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Copper index (colloidal copper, copper ions)

Healing effect of copper: copper water, copper pots, copper jewelry etc.

Kupfertöpfe   Kupferflaschen   Kupfertassen   Kupferarmband
Copper pots [1] - copper bottles [2] - copper cups [3] - copper bracelet [4]

by Michael Palomino (2020)

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Copper 01. Antibacterial+medical functions 01: with people
Kupfertöpfe - Kupferklinken - Kupferplatten - Kupferschalter - Kupferstangen - Kupfertischchen - Kupferbetten - Reduktion der Spitalinfektionen um bis zu 60%, der Übertragungen um über 90% - Kupferkrankheiten+Kupfermangel

Copper 01: Antibacterial+medical functions 02: with animals
Hunde - Fell - Aquarium und Teich etc.

Copper 02: Study 01: bacterial test: copper pot is desinfecting water

Copper 03: Healings 01 
Copper water - copper bracelets

Copper 03: Healings 02: copper food 

Copper 04: Copper in the household, swimming pool, pond etc.  
Copper water - copper cloth - disinfection in swimming pools - chlorine is replaced - in the garden + in agriculture copper is deadly for small organisms

Copper 5-1: Copper water production 01 with Ionic Pulser device  
with a ionizing device (Ionic Pulser)

Cupper 5-2: Copper water production 02: simple methods  
Store water in a copper vessel overnight

Copper 06: Clean cupper  
Lemon water - against patina: lemon slide with salt OR vinagre OR baking powder

Copper 07: Literature about copper and copper healings  

Photo sources
[1] Copper pots: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/28358672630872877/
[2] Copper bottles: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/825073594231026884/
[3] Copper cups: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/488148047115955806/
[4] Copper bracelet: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/257197828709875536/
