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Coronavirus19 5i: Sep.8, 2020: Warning from biologist Clemens Arvey

AstraZeneca vaccine: vaccine WITHOUT development time - long-term side effects like a lottery and highly dangerous - criminal telescoping - neutropenia (reduction of white blood cells of the immune system) - NO immunization - warnings from the Financial Times and from William Haseltine - RNA vaccines just as dangerous - the Media propaganda is running (Mossad newspapers)

Video: Austria 9/8/2020: Clemens Arvey warns of AstraZeneca + mRNA vaccines - side effects etc. (26'21'')
(orig. German: Österreich 8.9.2020: Clemens Arvey warnt vor AstraZeneca+mRNA-Impfstoffen - Nebenwirkungen etc. (26'21'')
https://www.bitchute.com/video/lI5vRAsj9vwR/ - Bitchute channel: NatMed-etc - uploaded at June 27, 2021

Main statements by C. Arvay:
-- Clemens Arvay is a microbiologist in the field of plant virology for additives to vaccinations, so he is very familiar with vaccinations
-- Bill Gates said: Vaccines take at least 5 years to develop with enough testing and waiting for long-term side effects
-- Bill Gates then said that the test phases for Corona19 vaccinations should be "nested" (criminal telescoping) and run simultaneously without waiting for the long-term side effects
-- the vaccine from AstraZeneca which is bred on monkey kidneys had it's first test phase with 544 healthy subjects, but in 47% there could be watched a reduction in white blood cells, which provokes a susceptibility to infection (neutropenia, reduction in neutrophil blood cells), which is normally a maximum of 1 to 9% only ("single digit range")
-- So it is absolutely incomprehensible why the health ministers of Austria (Anschober) and Germany (Spahn) have already pre-ordered millions of vaccine doses from AstraZeneca WITHOUT knowing exactly the side effects
-- there are still two mRNA vaccines in preparation, a completely new process [the criminal genetic vaccines of Pfizer/BionTech and Moderna, then also Johnson&Johnson]
-- there are already mRNA drugs against cancer where severe side effects are accepted because cancer is considered "incurable". However, Corona19 can now be cured, and that is why one should by no means accept such severe side effects!

What do you call the Corona19 policy? - OVERPROTECTION - Governments fuck off to psychiatry! (Michael Palomino, January 31, 2021)

How do you survive a vaccination? Just NEVER VACCINATE! (Michael Palomino, February 21, 2021)

presented by Michael Palomino (2021)
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Austria 9/8/2020: Biologist reveals massive dangers of corona vaccination and approval according to Bill Gates! (C. Arvay)
(orig. German: Österreich 8.9.2020: Biologe enthüllt massive Gefahren der Corona-Impfung und der Zulassung nach Bill Gates! (C. Arvay)


Video: Biologist reveals massive dangers of corona vaccination and Bill Gates approval! (C. Arvay) (26'21'')
(orig. German: Biologe enthüllt massive Gefahren der Corona-Impfung und der Zulassung nach Bill Gates! (C. Arvay) (26'21'')
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pv6tzWfDK-w - YouTube channel: RPP Institut - uploaded at about Sep.8, 2020 appr.

Video: Austria 9/8/2020: Clemens Arvey warns of AstraZeneca + mRNA vaccines - side effects etc. (26'21'')
(orig. German: Österreich 8.9.2020: Clemens Arvey warnt vor AstraZeneca+mRNA-Impfstoffen - Nebenwirkungen etc. (26'21'')
https://www.bitchute.com/video/lI5vRAsj9vwR/ - Bitchute channel: NatMed-etc - uploaded at June 27, 2021

Main statements by Clemens Arvay:
-- Clemens Arvay is a microbiologist in the field of plant virology for additives to vaccinations, so he is very familiar with vaccinations
-- Bill Gates said: Vaccines take at least 5 years to develop with enough testing and waiting for long-term side effects
-- Bill Gates then said that the test phases for Corona19 vaccinations should be "nested" (criminal telescoping) and run simultaneously without waiting for the long-term side effects
-- the vaccine from AstraZeneca which is bred on monkey kidneys had it's first test phase with 544 healthy subjects, but in 47% there could be watched a reduction in white blood cells, which provokes a susceptibility to infection (neutropenia, reduction in neutrophil blood cells), which is normally a maximum of 1 to 9% only ("single digit range")
-- So it is absolutely incomprehensible why the health ministers of Austria (Anschober) and Germany (Spahn) have already pre-ordered millions of vaccine doses from AstraZeneca WITHOUT knowing exactly the side effects
-- there are still two mRNA vaccines in preparation, a completely new process [the criminal vaccines of Pfizer/BionTech and Moderna, then also Johnson&Johnson]
-- there are already mRNA drugs against cancer where severe side effects are accepted because cancer is considered "incurable". However, Corona19 can now be cured, and that is why one should by no means accept such severe side effects!

