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Note: Ebola 02: XENOX UV disinfection robot

Xenex ultraviolet light disinfection robot with
              demonstration light 01
Xenex ultraviolet light disinfection robot with demonstration light 01

presented by Michael Palomino (2014)

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-- Oliver Franneck: Colloidal Silver: Kolloidales Silber. Das Kompendium der Alternativen Silberheilkunde; edition Kopp
-- Andreas von Rétyi: Black on White: Documents the governments rather don't want that you read it (Schwarz auf weiss. Dokumente und Informationen, die Regierungen gerne vor Ihnen verboren hätten); edition Kopp
-- Video about XENOX UV disinfector robot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGiQ71j2I4k
Video: Xenex on Opening Bell, Fox Business (5min.25sek.) - the CEO of Xenex company presenting the UV robot in Fox Business


Ebola infections in hospitals and other rooms can be inhibited by UV light disinfection:

Epoch Times online, Logo

11.10.2014: Disinfection against Ebola can be performed within 2 minutes - 5 to 10 minutes for one hospital room - Xenex UV robot

Ebola germs can be
                    eliminated by Xenex ultraviolet robot - with a
                    certain frequency of UV light within 2 minutes
Ebola germs can be eliminated by Xenex ultraviolet robot - with a certain frequency of UV light within 2 minutes [1]

from: Epochtimes online; UV-Licht Gerät tötet Ebola-Virus in zwei Minuten! Warum hat nicht jedes Krankenhaus einen Xenex Germ-Zapping Roboter? - 11.10.2014;

<von Mike Adams, NaturalNews,

Während Impfstoffhersteller und Pharmaunternehmen sich beeilen ein Medikament auf den Markt zu bringen mit dem die Ebola-Pandemie eingedämmt werden kann, gibt es bereits eine Technologie, die es schafft den Ebola-Virus in nur zwei Minuten zu beseitigen. Diese Technik kann in Krankenhäusern, Quarantänestationen, Handelsbüros und sogar öffentlichen Schulen angewandt werden. 

Xenex Germ-Zapping Roboter heißt diese erstaunliche Technologie. Das Gerät wurde von einem Ärtzeteam in San Antonio, Texas entwickelt. (Und nein, ich werde nicht dafür bezahlt das zu schreiben. Ich schreibe darüber, weil es scheint als wäre diese Technologie eine lebensrettende Erfindung.) 

[UV-Licht zerstört die Struktur der RNA von Viren - Ebola verbreitet sich v.a. an dunklen Orten - bei einer bestimmten Wellenlänge werden die Viren zerstört]

Das Gerät verwendet durch Xenon erzeugtes UV-Licht. Mit diesem Licht wird eine Wirkung erzielt, welche das Unternehmen als "das fortschrittliche Reinigen von Gesundheitseinrichtungen" bezeichnet. Ultraviolettes Licht zerstört die Struktur der RNA aus der die Viren zusammengesetzt sind. Es "tötet" das Virus.

Ebola, genau wie die meisten anderen Viren, wird sehr schnell durch UV-Licht zerstört. Das ist der Grund dafür, warum sich Ebola rascher an dunklen Orten verbreitet. Das Virus scheut das Sonnenlicht. Die Xenex Roboter zerstören das Ebola-Virus an der Oberflächen in nur zwei Minuten. [Eine Runde in einem Spitalzimmer dauert dann 5 bis 10 Minuten]. Das Gerät zerstört die Viren durch Erzeugen einer bestimmten Wellenlänge des abgegebenen UV-Lichts. Dieses Licht ist 25.000 mal stärker als natürliches Sonnenlicht. 

Ebola kann mittels Strom und UV-Licht getötet werden; giftige Chemikalien sind nicht notwendig

Ich befasse mich mit diesem Thema, weil mich das Konzept und die grüne Technologie dahinter schwer beeindrucken. Das Xenex Gerät erzeugt UV-Licht mittels Xenon - einem Edelgas - und nicht durch Quecksilber. Somit gibt es kein giftiges Quecksilber, mit dem man sich auseinandersetzen muss. Dadurch ist auch die Entsorgung des Gerätes kein Problem.

