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Learn English with video: Robin Hood

Castle in Nottingham  Robin Hood
Castle in Nottingham - Robin Hood

Map with England, Nottingham and Sherwood Forest
Map with England, Nottingham and Sherwood Forest

presented by Michael Palomino (2017)

from Audio Picture Book



Video: Learning English Through Stories 26: Robin Hood - Learn English online free (29min.52sec.)
Video: Learning English Through Stories 26: Robin Hood - Learn English online free (29min.52sec.)

The Castle in Nottingham where a
            crazy king lived and outlawed a lot of people  Sherwood Forest
            was the home of Robin Hood and many other outlawed people
The Castle in Nottingham where a crazy king lived and outlawed a lot of people - Sherwood Forest was the home of Robin Hood and many other outlawed people

Robin Hood was an "outlaw" and organized
              money for the poor taking a tax toll for Sherwood Forest  Marian was the girlfriend
              of Robin Hood
Robin Hood was an "outlaw" and organized money for the poor taking a tax toll for Sherwood Forest - Marian was the girlfriend of Robin Hood

The Sheriff of Nottingham came to Sherwood Forest,
              was captured and had to go home without clothes naked  Robin Hood was
              an excellent archer  King Richard
              Lionheart visits Robin Hood's group
The Sheriff of Nottingham came to Sherwood Forest, was captured and had to go home without clothes naked - Robin Hood was an excellent archer - King Richard Lionheart visits Robin Hood's group