Biologe Clemens Arvey warnt vor den
                  Langzeitnebenwirkungen der Affenimpfung von
Biologist Clemens Arvey warns of the long-term side effects of the AstraZeneca monkey vaccination [1]

The transcript (translation):

1. Introduction:
The video in honor of Dr. Bonelli and RPP Institute
This video is about the risks of the Covid19 vaccines (5''), which are in the pipeline for being approved in a fast-track process (8''), and which we are now facing (10''). Austria has already ordered in advance, as has Germany, millions of times (14''), and some of them are already being produced (17''). What risks are involved and what dangers, that's what this video is about right now, which I have made exclusively for Dr. Raphael Bonelli do (26''), and for the PPR Institute (30''), as thanks and recognition for the courage that Dr. Bonelli and his team have been on the scene since the beginning of the Corona crisis (37''). Because I know from my own experience how difficult it is to represent dissenting opinions (44''), to advocate a course that also includes criticism of the government (49''), and I know how much hostility it causes and one has to bear (54'').

2. Field of work:
Biologist Clemens Arvay
I am a biologist myself. My focus is health ecology (59''), but I have also dealt with controversial biotechnologies for years in previous books (1'6''). One of the universities at which I studied is also very much involved in the field of biotechnology (1'15''). This is the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna (Universität für Bodenkultur in Wien) (1'18''). Yes, it's not just about agriculture at this university, it's also one of the largest biotechnology centers, academic biotechnology centers in Europe (1'28''). And I studied ecology, first in Graz, and then plant science (1'33''), and applied plant science, which also has to do with biotechnology (1'38''). Few people know, but plant scientists also work in vaccine research (1'44''). For example, they are investigating the use of plant viruses - there is also a plant virology in the area of ​​vaccines (1'53 "), and [there is] also the use of plant adjuvants [ingredients] in vaccines (1'57") ), there is a medical botany etc. etc. (1'59''). And that's how I got into this area of ​​biotechnology - except for health ecology (2'6'').

I would like to add right away that vaccines are good and important drugs (2'13''), but only if they have been tested for a long time and in accordance with the standards (2'18''). Only then vaccinations are safe and can also be recommended as useful drugs (2'26''). Unfortunately, this is not the case with the vaccinations, which are likely to come to us soon because of SARS-Cov-II (2'34'').

I wrote an article for the Swiss Medical Journal (Schweizerische Ärztezeitung) (2'39'').
Article: Genetic Vaccines Against COVID-19: Hope Or Risk?
(orig. German:
Genetische Impfstoffe gegen COVID-19: Hoffnung oder Risiko?)
You can read it through if you want (2'41''), it's about the basics of genetic vaccines (2'46''). How do they work? (2'48'')

3. The criminal genetic vaccines:
The theory: how do genetic vaccines work? - manipulation of protein biosynthesis
Now in a nutshell: How do genetic vaccines work? (2'51'') Genetic vaccines no longer bring a virus into our body, neither weakened nor dead nor alive (2'58''), not even the protein of a virus (3'0''). Instead, they bring in parts of the genetic information of the virus, e.g. the coronavirus (3'6'').

And this is how genetic processes in our cells are manipulated (3'12''), not in the cell nucleus, but OUTSIDE the cell nucleus (3'15''), as part of the so-called protein biosynthesis (3'19''). This is a process in which our body continuously produces proteins every day that we need to function, that means: so that our organism can function and to stay healthy (3'33'').

Theory: Genetic virus material changes the biosynthesis of proteins: Production of a viral protein, the "viral antigen" - the immune system fights against this "viral antigen" with antibodies / T cells - RNA + DNA vaccines
And then - this genetic substance - this genetic material from the vaccine - intervenes and causes our body to produce a viral protein itself within the framework of protein biosynthesis (3'49''), and that is then the viral antigen (3'51'') to which our immune system should react (3'54'') and should form antibodies respectively the T-cell immunity (3'57'').

Yes? So you no longer bring in the virus, but the genetic information of the virus (4'2''), and the viral antigen, which is brought in normally with a normal vaccine DIRECTLY, is created now IN OUR BODY (4'10''). So we are used as copy machines for viral proteins (4'15'').

In this way mainly work all the RNA vaccines and the DNA vaccines (4'19''). As I said, you can study this article, which I wrote for the Doctor's Newspaper (Ärztezeitung), more closely (4'25'').

The THIRD variant: Viral vector vaccine
And then there is a third variant (4'28''), an extended form of genetic vaccines that works on the same principle (4'33''). However, the genetic material - the genetic information of the coronavirus there - is introduced with a "vector virus" - a carrier virus (4'42''). And those are the viral vectors (4'44'').

And this genetically manipulated virus is then inoculated into the body (4'51''), and integration mechanisms are working provoking that the viral antigen is created in our body (4'59'') - this is just an expanded form of genetic vaccines (5'4'').

