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Water preparation 01 - with UV radiation - "solar water"

The bottle is filled to 3/4 with tap water - shake it for 1 minute - put it 6 to 8 hours to the sun, or with cloudy sky, put it outside 24 to 48 hours

The solar water
                          disinfection (SODIS) with tap water in
                          developing countries: The bottle is filled to
                          3/4, then shaken for 1 min, then placed in the
                          sun for 6 to 8 hours - or with cloudy weather
                          24 to 48 hours outdoors - solar UV radiation
                          is neutralizing bacteria and other pathogens -
                          and the water gets drinking water quality    Eawag research center at Duebendorf
                    near Zurich
The solar water disinfection (SODIS) with tap water in developing countries: The bottle is filled to 3/4, then shaken for 1 min, then placed in the sun for 6 to 8 hours - or with cloudy weather 24 to 48 hours outdoors - solar UV radiation is neutralizing bacteria and other pathogens - and the water gets drinking water quality [1] - EAWAG water research center at Dübendorf near Zurich [3]
presented by Michael Palomino (2018/2019)

In this case: Who was inventing it? The Swiss!

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The bottle is filled to 3/4 with tap water - shake it for 1 minute - put it 6 to 8 hours to the sun, or with cloudy sky, put it outside 24 to 48 hours --
1) March 17, 2014: Solar water disinfection (SODIS) in sunlight (UV light): Water is cleaned in 6 hours by the sunlight (UV light) well shaken with 1/4 oxygen in the water bottle: Sun purifies water  -- Weak points with the SODIS water purification method: Scratched PET bottles, and with muddy water: 1 pinch of salt -- Discussion about solar irradiation of plastic bottles: only a few chemicals in the water after 6 hours sunlight irradiation --
2) Discussion about the purity of the sun's water: 99.999% of the germs are gone --
3) Mossad Wikipedia: UV radiation for water preparation: details about UV radiation according to the position on the planet --
4) Switzerland with EAWAG water research institute in Dübendorf: The sun's UV radiation destroys pathogens --
5) From July 2018: The practice in Lima (near the equator): 6 to 8 hours in the sun - 24 hours with cloudy sky - drinking water quality tested in the university laboratory: it works! -- Test series are missing -- Low UV radiation with cloudy weather: 24 or 48 hours outside   -- Use PET bottles, because the UV radiation barely comes through the thick walls of the glass bottles -- Hardly microplastics in the own UV water, because it is consumed quickly - a lot of microplastics in the "water" of the industrial beverage manufacturers and in the supermarkets because it is stored in PET bottles for a long time - and citric acid beverages cause even more corrosion and microplastics   -- The supermarket with it's beverages in PET bottles is not at all "super"

The sun can purify water with ultraviolet (UV) radiation if you know how it works, not important whether the sun is shining or not. Heise online has e.g. an article about it:

Heise online, Logo

1) March 17, 2014: Solar water disinfection (SODIS) in sunlight (UV light): Water is cleaned in 6 hours by the sunlight (UV light) well shaken with 1/4 oxygen in the water bottle:
Sun purifies water
(original German: Sonne reinigt Wasser)

from: https://www.heise.de/tr/artikel/Sonne-reinigt-Wasser-2074512.html

3 water bottles
                              filled to 3/4, shaken well for 1 minute,
                              being put in the sunlight for 6 to 8 hours
                              (UV light) - this disinfects the water
                              producing drinking water
3 water bottles filled to 3/4, shaken well for 1 minute, being put in the sunlight for 6 to 8 hours (UV light) - this disinfects the water producing drinking water [1]

The data from the article:

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the SODIS water purification method:
-- Take some empty PET bottles, take the label tags away, and fill them to 3/4 with tap water or tank water, which has to be cooked normally
-- The bottles filled with water to 3/4 must be shaken well for 1 minute so that the water mixes well with the air
-- Then the water bottles should be at least 6 hours in the blazing sun
-- The ultraviolet light of the sun (UV light of the sun) is transforming the oxygen of the air in the bottles into reactive radicals that clean together with the UV radiation the water: Bacteria and pathogens are effectively killed.