In vielen Krankenhäusern werden heutzutage giftige Chemikalien als Desinfektionsmittel eingesetzt. Diese Mittel stellen ein sekundäres Gesundheitsrisiko für die Patienten und die Krankenhausmitarbeiter dar. Aber das von den Xenex Robotern produzierte UV-Licht hinterlässt keine chemischen Rückstände. Auch bei der Herstellung des Gerätes werden keine chemischen Stoffe verwendet. Das ist wirklich "saubere Medizin." Um etwas zu desinfizieren, erzeugt das Gerät lediglich bestimmte Lichtfrequenzen.


Studien der Hersteller zeigen die außergewöhnlichen Desinfektionsergebnisse. Dies betrifft sowohl bakterielle Superkeime wie auch Virenstämme: 

- 57% Reduktion der MRSA bei Moses Cone 

- 53% Reduktion der C.diff Infektionen bei Cooley Dickenson 

- 50% Reduktion der bakteriellen Kontamination an der Cambridge Health Alliance 

- 30% Reduktion der C.diff am MD Anderson Cancer Center 

- 62% Reduktion der mikrobiellen Belastung im St. Joseph-Hospital und Medical Center 

Rund 250 Krankenhäuser verwenden diese Technologie, Tendenz steigend. 

Der Xenex UV Roboter wird bereits in über 250 Krankenhäusern verwendet. Diese Zahl dürfte sich aufgrund des aktuellen globalen Ebola-Ausbruchs schon bald drastisch erhöhen.

[Ca. 100.000 Dollar Preis für den Xenex UV Roboter - Infektionen bei Millionen Menschen verhindern und Kosten einsparen]

Der Preis eines Xenex-Gerätes liegt bei etwa 100.000 US-Dollar. Der Roboter macht sich sehr schnell bezahlt, da man mit dem Gerät Infektionen verhindern kann, die eine teure Behandlung erfordern würden. Xenex kann ein typisches Krankenhauszimmer in ca. 10 Minuten desinfizieren. Das Gerät ist mit einer Organisations-Software ausgestattet, mit der das Krankenhauspersonal verfolgen kann, welches Zimmer wann desinfiziert wurde. 

Erfahren Sie mehr unter www.Xenex.com 

Den Original Bericht finden Sie HIER.>

<by Mike Adams, NaturalNews

When vaccine producers and pharma are hurrying for presenting a medicament on the market against Ebola for limiting this epidemic there is a technology already which is achieving to eliminate Ebola virus within only two minutes. This technique can be applied in hospitals, quarantine stations, trade offices and even in public schools.

Xenex Germ Zapping Robot is called this astonishing technology. The device was developed by a team of medical doctors in San Antonio in Texas. (And: No, I am not bribed to write this. I am writing about it because is seems to be a technology for saving life for me.)

[UV light destroys the structures of RNA of viruses - Ebola is spreading above all in dark spots - with a certain length of wave the viruses are destroyed]

The device is using UV light which is produced by Xenon. With this light an effect is produced being called "progressive cleaning of health institutions" by the companies. Ultraviolet light is destroying the structures of RNA of which the viruses are composed. It's "killing" the virus.

Ebola, just like most of other viruses is destroyed fast by UV light. This is the reason why Ebola is spreading fast in dark locations. The virus is shy from sun light. Xenex robots are destroying this Ebola virus at the surface within only two minutes. [One tour in a hospital room lasts 5 to 10 minutes then]. The device destroys the viruses by producing a certain length of wave of the emitted ultraviolet light. This light is 25,000 fold as strong as the natural sun light.

Ebola can be killed by power and UV light, toxic chemicals are not necessary

I am working with this topic because the concept and the green technology with it is impressing me. Xenex devices are producing their UV light with Xenon - this is a noble gas - and not by mercury. With this there is no toxic mercury as toxic waste. And with this the recycling of the device is no problem.

In many hospitals of today toxic chemicals are used for disinfection purposes. These agents are a secondary health risk for the patients and for the hospital staff. But the UV light produced by this Xenex robot does not leave any chemical residuals. Also producing the device no chemical substances are used. This is really a "clean medicine". For disinfecting something the device is producing only light frequencies.


Studies of the producer's company show the extraordinary results with disinfections. This concerns bacterial super germs and also viruses:

-- 57% reduction with MRSA with Moses Cone

-- 53% reduction of C.diff infections with Cooley Dickenson

-- 50% reduction of bacterial contamination at Cambridge Health Alliance

-- 30% reduction of C.diff at MD Anderson Cancer Center

-- 62% reduction of microbiological charge of Saint Joseph Hospital and Medical Center

About 250 hospitals are using this technology, tendency is rising.