In principle, all genetic vaccines intervene in these genetic processes outside of the cell nucleus (5'11''), so that something is created IN US: an antigen (5'14'').

And it's in this way one has to imagine how are these genetic vaccinations (5'19'').
[There is the warning of Dr. Tenpenny and Dr. Cahill and others: The mistake of these vaccines is that one cannot stop this antibody production and the immune system becomes too strong destroying the own body at the end when a new virus comes - the Challenge Test in 6 months is deadly. The trial animals all died after 6 months].

4. The highly criminal gene vaccination from AstraZeneca WITHOUT long-term studies:
The gene vaccination favorite: The monkey vaccination of the eugenics royals from AstraZeneca from Oxford

The big favorite comes from Oxford and is such a viral vector vaccine (5'25''). But there are relatively far advanced RNA vaccines that are also considered favorites (5'31''). And there are even some DNA vaccines - [they are] particularly problematic, because under certain circumstances it could very well lead to an unintentional incision in the cell nucleus (5'42''). But that's another chapter. This may be discussed well another time (5'47'').

Fortunately, this DNA vaccine is relatively not so developed yet (5'52''). And right at the front is this Oxford vaccine, right at the front (5'56''). World Health Organization ([Pharma] WHO) lists this vaccine from Oxford - this viral vector vaccine at the top (6'4''). It is the most advanced in clinical testing (6'6''), it is the most pre-ordered internationally (6'10''), more than TWO BILLION cans have already been pre-ordered worldwide (6'14''). It is already in production (6'17''). It is all over the media. Bill Gates invested in this vaccine right from the start (6'22 "), so [he] [pushed] this company, [he] is an investor in this company (6'25").

And Mr. Karl Lauterbach, the German SPD health politician, has already congratulated the vaccine on Twitter (6'33'') and assumes that the chance is very high that we will have it soon (6'36''). The newspapers [censored by the Mossad] are full of the vaccine (6'38''). I say this so clearly because I am told again and again that I'm talking about vaccines that don't exist (6'42''). Of course there are vaccines (6'43''), they are already being tested (6'45''). If there isn't a vaccine, I can't test it (6'48'').

The approval of the criminal, genetic vaccines will be in a short time - manipulations in the Mossad media without end!
And yes, of course we can assume that these vaccines will be approved (6'53'') because they are racing towards approval (6'56''). I'll come back to that in a moment (6'57''). They are hiped [advertised]. They are produced millions of times (7'1''). They are already pre-ordered (7'3''). They will be announced to us for spring at the latest, maybe for autumn (7'7''). So no, I'm not sucking it out of my fingers (7'10'') that we can count on the vaccine from Oxford, for example (7'13''). Unless the resistance is too great, yes? (7'16'') - That is of course a different situation not toughing it finally (7'21''). But at the moment it seems not like this (7'23'').

Criminal monkey vaccine from AstraZeneca: Vaxitech company has the patent - based on a GENETICALLY MODIFIED chimpanzee virus - AstraZeneca does the marketing
There is one more point, before I go into the vaccine and the risks in more detail (7'29''), concerning the big European favorite from Oxford (7'33''), I would like to say that it is originally from the Vaxitech company (7'37''). So: This company Vaxitech has the patent on this vaccine (7'41''), which is based on a chimpanzee virus (7'44'') that has been genetically modified (7'46''). And the company Vaxitech is a spin-off company from the University of Oxford (7'52'') - was thus founded by an employee of the university - Sarah Gilbert - (7'57''). That means, it is wrong to say that it is a vaccine from the university (8'1''). But this is the vaccine of a spin-off company (8'4'').

This vaccine is produced and marketed together with AstraZeneca (8'12''). AstraZeneca is a large pharmaceutical company that is cooperating with Vaxitech here (8'20''). So if you hear about this vaccine it's either called the "Oxford Vaccine", or the "AstraZeneca" vaccine (8'27''), and then you know that it's about this vaccine I am speaking about (8'34'').

5. The manipulated approval phases: Bill Gates' ordering the criminal "telescoping":

AstraZeneca Monkey Vaccine Tests: Test Phases Are "Pushed Together"
So: The vaccine was already tested in the first and second clinical phase (8'42''), and the first and second clinical phase were pushed together (8'47''). This is something ... em ... ALL phases are pushed together, not only with this candidate, but also with all the others (8'53'').

The manipulation of Bill Gates: Approval phases are pushed together as "telescoping" - minimum until today: 5 years development time
This is something that Bill Gates proposed publicly in April [2020], and probably planned long before that (9'0'').
Article: What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine
He suggested that the admission phases be SLIPPED into one another (9'5''). This is called "telescoping" (9'7''). And he himself said at the time: The fastest vaccine that was ever approved was one that took 5 years (9'17''). So: The world record for the approval process, the safety process for the vaccine was FIVE years (9'25''). No vaccine has made it faster (9'27''). The average is 8 to 12 years (9'30''). And that should now be compressed to months (9'34''). And then Bill Gates suggested this pushing together, this telescoping, which is now happening everywhere (9'42'').
Article: How soon will a vaccine be ready?