Water purification with sunlight was invented in the 1990s at the Swiss* research institute EAWAG in Dübendorf near Zurich.
* Criminal Shitzerland: is the Rothschild money center of Switzerland in Continental Europe, and is criminal because of bank secrecy, because of the criminal Pharma (poison pills, poison vaccinations, poison pesticides), and the company Nestlé buys the water from the world, advertising against the breastfeeding of children, sells harmful sugar powder for children etc.

Weak points with the SODIS water purification method: Scratched PET bottles, and with muddy water: 1 pinch of salt

1. Scratched plastic bottles do not let enough light through.
2. In muddy-murky water, the UV radiation can not penetrate deep enough. In this case, sludge water is cleaned with salt: add 1 pinch of salt, the salt causes the soil particles to clump together and sink to the bottom, so that the water is more translucent. The light salty taste has to be accepted.

Facebook Logo

2) The discussion on Facebook

Publishing this solar water purification method there come some doubts about PET plastic bottles:

Discussion about solar irradiation of plastic bottles: only a few chemicals in the water after 6 hours sunlight irradiation
Toxicologists claim that when plastic bottles are left in the sun for extended periods of time, the PET bottles can release chemicals, e.g. the carcinogenic antimony oxide. EAWAG says that, according to a study, there are fewer chemicals in the water after 6 hours of sun exposure than in drinking tap water in Switzerland.

Discussion about the purity of the sun's water: 99.999% of the germs are gone

by Gerry Groiss, April 4, 2018 - https://www.facebook.com/gerrygroiss

"A UVC disinfection of the drinking or process water means a reduction of 99.999% of the pathogenic bacteria detected in the water."


Verseuchtes Wikipedia, Logo

3) Mossad Wikipedia: UV radiation for water preparation: details about UV radiation according to the position on the planet
SODIS (abbreviation for Solar Water Disinfection)

Factors about UV radiation on Earth:

The UV radiation depends 1) on the cloud level and 2) on the distance to the sun:
-- With an open sky, the UV radiation is high, with a cloudy sky UV radiation is less
-- At the equator, the UV radiation is high, at the poles UV radiation is the least
-- In the middle latitudes between the equator and the poles, the radiation is higher in summer, less in winter.

La tierra moviéndose con grados
                            de longitud y latitud así se ve claramente
                            donde la radiación UV es fuerte y donde
The moving earth with latitude and longitude, so one can see clearly where the UV radiation is strong or weak [7]

Now consider this:

The official tests were conducted in cr. Switzerland, in a country "high up in the north" of the planet with relatively LOW UV radiation.

This means the following: the results show that relatively little UV radiation is sufficient to disinfect the water.

In countries that are close to the equator, the UV radiation is much stronger and is guaranteed so strong that the water is well cleaned even during cloudy weather.

Table: UV radiation in different places on earth

Latitude Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Berlin 52° N 1 1 2 4 5 7 7 5 3 1 1 0
Mallorca 39° N 2 3 4 6 8 9 9 8 6 4 2 1
Equator 12 13 13 12 11 10 11 11 12 12 12 11
Sydney 34° S 9 9 7 5 3 2 3 4 6 7 9 10

Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/UV-Index UV-Werte

So if in the latitudes of Berlin in the sunshine, the water is clean with UV values of 4 to 7, then it will be safe in the equatorial area even without sunshine for sure.


4) Switzerland with EAWAG in Dübendorf: The sun's UV radiation destroys pathogens in collaboration with the oxigen in the bottle

Criminal Shitzerland, flag   Logo
                            of the company Eawag   EAWAG water research center
                                      at Dübendorf near Zurich   Map of Shitzerland (Switzerland)
                        with Dübendorf
Logo of EAWAG [2] - EAWAG water research center [3] - Map of Shitzerland (Switzerland) with Dübendorf [4]

Link to EAWAG water research center in Dübendorf near Zurich: https://www.eawag.ch/de/ueberuns/standorte/
Link to Dübendorf (Wikipedia-Link): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dübendorf

The indications are from the web site https://www.outdoorseiten.net/forum/archive/index.php/t-28431.html