Xenex UV robots are used in over 250 hospitals already. The number may rise drastically because of the Ebola outbreak.

[About 100,000 dollars is the price for 1 Xenex UV robot - infections of millions can be evaded and the costs]

The price for a Xenex device is at about 100,000 "U.S." dollars. The robot is amortized fast because the device is inhibiting infections and treatments which costs much. Xenex can disinfect a typical room of a hospital in about 10 minutes. The device is equipped with an organization software with which the hospital staff can see which room was disinfected when.

See more under www.Xenex.com

The original of the report is here.>

And now see here:


Oct 10, 2014: Xenex.com: Xenex UV robot can heal any infection with UV light destroying the virus - also Ebola is curable fast

from: xenex.com: Ebola On US Soil: What Hospitals Need To Know; 10.10.2014;

<At Xenex, our mission has always been to eliminate the pathogens that cause the infections that impact the health and lives of millions of patients and their families, and Ebola is no different. Recently, our CEO, Morris Miller, appeared on the Fox Business channel to discuss UV disinfection as an effective tool for checking the spread of Ebola on American soil and in African hospitals.>

And now see the video with the presentation:

Video: Xenex on Opening Bell, Fox Business (5min.25sek.) -
Der CEO von Xenex, Morris Miller, stellt den UV-Desinfektionsroboter vor

Video: Xenex on Opening Bell, Fox Business (5min.25sek.) - der CEO von Xenex, Morris Miller, stellt den UV-Desinfektionsroboter vor

The robot is driving around in the empty hospital rooms disinfecting the room with ultraviolet radiation step by step. The robot has got a design like a violet mushroom.

The interview with Xenex CIO Morris Miller and presentation

Reporter: <Here it comes. You have been worried about Ebola somehow coming to the United States? (13sec.) - There is already this (15sec.), ready to face it a germ killing robot right here in the halls of Fox Business (20sec.). I am speaking with the company's CEO that just how that thing could help slow down or eliminate Ebola (27sec.) at the first sign of it. Stay tuned (30sec.).

Fox Business TV
                            with opening bell logo  Xenex UV light disinfection robot 01
Fox Business TV with opening bell logo - Xenex UV light disinfection robot 01
Xenex UV light disinfection robot
Xenex UV light disinfection robot 02
Xenex UV light disinfection robot
Xenex UV light disinfection robot 03
Xenex UV light disinfection robot 04
                            with CEO and UV light
Xenex UV light disinfection robot 04 with CEO and UV light

Reporter to another reporter:
<Ashley, I want you to watch the next excitement because it is fascinating (36sec.). And I know that everybody is so worried about Ebola's somehow jumping on an airplane and coming here to the "United States" (42sec.).

Reporter looks into the camera:
<We are just weeks after two "American" doctors infected with the Ebola virus very carefully returned home (48sec.). And now they seem to be doing much better (50sec.). New reports say that a third "American" doctor has now been infected with the virus (56sec.). But our next guest may have the solution to preventing the spread of this deadly virus (1min.2sec.). And it's got a name: Morris (1min.4sec.). Joining us Morris Miller it's the next disinfection services CEO but here it is his germ killing robot. Morris, this looks very danger Will Robinson [?] I must say (1min.15sec.).

The reporter
The reporter
CEO Maurice Miller of XENEX company,
CEO Maurice Miller of XENEX company, portrait
CEO Maurice Miller of XENEX company,
                            with reporter and UV light robot
CEO Maurice Miller of XENEX company, with reporter and UV light robot
Xenex UV light disinfector robot 06,
                            the button
Xenex UV light disinfector robot 06, the button
Xenex UV light disinfector robot 07,
                            the button 02
Xenex UV light disinfector robot 07, the button 02

CEO Morris Miller: <This is safe in your presence. It has sensors, that with a shut it off if a human is moving in the room.> (1min.21sec.)

Reporter: <This is fascinating. Tell us exactly what this is what it does to fight Ebola.> (1min.26sec.)

Light 25,000 times stronger than sun light

CEO Morris Miller: <So this is a germ zapping robot. Inside is a xenon lamp. When you post the lamp with power it puts out the most powerful UVC light in the world. It's 25,000 times brighter than sun light (1min.38sec.). It will disable bacteria, viruses and spores in five minutes.> (1min.42sec.)

CEO Maurice Miller
                            from Xenex describes the virus killer robot
CEO Maurice Miller from Xenex describes the virus killer robot

CEO Maurice Miller from Xenex
                            describes the virus killer robot CEO Maurice
                            Miller from Xenex describes the virus killer
                            robot 02
CEO Maurice Miller from Xenex describes the virus killer robot CEO Maurice Miller from Xenex describes the virus killer robot 02

Reporter: <25,000 times brighter than sun light?> (1min.44sec.)

CEO Morris Miller: <That's correct.> (1min.46sec.)

Reporter: <There was a sun light invest [to] disinfect them?"> (1min.47sec.)

CEO Morris Miller: <It's great.> (1min.49sec.)

Reporter: <O.k.> (1min.49sec.)

CEO Morris Miller: <This is better.> (1min.50sec.)

Xenex UV light
                            disinfection robot 08 in the operation room
Xenex UV light disinfection robot 08 in the operation room 01
Xenex UV light disinfection robot 09
                            in the operation room 01, zoom
 Xenex UV light disinfection robot 09 in the operation room 01, zoom
Xenex UV light disinfection robot 10
                            in the operation room 02, working
 Xenex UV light disinfection robot 10 in the operation room 02, working
Xenex UV light disinfection robot 11
                            in the operation room 02, working, zoom
 Xenex UV light disinfection robot 11 in the operation room 02, working, zoom

Reporter: <That is it in a hospital. The hospitals are trying these things A at what cost?> (1min.54sec.)

Amortization in 4 1/2 months

CEO Morris Miller: <It's a 104,000 dollars for the robot but for the patient's perspective it boils down to about a dollar per patient day (2min.2sec.). And from a return on investment perspective from the hospital the hospital gets paid back in about four and a half months.> (2min.7sec.)

Reporter and text:
                            Xenex UV robot eliminates Ebola virus within
                            10 minutes [for 1 medium hospital room]
Reporter and text: Xenex UV robot eliminates Ebola virus within 10 minutes [for 1 medium hospital room]

The UV light robot eliminates all kind of germs saving 1,000s of lives

Reporter: <Four and a half months, so they get paid back by making sure that this is assuming that it kills many more diseases like merces [?] and things like that?> (2min.14sec.)

CEO Morris Miller: <All of this staff infections - so when you look at it: Ebola it has killed 1,900 people to date, that's how many people 2,100 people will die in this week (2min.24sec.) in "US" hospitals from mercers [?], C Diff [?] and the other staff infections that exist there (2min.29sec.), and this robot can stop it.> (2min.30sec.)

CEO Maurice Miller
                            indicates that the Xenex UV robot eliminates
                            75,000 infections
CEO Maurice Miller indicates that the Xenex UV robot eliminates 75,000 infections

Reporter: <So people get all hyper about it Ebola. But the fact is that there are other things that are just so scary. O.k. (2min.35sec.) - Press the button. Everybody watch this! (2min.37sec.) - And here is how it works. You press this button and up it comes and there is what the ultraviolet light giving light - that then what?> (2min.44sec.)

The reporter is
                            touching the big button
The reporter is touching the big button
Xenex UV light disinfector is coming
                            out with the lamp 01
Xenex UV light disinfector is coming out with the lamp 01
Xenex UV light disinfector is coming
                            out with the lamp 02
Xenex UV light disinfector is coming out with the lamp 02

CEO Morris Miller: <This is is a demo light, so this is putting out UVC light. If it would be a UVC light we could not be in the same room (2min.49sec.) but this just gives a demonstration exactly how it works (2min.51sec.). Person sets it up, they put it in a hospital room, 5 minutes later that room is disinfected (2min.57sec.) and most importantly the period of studies - the medical journals - we will be able to show without a doubt the infection rates drop up to 80 percent.> (3min.4sec.)

Xenex UV light
                            disinfector has come out
Xenex UV light disinfector has come out

Reporter: <And your revenue show it back in 2011, you were pulling in 6 figures now. It's much more, you are doing very well. Correct. Don't you need a partner to scale up?> (3min.14sec.)

CEO Morris Miller: <We are partnered with a number of companies, were working with the big hospital systems (3min.19sec.). This is something that hopefully patients will see in every hospital right now in about 250 across the "United States" (3min.24sec.). There is a huge opportunity both here and international.> (3min.26sec.)