[Bill Gates bought the pharma so they do what they want].

Criminal "telescoping": No more waiting for the long-term consequences - no more care - investigation phases are carried out in parallel instead of step by step
That means: things, steps that should actually be based one after the other step by step (9'49''), now happen in parallel to each other (9'53''). And waiting times, which are usually observed, which are also important in order to absorb long-term effects, delayed effects, are no longer observed (10'7''). That means: This is of course a shorter time of process, and one could say: Formally, every work step is done (10'14''). Yes, but not with the usual care (10'16''). [They're doing that] parallel to each other. One does not wait for the evaluation of one of them before the next [step of the test] begins (10'22'').

And so it came about that the first and second clinical phase - there is always a preclinical phase first (10'27''), first in the laboratory with cell culture and then in animal experiments (10'31'') - and then will come three clinical phases (10'34''), and the first and second clinical phases for many of these vaccines - also in Oxford - were SHIFTED TOGETHER (10'40''). So they fulfilled the tasks of both phases in the same time - done in a very short time (10'46'').

Criminal "telescoping": The evaluation of the preclinical phase with animal experiments is NOT awaited!
And there is something very interesting: When the vaccine from Oxford by Vaxitech - this viral vector vaccine (10'55'') - was administered to humans, in the first and second - that is, clinical phase pushed together (11'2''), there were still no results presented of the preclinical phase (11'5''), namely no evaluation of the primate experiments (11'10''). The vaccine was tested on rhesus monkeys (11'13''). Well, these primates [monkeys, higher mammals] showed antibodies being formed that were also detectable in the blood laboratory (11'21''), but: As a result, when these monkeys were exposed to the virus under natural conditions, they were NOT sufficiently protected by these antibodies [they did not pass the Challenge Test!] (11'34''). They were infected just like the unvaccinated (11'37''). So the vaccinated monkeys got infected EXACTLY like the non-vaccinated ones (11'42'').
Article: Doubts over Oxford vaccine as it fails to stop coronavirus in animal trials

6. No vaccination protection available!
AstraZeneca animal experiment: The gene vaccination does NOT protect against new infections!
They were only protected from severe lung damage (11'45''), but not from infection, and in the nasal secretion of the vaccinated monkeys as many viruses were found as in the nasal secretion of the non-vaccinated monkeys (11'54''). That means: They were just as CONTAGIOUS (11'57'').

That is very important to emphasize (12'0''). A vaccination must also ensure that these people are not contagious (12'5''), and a vaccination that averts only the most severe damage and otherwise still leads to an infection or cannot prevent an infection (12'16 ' '), does not have a particularly good impact profile (12'19' '). This has to be stated very clearly (12'21''). [This vaccine is TRASH - nothing else].

One of the most important contemporary geneticists - William Haseltine - has ALSO documented this and commented this (12'31'').
Article by William A. Haseltine: Did The Oxford Covid Vaccine Work in Monkeys? Not really
And he also says very clearly: The result shows that the monkeys were NOT protected by the vaccination (12'36''), that they were infected DESPITE the vaccination (12'39''). Ok? If just as many viruses are present in this nasal secretion, then it is just an infection as in the non-vaccinated (12'47'').

7. AstraZeneca monkey vaccination: Far too many side effects + neutropenia in 46% of the vaccinated:
Criminal "telescoping": clinical phase 1 with students far too early + far too many side effects
And despite of all this, there were experiments with human object already in this time (12'55''). Well. What was shown with this? (12'59'') It was shown that in the clinical test with humans - with human objects, these were over 500, about 544, they got the vaccine injected (13'11'') - and there was a noticeable cluster of vaccination side effects (13'16''), namely

-- up to 70% - this means: 70% of the test persons complained of symptoms of illness (13'23'') such as the fatigue syndrome [eternal fatigue] (13'25'') after the vaccination,

-- 60% about flu-like symptoms (13'29''). This also includes a slight fever or an excessive temperature with headache, pain in the limbs, chills and so on (13'38''), temperatures up to 38 degrees (13'40'').

-- And still 18% complained about temperatures with OVER 38 degrees that occurred (13'47''). Ok? And

-- also systemic muscle pain occurred, this means: muscle pain that can occur all over the body and not only at the location of the vaccination's injection (13'55'').

And that happened with an accumulation that was significant. The authors of this study, who are themselves economically interested in this vaccine, were also stating this (14'7'').
Article: Safety and immunogenicity of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine against SARS-CoV-2: a preliminary report of a phase 1/2, single-blind, randomized controlled trial

The comparison group with a meningococcal vaccine - the AstraZeneca vaccine is WASTE
A comparison group was made with a meningococcal vaccine (14'11''). And although the meningococcal vaccine itself has a relatively bad side effect profile (14'18'') - that is, it produces a lot of side effects compared to other vaccines (14'21'') - compared with the Covid19 vaccine, this Covid19 vaccine was still there always worse than this meningococcal vaccine (14'29'').

The P value: 0.05
The P value given by the authors for this accumulation of side effects is less than 0.05 (14'37''). This means that the probability - that these frequent side effects were a coincidence product - is less than 5% (14'46'').

The result is therefore significant (14'48''), which is not surprising even with this large accumulation of symptoms of the disease, up to 70% (14'53'').

Something else is added, and that is MUCH MORE RELEVANT (14'57''). That can no longer be trivialized (15'0''):

The sample: Neutropenia (reduction in white neutrophil blood cells): causes susceptibility to infections!
There was also a random test: every tenth person was subjected to longer blood monitoring (15'6''). This is actually a task from the first clinical phase that was simply integrated into the second [clinical phase] (15'12'') - ok? - because of the telescoping (15'13''), because of the pushing together (15'15'').

And it showed that 46% of the vaccinated developed a neutropenia (15'20 "), that is a decrease [reduction] of the white blood cells - namely certain white blood cells (15'25") - the neutrophils (15 ' 27''). The neutrophils are something like the first aid cells of our body (15'31''), very important in the defense against pathogens (15'33''). And if after the vaccination a temporary decrease [reduction] in neutrophils sets in - at 46% - which is VERY MUCH (15'43''), then you open a time window after the vaccination with a weakened immune system compared to before (15'50''). And because the accumulation of 46% was so significant, one cannot just ignore it (15'55'').

After all, we are dealing with a vaccine and not with a drug (16'0''). With a drug, you could perhaps still accept neutropenia as a side effect (16'4'') because you are sick (16'6''). The vaccine is administered to HEALTHY PEOPLE (16'9''). And THEREFORE one CANNOT ACCEPT that (16'11'').

There are OTHER vaccines, they are rare, but there are those that can cause neutropenia (16'18''), but always when they are approved, they provoke neutropenia in the ONE-DIGIT percentage range (16'22''), but certainly not at 46 % (16'25'').

AstraZeneca refuses long-term observation with neutropenia
This is NOT a triviality, and that is something that is hidden from us everywhere (16'29''). That is really a serious vaccination side effect (16'33''). This should lead to - just like the flu-like symptoms (16'37'') - that long-term monitoring is now being carried out (16'40''), that long-term observation is now being carried out - this is called "follow-up phases " (16'46''). But that is NOT DONE (16'47'').

Criminal "telescoping": Third clinical phase begins WITHOUT waiting for the result of the first + second clinical phase!
The vaccine [from AstraZeneca] is already in the third and final phase (16'50 ") - and as with the preclinical phase, there is still no final search result (evaluation) of the first and second clinical phase (16'59") ).

Because this was only a temporary, a provisional evaluation report that showed these side effects (17'6''). Nevertheless, the clinical phase continues (17'9'').

And you hear in the media, and you also hear from politicians, and also from the company [AstraZeneca] itself (17'14 "), that this vaccine might already be available in autumn (17'18").
Article: University of Oxford reports breakthrough in corona vaccine
(orig. German:
Uni Oxford meldet Durchbruch bei Corona-Impfstoff)
At the latest in spring (17'20'').
Article of Kurier (Vienna): Corona: "Oxford vaccine" could be available by the end of 2020
(orig. German:
Corona: "Oxford-Impfstoff" könnte schon Ende 2020 verfügbar sein)
Ok? Well, it just comes together too much (17'24'').
Article by The Washington Post: Oxford coronavirus vaccine safe and promising, according to early human trial results published in the Lancet
for the vaccine, which has already been pre-ordered, also from Austria and Germany (17'27'')
Article by UK Express: Oxford COVID vaccine on track for OCTOBER release ahead of flu season 'Very good results'
A deficiency, obviously insufficient effect of the antibodies (17'32'').
An increased side effect of the vaccination with symptoms of illness (17'36'').

Mr. Anschober and Mr. Spahn! With THIS vaccine you send 70% of the vaccinated after the vaccination on sick leave (17'45''). This is completely absurd! (17'47'')

Criminal neglect in the AstraZeneca monkey vaccination: Neutropenia and long-term effects are not clarified!
And: On top of that, this neutropenia, which is not being adequately investigated now, because - of course one can always say that was a temporary neutropenia (17'57'') - but it is very important to note that long-term observations are necessary here (18 ' 2''). That's why NO vaccine under 5 years has made it into the approval phase (18'7''), because you have to observe time-delayed side effects (18'10''). If a vaccine already shows a significant accumulation of side effects (18'15''),

-- then you have to consider that it might cause long-term consequences (18'18'');
-- then you have to consider that it might cause delayed side effects and vaccination damage (18'24'');
-- then you have to consider that it can have a negative effect on certain previous illnesses (18'28'');
-- that it may cancel the effect of other vaccines (18'31'');
-- that it can have interactions and cross-effects with other medicinal substances (18'35'');
-- that it may be a problem in certain age groups (18'38''), ok?
-- or with certain previous illnesses (18'41'').

