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Copper 05: Copper water production 02: simple methods

Simple methods: store water in copper containers overnight

Kupfertöpfe   Copper bottles for copper water production   Copper cups
Copper pots [1] - Copper bottles for copper water production [2] - Copper cups [3]

  byMichael Palomino (2020)

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Make copper water yourself

It doesn't need a lot of copper every day, a maximum of 900 mg daily [for an average adult person] [web02].

original German:

<Die Amerikanische Umweltschutzbehörde empfiehlt 1,3 mg pro Liter Trinkwasser.

Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation sogar bis zu 2 mg pro Liter.

Gesunde Menschen können ohne negative Auswirkungen auf die Leber bis zu 5 mg Kupfer pro Tag zu sich nehmen.> [web02]

<The American Environmental Protection Agency recommends 1.3 mg per liter of drinking water.

The World Health Organization even up to 2 mg per liter.

Healthy people can consume up to 5 mg copper per day without negative effects on the liver.> [Web02]

Have the water in a copper vessel overnight
in the copper pot [web01, web09] for at least 4 hours, or overnight [web09]

Copper pots      Copper cups
Copper pots [1] - Copper cups [3]

Water in copper pots (copper water)

-- Copper pots effect the sterilization of water, so that negative bacteria, viruses and fungi are eliminated in the copper water [web46]:

    Quote: "copper has a sterilizing effect and effectively kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi." [web46]

-- The environmental protection agency of the "USA" (US Environmental Protection Agency) recently registered [in 2016 approx.] the metal copper as the only solid material that eliminates harmful bacteria [web46]:

    "Recently, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency registered copper as the only solid surface material to kill health-threatening bacteria." [web46]

-- Copper eliminates MRSA microbes (staphylococci) in 90 minutes, stainless steel takes 3 days [web46]:
Quote: "Research conducted by Southampton University in the U.K. showed that MRSA microbes remain alive on stainless steel surfaces for up to three days, whereas the same microbes on a copper surface are eliminated within 90 minutes." [web46]

The copper bottle

                                        bottles for copper water
Copper bottles for copper water production [2]

-- when you deposit still water in a copper bottle overnight
   -- this water has measurably fewer bacteria [web26]
   -- this water has a higher pH value [web26]
   -- this water has a particularly fresh and pure taste [web26]

-- Copper has an antibacterial effect with a self-cleaning ("oligodynamic") effect like silver [web01]

-- Contaminated water, which is kept in copper cups for 16 hours, drastically reduces the microbe content [web19]

-- Drink water from copper vessels:

"A study from 2016 showed that copper vessels specifically reduce the number of E. coli and P. aerugeinose microbes in the water. A liter of water with a concentration of 1 mg copper resulted in a 99.9 % Inactivation of both microbes detected. " [web07]

(original German: "Eine Studie aus dem Jahr 2016 zeigte, dass Kupfergefäße speziell die Anzahl von E.Coli und P. aerugeinose Mikroben im Wasser reduzieren. Bei einem Liter Wasser mit einer Konzentration von 1 mg Kupfer wurde eine 99,9% Inaktivierung beider Mikroben festgestellt." [web07])

-- Copper pipes [and copper roofs] kill microorganisms [web01], also copper suplies to ponds [web09]

"The British researcher Bill Keevil (University of Southampton) has shown that copper kills the norovirus, which is known to cause particularly nasty gastrointestinal diseases. Even the notorious hospital pathogen Staphylococcus aureus only survives an hour and a half on copper [2] but not a bad idea, for example, to make door knobs and handles in clinics and old people's homes, handrails and handles in buses, subway and suburban trains or in the ICE from copper, to copper them or at least to use the good old brass. " [web08]

(orig. German: "Der britische Forscher Bill Keevil (University of Southampton) hat nachgewiesen, dass Kupfer den Norovirus abtötet, der bekanntlich besonders üble Magen-Darm-Erkrankungen auslöst. Selbst der berüchtigte Krankenhauserreger Staphylococcus aureus überlebt auf Kupfer nur eineinhalb Stunden [2]. Da wäre es doch z. B. keine schlechte Idee, Türknäufe und -klinken in Kliniken und Altenheimen, Haltestangen und Griffe in Bussen, U- und S-Bahnen oder im ICE aus Kupfer herzustellen, sie zu verkupfern oder wenigstens das gute alte Messing zu nehmen." [web08])
Put copper coins in the water

When putting copper coins in water for water purification, one must know the following:
Attention: "The current coins are only copper-plated. The real copper coin was the 2 pfennig piece before 1968." [web03]

[That means: You don't know what kind of core the wrong copper coins since 1968 have, and other metals can then also be dissolved in the water that have the opposite effect, as for example chromium].

Copper coins in the flower water

Copper coins in the flower water keep flowers fresh? This is controversial

According to stories, copper coins should release copper ions in the pouring water and have a germicidal effect [web04].

<It is controversial whether household remedies such as copper coins or sugar keep the water fresh longer.> [web07]
(orig. German: <Ob Hausmittel wie Kupfermünzen oder Zucker das Wasser länger frisch halten, ist umstritten.> [web07])

Copper coins in the water of the Christmas tree keep the Christmas tree fresh? This is controversial

Copper coins in the water of the Christmas tree do not help much or even have a negative effect [web05].
<A copper coin in the water does not help in most cases, sometimes even has the opposite effect. Emslander: "In the field outside the tree was only given water, the tree doesn't want any additives." The best are simply rain or tap water.> [Web05]

(original German:
<eine Kupfermünze im Wasser helfen in den meisten Fällen nicht, bewirken manchmal sogar das Gegenteil. Emslander: "In der Kultur hat er auch nur Wasser bekommen, Zusätze will der Baum gar nicht." Am besten seien ganz simpel Regen- oder Leitungswasser.> [web05])

Copper coins in the water of the Christmas tree promote the health of the Christmas tree so that no needles fall [web06].
Quote (translation): <The copper coin ensures a constant supply of minerals and also kills putrefactive bacteria. That means: never again needles in the house!> [web06]

(original German: <Die Kupfermünze sorgt für konstante Mineralienzufuhr und tötet zusätzlich Fäulnisbakterien. Das heißt: Nie wieder Nadeln im Haus!> [web06])

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-- http://skyhen.de/2017/04/23/kupfer-warum-kupfergefaesse-fuer-den-alltagsgebrauch-empfehlenswert-sind/
-- https://www.foodwachhund.com/warum-sie-ihr-wasser-aus-einem-kupfer-becher-trinken-sollten/

[web02] https://www.foodwachhund.com/warum-sie-ihr-wasser-aus-einem-kupfer-becher-trinken-sollten/
[web03] https://www.gutefrage.net/frage/kupfermuenzen-fuer-besseres-wasser
[web04] https://www.garteln.com/so-bleiben-ihre-schnittblumen-lange-frisch/
[web05] https://www.br.de/radio/bayern1/christbaum-aufbewahren-100.html
[web06] https://www.genialetricks.de/gruene-nadeln/
[web07] https://www.ndr.de/ratgeber/garten/zierpflanzen/So-bleiben-Blumen-in-der-Vase-frisch,schnittblumen140.html
[web08] https://www.hausjournal.net/kupfer-gegen-algen
[web09] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3312355/
[web10] https://www.interaquaristik.de/content/kupfervergiftung

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