Xenex UV light
                            disinfector has come out Xenex UV
                            demonstration light 01
Xenex UV light disinfector has come out Xenex UV demonstration light 01
Xenex UV light disinfector has come
                            out Xenex UV demonstration light 02
Xenex UV light disinfector has come out Xenex UV demonstration light 02

Reporter: <O.k. Does it automatically move around or will that flashing light get into all the nooks and crannies of a hospital room?> (3min.34sec.)

CEO Morris Miller: <Great question. So it has about a 3 meter radius around the machine (3min.38sec.). So typically we say: Run it on the left side of the bed (3min.41sec.). And then there are things: remove controls, telephones, handsets. The telephone is...> (3min.44sec.) [Cables on the floor have to be removed].

Reporter: <Oh yea. Absolutely.> (3min.46sec.)

CEO Morris Miller: <Flip them up. Run it on the right side. The room is safe. It's protected. It's what you want.> (3min.49sec.)

Xenex UV light
                            disinfector robot at a hospital bed
Xenex UV light disinfector robot at a hospital bed
Xenex UV light disinfector robot at
                            a hospital bed, zoom
Xenex UV light disinfector robot at a hospital bed, zoom

The tie of the doctor's clothes are "a big problem"

Reporter: <You know what you should require and I noticed because my dad was a surgeon? Doctors? Ties!> (3min.54sec.)

CEO Morris Miller: <That is a big problem.> (3min.56sec.)

Reporter: <The doctor's ties. They fall on patients. Why is that going away? I love that guy (4min.1sec.). Are we going to keep it? O.k. I wanna keep it (4min.4sec.). 

Names for the purple UV mushroom - housekeepers become heroes

Reporter: <The purple mushroom thing going is pretty interesting (4min.7sec.). Hospitals can name these once they get them, right?> (4min.10sec.)

CEO Morris Miller: <That's correct. They have all sorts of names there. They have "Rosy", if you remember the doctor Seuss book: Thing one and thing two (4min.14sec.). It really becomes a member of the staff. The the the the house keepers become heroes for the first time (4min.20sec.). They are stopping these infections.> (4min.23sec.)

Reporter: <Just stopping it right away?> (4min.24sec.)

CEO Morris Miller: <Stopping in the traff [?].> (4min.26sec.)

135,000 dollars - "U.S." charity - "we hope" - [and rich corrupt African governments are not doing anything (!!!) - and XENEX is not going down with the price for Africa (!!!)]

Reporter: <I look at this and I think: This is amazing for developed nations (4min.28sec.). But 135 grand? [135,000 dollars?]. Can African nations who are at the hotbed of Ebola afford something like this?> (4min.36sek.)

CEO Morris Miller: <So we are working with charities like organized for Sierra Leone out over California (4min.40sec.). So there is a lot of charities that are taking in charitable dollars to help purchase these robots to provide to get a discount (4min.45sec.). They hope to get them over there. And more importantly to train the staff over there (4min.49sec.). How can they use it to stop the infections in their hospital? (4min.52sec.) - And our focus is again ongoing. The "U.S." hospitals where we want to protect the "U.S." citizens and then international.> (4min.57sec.)

The "best name": "germinator" - company XENEX

Reporter: <The best name I've heard so far is "Germinator".> (4min.59sek.)

CEO Morris Miller: <That's correct.> (5min.0sec.)

Reporter: <The "Germinator". The hospitals named it that. Xenex is the company, X-E-N-E-X (5min.6sec.). And Mr. Morris Miller is the man who is in charge. And I am sure you have a lot of brilliant workers behind you, some engineers - good job for them.> (5min.13sec.)

CEO Morris Miller: <Well, thank you very much.> (5min.14sec.)

The "purple mushroom toy"

Reporter: <Any time. O.k. I kind a like this think. It's a pretty purple mushroom toy. So keep it here for the moment.> (5min.15sec.)

Reporter and CEO
                            Morris Miller with Xenex UV light
                            disinfection robot, final position
Reporter and CEO Morris Miller with Xenex UV light disinfection robot, final position

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[1] Ebola heilbar mit Xenex-UV-Roboter mit einer bestimmten Frequenz des UV-Lichts in 2 Minuten:
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