8. The AstraZeneca vaccine is NOT SAFE:
Conclusion: Vaccines UNDER 5 years of development can NEVER be safe!
All of this would have to be EXTENDED due to this bad side effect profile and not shortened at all (18'47''). That's why it is not possible to put a vaccine on the market under 5 years of development time and then claim it is safe (18'54'').

9. The lies of the Mossad media:
The Mossad media with lies propaganda for the Oxford vaccine - the negative benefit-risk profile
Nevertheless, it is said in the media that the vaccine "would be brilliant" in the clinical phase (19'1'').
Article in the Pharmaceutical Newspaper (German: Pharmazeutische Zeitung - PZ): Corona vaccine from Oxford is brilliant in phase I / II
(orig. German:
Corona-Impfstoff aus Oxford glänzt in Phase I/II)

[Truth is another one]: The vaccine is not brilliant at all. But it has a DISASTROUS benefit-risk profile (19'7'').

The aim of vaccine research and the approval process is to provide empirical evidence (19'13'') that the benefits clearly outweigh the risks of the vaccine (19'19''). But that is not the case here, as I said earlier, if only because of the obviously inadequate effect (19'25'').

How can it be that we don't hear about it in the media [and] that it is presented to us as a "promising vaccine"? (19'32'')

The aim of vaccine research and the approval process is to provide empirical evidence (19'13'') that the benefits clearly outweigh the risks of the vaccine (19'19''). But that is not the case here, as I already explained earlier, first because of having not much effect at all  (19'25'').

How can it be that we don't hear about it in the media [and] that it is presented to us as a "promising vaccine"? (19'32'')

10. A primary school teacher (Anschober) + a bank management assistant (Spahn) go shopping:
The shopping tour WITHOUT a finished product
Austria has ordered 6 million doses of this vaccine (19'37'').
Article of Kurier (Vienna): Coronavirus: Austria wants vaccine for eight million people
(orig. German:
Österreich will Impfstoff für acht Millionen Menschen)

Austria has not ordered any other vaccine so far, only this one (19'41''). The same with Germany (19'43'').
Article from "apotheke adhoc": Germany orders AstraZeneca vaccine (orig. German: Deutschland bestellt AstraZeneca-Impfstoff)

Germany has ordered 80 million of the Oxford vaccine (19'47''). The entire EU has already ordered around 400 million (19'51''): Italy, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, em, yes, together, and France have ordered these 400 million doses (20'1'').

As I said, internationally already more than 200 billion doses - and the vaccine is already being produced (20'7''). And if someone thinks: Well, that's probably all right, because the admission offices wouldn't allow that if there was something wrong with it (20'19''). Then I can only say: Well, even the pharmaceutical industry knows that the risk is very high this time (20'24'').

11. The Financial Times warning:
Financial Times with vaccination association "Vaccines Europe": AstraZeneca lacks the "usual safety data" - the state should be liable!
In [the] Financial Times a report - a position paper of a lobby company of the pharmaceutical industry, a lobbying association - was published (20'36 "), which is called "Vaccines Europe "(20'39"). And it was written inside that this time, due to the shortness of the approval process, it is NOT possible to collect the usual safety data (20'46''). Well, that's perfectly clear (20'49''). And that is why this association is now lobbying that the state or states should assume LIABILITY for vaccine side effects and vaccination damage (21'0'').

Ok? The newspapers and the media should please report on it in a big way (21'6 ") - [and] not claim that it's a "great vaccine", that it's a "safe vaccine" (21'10"), or that it's "brilliant" (21'11'').

Artikel: The Risks of Rushing a COVID-19 Vaccine. Telescoping testing time lines and approvals may expose all of us to unnecessary dangers

12. William Haseltine's warning:
William Haseltine: Warning of unknown long-term effects of AstraZeneca monkey vaccination
Article: The Risks of Rushing a COVID-19 Vaccine. Telescoping testing time lines and approvals may expose all of us to unnecessary dangers
William Haseltine - the geneticist who was mentioned already before - ALSO warns of this development (21'17''). He says: The telescoping of the approval process exposes us all to a considerable risk (21'26''), because even rare side effects that are overlooked will be MULTIPLIED by the application with millions and billions of people (21'37'') - which is IN PROJECT (21'38'').

