gastrointestinal bleeding and neuropsychiatric disorders. For neuropsychiatric disorders: see section 4.4). \

Side effects of lopinavir and ritonavir (AIDS pills): diarrhea, abdominaldiscomfort, lipid increases, nausea

"Diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, lipid increases, nausea"

not so pleasant, but the patient in Thailand was supposedly cured of the coronavirus after only 2 days ...

Tesis: The Mossad has exposed the corona virus - to harm China
In my opinion, the Mossad has deliberately exposed the corona virus in China to harm China and to sell medicines. Other news say that the coronavirus can also be eliminated with vitamins, let's see.
Michael Palomino, February 2, 2020


Wochenblitz online

Feb.24, 2020: Thailand can cure the corona virus - of 35, 21 patients have already left the hospital:
60 percent of coronavirus patients in Thailand have already fully recovered
(original German: 60 Prozent der Coronavirus-Patienten in Thailand haben sich bereits vollständig erholt)


<Bangkok - While other countries are dealing with new outbreaks of the corona virus, 60 percent of the virus-infected people in Thailand have already fully recovered.

According to official information from the Ministry of Health on Sunday (February 23), a total of 35 cases of the coronavirus have been confirmed in Thailand.

Of the 35 confirmed cases, 21 patients have fully recovered and have been discharged from the hospitals. 14 patients are still being treated.

In the meantime, of 1,355 cases that were classified as "monitored patients" (PUI), 1,071 people were tested negative for the virus and released, while 284 are still under observation.

“Monitored patients” are people who have been diagnosed with excessive temperatures or who have contacted a healthcare facility in Thailand to report flu-like symptoms. They are not people with confirmed coronavirus diseases. They are monitored as a precaution.

The large number of PUIs is due to the fact that Thailand has reinforced its screening process in places such as airports.

There were no coronavirus deaths in Thailand.>


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Bio-Rohkost-Produkte und mehr - kommt mit der Post!Regenbogenkreis:
                    Regenwaldtee zur Entgiftung mit nachhaltiger Ernte
Heilung durch Nahrung - Heilkräuter, Extrakte, Pulver - alles Bio-Vollkorn, kein weisser Gift-Zucker
Rohköstlichkeiten von Regenbogenkreis, z.B.
Rohköstlichkeiten (Kekse, Schokolade, Brote, Oliven, Miso etc.)
Regenwaldprodukte (Kräftigung, Heilung und Prävention)
Algen (Ausleitung, Vitamine, Mineralien, Eiweisse, Nährstoffe)
Energetisierung von Wasser (Blumenmuster, Filteranlagen)
Bücher und DVDs (veganes Kochen, Heilen, Geistiges, günstig!) etc.
Regenbogenkreis - Lübeck - Versand: Ganz Europa

[1] https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
[2] Transport von Coronavirus-Kranken in einem Bus, der Fahrer hat nicht mal eine Schutzmaske an:



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