The website describes how the EAWAG was proceeding the experiments with solar water disinfection. Quote from the website (translation):

<First the EAWAG had to prove the solar water disinfection in the laboratory. There, artificially contaminated water is treated with ultraviolet rays and exposed to a temperature of fifty degrees. These are the conditions that arise in the PET bottles under sunlight. The UV rays destroy the cells of the pathogens. The results are clear: The number of bacteria and viruses is reduced by the solar power by a thousand times. The researchers achieve very high levels of purification and can turn contaminated water with pathogens from rivers or pools into drinking water quality. [...] The sun can fix it and sterilize water.>

In other words, Mother Earth can purify water with the sun's ultraviolet rays (UV rays):

River water or tank water contaminated with pathogens is decontaminated and made drinkable by the UV radiation.

Eawag research center at Duebendorf
                    near Zurich
EAWAG water research center at Dübendorf near Zurich [3]

Link to EAWAG in Dübendorf near Zurich: https://www.eawag.ch/de/ueberuns/standorte/


5) From July 2018: The practice in Lima (near the equator): 6 to 8 hours in the sun - 24 hours with cloudy sky - drinking water quality tested in the university laboratory: it works!

Michael Palomino mit
                        Inkakreuz mit Mutter Erde und Webseiten  Michael Palomino with Inca Cross with Mother Earth and websites

Since July 2018, I drink in Lima in Peru (near the equator) only "sun water" and I have NO problems. The water from the water tank is bottled to 3/4 in big 2,5 Liter PET bottles (2 liter of water in the 2,5 liter PET bottle) and then shaken for 1 minute, and:

-- the shaken PET bottle is placed in the sun on the terrace or at the open window for 6 to 8 hours
-- with a cloudy sky or during foggy or rainy weather the shaken PET bottle is placed on the terrace or open window or in the open corridor for 24 hours
Die solare
                                  Wasserdesinfektion (SODIS) mit
                                  Leitungswasser aus
                                  Entwicklungsländern: Die Flasche wird
                                  zu 3/4 gefüllt, dann 1 Min. lang
                                  geschüttelt, dann 6 bis 8 Stunden in
                                  der Sonne gelegt - oder bei Bewölkung
                                  24 bis 48 Stunden nach draussen gelegt
                                  - die UV-Strahlung der Sonne
                                  neutralisiert Bakterien und andere
                                  Erreger - und das Wasser bekommt
The solar water disinfection (SODIS) with tap water in developing countries: The bottle is filled to 3/4, then shaken for 1 min, then placed in the sun for 6 to 8 hours - or with cloudy weather 24 to 48 hours outdoors - solar UV radiation is neutralizing bacteria and other pathogens - and the water gets drinking water quality [1]

3 bottles of tank water with 3/4
                            fill - well shaken - put for 6 hours in the
                            sun on a wooden board - gives perfect
                            drinking water   1
                              bottle of tank water with 3/4 fill - well
                              shaken - put for 6 hours in the sun on a
                              wooden hatch - this also provides perfect
                              drinking water
3 bottles of tank water with 3/4 fill - well shaken - put for 6 hours in the sun on a wooden board - gives perfect drinking water [5] - or 1 bottle of tank water with 3/4 fill - well shaken - put for 6 hours in the sun on a wooden hatch - this also provides perfect drinking water [6]

My solar water came out perfectly at the end:

Chlorine taste is neutralized, the water is fresh, above all when it's cooled a little bit on a cold tiled floor or concrete floor! - and the results of the laboratory in the University of San Marcos in Lima now showed twice (in July 2018 and May 2019) a cleanliness in terms of bacteria (Coli etc.), which corresponds to drinking water quality.

The first test in July 2018 showed a result with virtually no pathogen, but it also showed that algae are not destroyed by UV rays, but remain in the water. The cause was an uncleaned water tank with algae attachment.

The second test in May 2019 in another house achieved a brilliant result: Virtually no pathogens, no algae, nothing.

An own experiment showed: Urine contaminated water was NOT purified. The UV rays can thus eliminate bacteria, but do not eliminate large contamination. This requires more natural components.