The lottery game: Anschober and Spahn have ordered a highly dangerous AstraZeneca vaccine - the long-term effects are a lottery game
All of this has NOTHING to do with opposition to vaccinations, but these are serious concerns that are raised here (21'45'') and about which people have to be informed (21'48''). Our Health Minister Anschober [of Austria] and the German Health Minister Jens Spahn should please tell people WHAT they bought! (21'55''):
[They bought a medical lottery game!]
a vaccine,
-- the 70% of the vaccinated people on sick leave (22'2'');
-- which causes neutropenia, i.e. a temporary weakening of the immune system (22'6'');
-- which opens a time window with an increased risk of infections (22'10'');
-- and a vaccine that has BIG QUESTION MARKS about its effectiveness in terms of antibodies and immunity (22'17'').

13. The criminal mRNA gene vaccinations have side effects similar to those of AstraZeneca

And it doesn't look much better with the other favorites - precisely because it's not possible to produce a safe and effective vaccine in the short time (22'26''). For example, there are still two RNA vaccines in the pipeline [the deadly vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna], which Austria and Germany have NOT pre-ordered (22'33''). That's why we don't need to go into it that much now (22'35'').

mRNA gene vaccination: neutropenia
But here, too, there was a significant accumulation of very similar side effects (22'43''). Ok? Which one should also have to examine in a long-term follow-up (22'47''). And here too a neutropenia has shown (22'50''). Here, too, instead of shortening, a longer observation and careful look is needed for having a safe vaccine (22'59'').

14. RNA anti-cancer drugs are not comparable:
RNA cancer drugs have a DIFFERENT consideration in benefit and risk
[Supplement: 90% of cancer cases can be cured with sodium bicarbonate in water and maple syrup: Cancer cures with 1tsp of sodium bicarbonate with 3-4 normal spoons of maple sirup, mix it, take it sober and 2 hours after the last meal before sleeping, pH8 in the body is rising to pH8 within 12 days, cancer cells transform into normal cells, tumors collapse - the cure rate is 90%. There remain 10% of cancer cases where baking soda with maple syrup does not work and a cancer problem exists - note: sodium bicarbonate - note: cancer healings].

Arvey describes the consideration for RNA cancer drugs:

In addition, there has NEVER been an approved RNA vaccine against an infectious disease (23'4''). So far there have only been RNA drugs, for example against cancer (23'9''). So in oncology there are RNA drugs already in use (23'12''). But in oncology the balance between benefit and risk - between side effects and effects is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT (23'20''), because we are dealing with a potentially fatal disease (23'23''), so also heavy side effects are accepted when a healing chance exists (23'29'').

But this should not be applied for a vaccine fore healthy people - to millions and billions of healthy people (23'34''). So this popular lobbying argument that the RNA vaccines, which are also genetic vaccines, cannot be that bad because - or that they have already been tested enough (23'44''), because RNA drugs are used in cancer medicine (23'49''), this is simply wrong (23'50''). Ok? That cannot be transferred to vaccine research (23'53'').

There is still so much to say on this subject, you see, I hardly find an end (23'58''). I will certainly continue to speak up and would be happy to work with the PPR Institute (24'5''). Because we now really need a public that educates seriously and cleanly (24'10''), that means, public relations that education of the people (24'13''). We can no longer watch how distorted data is acted on here (24'19''), with distorted representations, the misappropriation of evidence that does not correspond to the government's narrative (24'28''), how the media continues to do things presenting data in a one-sided way and in a tendentious way - see the vaccine (24'34''). There are hardly any reports about these side effects, hardly any of this failure of the antibodies (24'40''). There is only reported again and again a good vaccine - a safe vaccine (24'44'').

15.Oxford makes propaganda with triplets for a monkey injection:
The propaganda story for the deadly AstraZeneca monkey injection: from Oxford with Sarah Gilbert with her triplets

And in the newspaper The Standard, this is an Austrian daily newspaper, even a "nice story" was presented (24'51''):
Standard article: Sarah Gilbert: The "speed queen" of corona vaccine development (orig. German: Die "Speed-Queen" der Corona-Impfstoffentwicklung)

Sarah Gilbert, the company founder of this vaccine from Vaxitech in Oxford, is said to have even included her triplets in this vaccine study (25'2'') - but these triplets are grown up already and are studying biochemistry themselves - maybe they are even in the vaccine business themselves (25'8''). It is completely NOT IMPORTANT whether they have got vaccinated or not (25'13'').

This nice PR story, which obviously comes from a press release by the company (25'19''), it was spread all over the world - and again NO WORD could be heard about the side effects (25'25''), but there was only reported that the vaccine should be harmless (25'28'').

16. Appeal from Clemens Arvey: add the withheld data!

And since, as I said, it is simply very important that you take an opposing position, that you just add what you DON'T HEAR in the media that, actually I have to say, is suppressed from us (25'40 '' ). And that's why I ask you too

-- First of all, thank you for watching the long video to the end (25'46''), and
-- secondly, I also ask you to share this video (25'50'').

17. Book by Clemens Arvey about health-ecological perspective + ecological epidemiology: "We can do better" (orig. German: "Wir können es besser")

If you would like to find out more about the vaccinations and also about this health-ecological perspective on Covid-19 and this ecological epidemiology, which also exists (26'2''), then you can find out more in my book "We can do better " ("Wir können es besser") (26'9''). Thank you for the attention (26'12'').

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1. Introduction: The video in honor of Dr. Bonelli and RPP Institute -- 2. Field of work: Biologist Clemens Arvay -- 3. The criminal genetic vaccines: The theory: how do genetic vaccines work? - manipulation of protein biosynthesis -- Theory: Genetic virus material changes the biosynthesis of proteins: Production of a viral protein, the "viral antigen" - the immune system fights against this "viral antigen" with antibodies / T cells - RNA + DNA vaccines -- The THIRD variant: Viral vector vaccine -- 4. The highly criminal gene vaccination from AstraZeneca WITHOUT long-term studies: The gene vaccination favorite: The monkey vaccination of the eugenics royals from AstraZeneca from Oxford -- The approval of the criminal, genetic vaccines will be in a short time - manipulations in the Mossad media without end! -- Criminal monkey vaccine from AstraZeneca: Vaxitech company has the patent - based on a GENETICALLY MODIFIED chimpanzee virus - AstraZeneca does the marketing -- 5. The manipulated approval phases: Bill Gates' ordering the criminal "telescoping":  AstraZeneca Monkey Vaccine Tests: Test Phases Are "Pushed Together" -- The manipulation of Bill Gates: Approval phases are pushed together as "telescoping" - minimum until today: 5 years development time -- Criminal "telescoping": No more waiting for the long-term consequences - no more care - investigation phases are carried out in parallel instead of step by step -- Criminal "telescoping": The evaluation of the preclinical phase with animal experiments is NOT awaited! -- 6. No vaccination protection available! AstraZeneca animal experiment: The gene vaccination does NOT protect against new infections! -- 7. AstraZeneca monkey vaccination: Far too many side effects + neutropenia in 46% of the vaccinated: Criminal "telescoping": clinical phase 1 with students far too early + far too many side effects -- The comparison group with a meningococcal vaccine - the AstraZeneca vaccine is WASTE -- The P value: 0.05 -- The sample: Neutropenia (reduction in white neutrophil blood cells): causes susceptibility to infections! -- AstraZeneca refuses long-term observation with neutropenia -- Criminal "telescoping": Third clinical phase begins WITHOUT waiting for the result of the first + second clinical phase! -- Criminal neglect in the AstraZeneca monkey vaccination: Neutropenia and long-term effects are not clarified! -- 8. The AstraZeneca vaccine is NOT SAFE: Conclusion: Vaccines UNDER 5 years of development can NEVER be safe! -- 9. The lies of the Mossad media: The Mossad media with lies propaganda for the Oxford vaccine - the negative benefit-risk profile -- 10. A primary school teacher (Anschober) + a bank management assistant (Spahn) go shopping: The shopping tour WITHOUT a finished product -- 11. The Financial Times warning: Financial Times with vaccination association "Vaccines Europe": AstraZeneca lacks the "usual safety data" - the state should be liable! -- 12. William Haseltine's warning: William Haseltine: Warning of unknown long-term effects of AstraZeneca monkey vaccination -- The lottery game: Anschober and Spahn have ordered a highly dangerous AstraZeneca vaccine - the long-term effects are a lottery game -- 13. The criminal mRNA gene vaccinations have side effects similar to those of AstraZeneca -- mRNA gene vaccination: neutropenia -- 14. RNA anti-cancer drugs are not comparable: RNA cancer drugs have a DIFFERENT consideration in benefit and risk -- 15.Oxford makes propaganda with triplets for a monkey injection: The propaganda story for the deadly AstraZeneca monkey injection: from Oxford with Sarah Gilbert with her triplets -- 16. Appeal from Clemens Arvey: add the withheld data! -- 17. Book by Clemens Arvey about health-ecological perspective + ecological epidemiology: "We can do better" (orig. German: "Wir können es besser") --

People clock: There is NO higher mortality rate:
Germany: https://countrymeters.info/de/Germany
Austria: https://countrymeters.info/de/Austria
Switzerland: https://countrymeters.info/de/Switzerland


Photo sources
[1] Biologe Clemens Arvey warnt vor den Langzeitnebenwirkungen der Affenimpfung von AstraZeneca: Video: Österreich 8.9.2020: Clemens Arvey warnt vor AstraZeneca+mRNA-Impfstoffen - Nebenwirkungen etc. (26'21''): https://www.bitchute.com/video/lI5vRAsj9vwR/ - Bitchute-Kanal: NatMed-etc - hochgeladen am 27.6.2021

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