Test series are missing

Test series with the examination of other residues and chemicals are missing. Health authorities and food safety offices have a lot of catching up to do to investigate the effect of the UV method.

Low UV radiation with cloudy weather: 24 or 48 hours outside

In places with low levels of ultraviolet radiation in high northern and southern latitudes (so, in Europe, in Canada, in Russia, in southern Chile, in southern Argentina, in southern Africa, etc.), it is likely that during cloudy weather the solar water will need rather 48 hours to purify than 24 hours for achieving a reliable cleanliness.

Use PET bottles, because the UV radiation barely comes through the thick walls of the glass bottles

One might assume that the "solar water" (water prepared with UV radiation) becomes better when it is placed in glass bottles in the sun, but that is not so, because the UV radiation penetrates the thick glass of the thick glass bottles only insufficiently and the UV water from glass bottles therefore has a "weird" pond taste.

The tests clearly showed that the "sun water" from the water tank exposed to UV radiation in PET bottles had the best water quality (the water was sampled with two water samples in the laboratory of the University of San Marcos in Lima at Puno Street (jirón Puno)).

Hardly microplastics in the own UV water, because it is consumed quickly - a lot of microplastics in the "water" of the industrial beverage manufacturers and in the supermarkets because it is stored in PET bottles for a long time - and citric acid beverages cause even more corrosion and microplastics

You do not have to worry about microplastics making your own UV solar water because this water is only a short time in the PET bottle (1 or 2 days), and can be consumed quickly or can be rebottled into glass bottles. Thus, "solar water" in PET bottles is cleaned in a very short time and there is NO time to absorb large amounts of microplastics.

The supermarket with it's beverages in PET bottles is not at all "super"

In contrast, the "mineral water" of the beverage industry in PET bottles, which can be purchased in the supermarkets or at the kiosks, is stored in the plastic bottles for months, and sometimes more than 3 months in the PET bottle - and this water will be beautifully enriched with microplastics. So the supermarket is not at all "super", nor the plastic bottled water at a kiosk, not even when the water is called "mineral water", but sometimes this "mineral water" from supermarkets or from kiosks has a taste of pesticides - and in the limos with citric acid in PET bottles, it is much worse because citric acid corrodes the PET bottle provoking even more microplastics in the beverage...

Michael Palomino, 30.5.2019 (translation August 23,2019)


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[web01] original in German:
<Zuerst musste die EAWAG die solare Wasser-Desinfektion im Labor beweisen. Dort wird künstlich verkeimtes Wasser mit Ultraviolett-Strahlen behandelt und einer Temperatur von fünfzig Grad ausgesetzt. Das sind die Bedingungen, wie sie auch in den PET-Flaschen unter der Sonne entstehen. Die UV-Strahlen zerstören die Zellen der Krankheitserreger. Die Resultate sind eindeutig: Die Zahl der Bakterien und Viren wird von der Sonnenkraft ums tausendfache reduziert. Die Forscher erreichen sehr hohe Reinigungsgrade und können mit Krankheitserregern verseuchtes Wasser aus Flüssen oder Tümpeln zu Trinkwasserqualität verwandeln. [...] Die Sonne kann es richten und Wasser entkeimen.>

Photo sources
[1] 3 bottles of solar water 6 hours in the sun in Lima: photo by Michael Palomino 2018
[2] Logo of the company Eawag: https://www.eawag.ch/de/abteilung/eng/projekte/vuna-naehrstoffrueckgewinnung-aus-urin/
[3] Eawag research center at Duebendorf near Zurich: https://www.eawag.ch/de/ueberuns/standorte/
[4] Map of Shitzerland (Switzerland) with Dübendorf: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dübendorf
[5] 3 bottles of tank water with 3/4 fill - well shaken - put for 6 hours in the sun on a wooden board - gives perfect drinking water: experiment and photo by Michael Palomino 2018
[6] 1 bottle of tank water with 3/4 fill - well shaken - put for 6 hours in the sun on a wooden hatch - this also provides perfect drinking water: experiment and photo by Michael Palomino 2018
The moving earth with latitude and longitude, so one can see clearly where the UV radiation is strong or weak:
