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Note: healing effects of apples

Gastritis - ulcers - digestion - constipation - compote against diarrhea - grated against inflammations - polifenols against deep-seated fat and for cholesterol levels - raw apple as a prevention against cancer - against inflammations+cancer - promotes the immune system+blood coagulation of wounds - promotes digestion+energy+tooth cleaning+gums - apple seed with B17 against cancer

Text by Michael Palomino
                NIE IMPFEN: Eat apples not pills - Dec 19, 2022   red apples and
                apple wedge   green apples   apple seeds
Text by Michael Palomino NIE IMPFEN: Eat apples not pills - Dec 19, 2022 [1] - red apples and apple wedge [2] - green apples [3] - apple seeds [4]


presented by Michael Palomino

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Red apples and
                apple wedge   green apples  
Red apples and apple wedge [2] - green apples [3]

                        Men del Perú online, Logo
orig. Spanish:

translation with Deepl:
4/12/2011: Manzana contra gastritis, úlceras, constipación, diarrea - enfermedades cardiovasculares, diabetes, obesidad - antiinflamatorio - metabolismo de la grasa - colesterol - manzana cruda es prevención contra cáncer

Dec 4, 2011: apple against gastritis, ulcers, constipation, diarrhea - cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity - anti-inflammatory - fat metabolism - cholesterol - raw apple is cancer prevention.
-- manzana asada contra gastritis y úlceras
-- manzana cruda regulando la digestión
-- manzana cruda es prevención contra constipación
-- compota de manzana es contra constipación o tb. diarrea
-- manzana rallaza marrón por la oxidación tiene efecto antiinflamatorio
-- polifenoles de manzana extrahidos en cápsulas o píldoras mejoran el metabolismo de grasa reduciendo la grasa visceral y mejorando el nivel de colesterol
-- manzana cruda y jugo de manzana cruda tiene efecto preventivo contra cáncer.

-- baked apple against gastritis and ulcers
-- raw apple regulates digestion
-- raw apple is prevention against constipation
-- stewed apple against constipation or also against diarrhea
-- grated raw apple with browning due to oxidation has anti-inflammatory effect
-- extracted apple polifenols in capsule or pill form improve fat metabolism, break down deep-seated fat and improve cholesterol levels
-- raw apple and raw apple juice has preventive effect against cancer.

de / from: El Men del Perú online: Manzana vence al cáncer y diabetes (Apple wins against cancer and diabetes); Dec 4, 2011;

<Una al día ayuda a estar sanos. Especialistas aconsejan cómo comerlas según enfermedad

La manzana es una de las frutas que más posibilidades ofrece en la cocina: puede utilizarse como ingrediente principal o de acompañamiento en recetas. Además de la variedad culinaria, unas preparaciones se adecuan de mejor manera a distintas enfermedades: asada, para gastritis y úlceras; en compota, para el estreñimiento o la diarrea.

La ciencia ha descubierto distintos modos para sacar provecho a todas las partes de la manzana, incluida la piel o cáscara que se desperdicia, de la que se extraen compuestos como la fibra insoluble y potentes antioxidantes.

La composición nutritiva de la manzana es poco llamativa, ya que no destaca en contenido vitamínico, ni de minerales ni de fibra, en comparación con otras frutas. Sin embargo, se le atribuyen extraordinarias propiedades, tanto en publicaciones científicas como de divulgación, asociadas a su composición en fitoquímicos.

Propiedades saludables

El valor añadido de los alimentos naturales es que las mezclas de fitoquímicos que contiene la manzana actúan de forma sinérgica, por lo que la actividad biológica es mayor que la suma de los efectos de sus componentes purificados. Así lo explica en una investigación sobre las cualidades biológicas de los fitoquímicos de plantas y alimentos el doctor Ilya Raskin, reconocido investigador y profesor en la Rutgers University de New Jersey. Varias líneas de investigación sugieren que las manzanas y sus derivados tienen una amplia gama de actividades biológicas. Estas pueden contribuir a los efectos beneficiosos contra enfermedades asociadas a una mala alimentación, como las cardiovasculares, diabetes, obesidad y cáncer.

Laxante y astringente.

La manzana cruda y con piel es rica en fibra soluble e insoluble, un nutriente que regula la función intestinal y previene el estreñimiento.

Esta fruta, pelada y cocida, proporciona pectina, un tipo de fibra soluble capaz de retener agua, lo que redunda en una mejora de la diarrea si se come en compota o asada sin piel.

También tiene cualidad astringente si se come cruda, pero ha de rallarse y oscurecerse para que actúen los taninos, sustancias que contiene la manzana con propiedades astringentes y antiinflamatorias.

Diabetes y colesterol.

La acción de varios compuestos de la manzana redunda en resultados positivos si se incluye la manzana en la dieta terapéutica de personas con diabetes. En el ámbito clínico, la administración de polifenoles extraídos de las manzanas en forma de cápsulas o comprimidos ha demostrado la capacidad de regular el metabolismo de la grasa, con mejoras en el perfil plasmático del colesterol, así como en la reducción de la grasa visceral y en un retraso en la absorción de la glucosa en el tracto digestivo.

Cáncer [manzana cruda es una prevención contra cáncer]

Una revisión de estudios epidemiológicos y clínicos realizada por el Centro alemán de investigación en cáncer se centra en analizar los potenciales efectos quimiopreventivos de las manzanas frescas, los jugos y los extractos de la fruta (polifenoles y demás componentes con alta actividad biológica). Los extractos de compuestos antioxidantes de la manzana han demostrado, en laboratorio, influencia en la prevención del cáncer por distintos mecanismos: actividad antimutagénica, modulación del metabolismo carcinógeno, acción antioxidante y antiinflamatoria, actividad antiproliferativa.>

<An apple a day helps us stay healthy. Specialists here recommend recipes against diseases

Apple is one of those fruits that offer many possibilities of preparation: as a main dish or as a side dish in recipes. Moreover, some preparations are even suitable as a remedy against diseases: Baked apple against gastritis and against ulcers; compotes against constipation or diarrhea.

Science has found various applications to obtain benefits from all parts of the apple, including the apple skin or peel, which is usually simply thrown away. Substances such as insoluble fiber or powerful antioxidants are extracted from the peel.

The nutritional value of an apple is not very worth mentioning, because that has nothing to do with its vitamin content, nor the minerals, nor the fiber comparing it with other fruits. In general, apples are always attributed extraordinary properties, in scientific publications as in ordinary newspapers, with the compositions of phytochemistry.

Properties for health

The healing effect of apples comes about mainly because of the combinatorial action of the individual phytochemical substances. The biological activity is higher than the sum of the effects of the purifying components. This explains a study on the biological qualities of phytochemical elements of plants and foods by Doctor Ilya Raskin, a recognized researcher and professor at Rutgers University of New Jersey. Different directions of investigation pretend that apples and their derived products cover a wide range of biological activities. These may have curative effects against diseases associated with a poor diet, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity or cancer.

Laxative and astringent remedy

Raw apple with the peel is rich in health-promoting and insoluble fibers, a food that regulates gastric functions and prevents constipation.

This fruit, peeled and cooked, releases pectin, a type of soluble fiber that can retain water, which has beneficial effects in case of diarrhea when eating the compote or peeled baked apple.

Eaten raw, apples also have an astringent effect, but for this you need to grate the apple and let it brown so that the tannins become active, substances with an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect.

Diabetes and cholesterol

The various substances in the apple also produce positive results in a therapeutic diet against diabetes. In the clinical field, extracted apple polifenols are administered in the form of capsules or pills, with proven effects on fat's metabolism, with improvements in the plasma profile of cholesterol. In this process, the deep-seated fat around the intestines recedes, and later glucose is absorbed in the digestive tract.

Cancer - [raw apple is prevention against cancer]

A critical review of epidemiological and clinical studies by the German Cancer Research Center has focused on the analysis of the potential chemical preventive effects of fresh apples, the juices and fruit extracts (polifenols and other components with high, biological activity). The extracts of the compound antioxidants of apples have shown in the laboratory that they have a preventive effect against cancer through certain mechanisms: antimutagenic activity, alteration of carcinogenic metabolism, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as a growth inhibitory effect.>

Red apples and
                apple wedge   green apples  
Red apples and apple wedge [2] - green apples [3]

                        Chino online, Logo
original Spanish:

translation with Deepl:
19/01/2012: Frutas de carne blanca refortalecen el corazón reduciendo accidente cerebrovascular: manzana, pera, plátanos, coliflor, achicoria, pepinos, hongos

Jan 19, 2012: Fruits and vegetables with white meat strengthen the heart and reduce the risk of heart attack: apple, pears, bananas, cauliflower, endive, zuccheti and mushrooms.

de / from: El Chino online: La manzana mantiene sano el corazón (The apple keeps the heart healthy); Jan 19, 2012;

<La manzana mantiene sano el corazón

La manzana es una de las frutas más completas ya que aporta vitaminas, minerales y fibras que ayudan al organismo a mantenerse saludable.

Los investigadores continúan buscando nuevos beneficios y han encontrado una nueva relación entre el consumo de manzanas y la salud del corazón.

Contiene fructosa (el azúcar de la fruta) vitaminas E y C, fibra, potasio y magnesio, entre otros nutrientes. Las vitaminas tienen efectos antioxidantes y participan en varios de los procesos sanguíneos y en la fertilidad, la fibra mejora el tránsito intestinal y el potasio es un mineral importante para que los músculos y el sistema nervioso funcionen normalmente.

Un nuevo estudio suma el poder de disminuir las posibilidades de sufrir un accidente cerebrovascular (ACV), algo que no se limitaría solo a las manzanas sino que se extiende a lo que los investigadores incluyeron dentro del grupo de las frutas y las verduras “de carne blanca”, entre las cuales se incluyeron las peras, los plátanos, la coliflor, la achicoria (o escarola), los pepinos y los hongos. Según dicha investigación, desarrollada por unos especialistas holandeses, el consumo de 25 gramos diarios de frutas y verduras blancas logró reducir el riesgo de ACV en un 9 por ciento.>

<The apple keeps the heart healthy

Apple is one of those most complete fruits in terms of vitamins, minerals and fibers, helping the organism to keep itself healthy.

Researchers are finding again and again new benefits and have discovered a new link between apple consumption and heart health.

Apple contains fructose (the fruit sugar), vitamins E and C, fiber, potassium and magnesium, and other nutrients. The vitamins have antioxidant effects and are parts of various blood formation processes and processes in fertility. The fibers improve gastrointestinal activity, and the potassium is an important mineral for the normal functioning of muscles and nervous system.

A new study now concludes that apples also reduce the incidence of strokes. According to the researchers, this is true for all "white-fleshed" fruits and vegetables, including pears, bananas, cauliflower, endive, zucchini and mushrooms. According to this new research, developed by some Dutch specialists, the consumption of 25 grams of white flesh of these fruits or vegetables reduces the risk of heart attack (stroke) by 9 percent. >

Red apples and
                apple wedge   green apples  
Red apples and apple wedge [2] - green apples [3]

October 2017: apple with healing effects: against inflammation+cancer - promotes the immune system+blood coagulation of wounds - promotes digestion+energy+tooth cleaning+gums.
The apple
(orig. German: Der Apfel)


The data:
-- Apples contain a "healthy mix of minerals and vitamins in concert with phytochemicals."
-- Apples have an anti-inflammatory + immune-strengthening effect
-- Apples contain secondary plant compounds, especially polyphenols against cancer, promote blood clotting, neutralize free radicals
-- Modern varieties like the green Granny Smith have less bioactive substances, but have the white plant pigment quercetin against cancer, for blood clotting of wounds, and cares for heart and circulation
-- Apple peels contain tannins and dietary fiber, promote digestion and intestinal health.
-- Sugar in apples is quickly absorbed into the blood, it is soluble (glucose, sucrose, fructose), so apples give quick energy and stimulate fat metabolism.
-- Apples also contain acids, sour apples contain a lot of malic acid, tartaric acid, citric acid, have antibacterial effect+activate digestive enzymes+salivation for digestion+promote dental health: teeth are cleaned+gum is strengthened+mouth flora
-- Fruit acids keep stable the secondary plant substances, are working like a preservative.

The article:

by Mag. Alexandra Wimmer

The [Austrian] apple classes of Boskop, Elstar, Gala, Grafensteiner, Idared, Kronprinz Rudolf, Rubinette, Topaz: the list of apple varieties seems endless. It is estimated that there are 20,000 varieties worldwide.

Around the globe and especially in our latitudes, apples are a well wanted fruit: they taste good in cakes, compotes and juices - and of course as a crunchy snack straight from the tree or from the fruit basket. "The apple is an everyday fruit that has become established in our eating habits," reports Dr. Birgit Wild, nutrition scientist at UMIT, the Private University of Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology in Hall in Tyrol [Austria]. Thanks to the diversity of varieties, there is a flavor to suit every palate - from delicately sour to fruity-sweet. And all this without significantly burdening the calorie account: An average-sized apple contains around 60 kilocalories.

For immune system and cell health
Apples are proverbially so healthy that you don't need a doctor: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," they say. What ingredients make the fruit a medicine? For one thing, it provides lots of vitamins - from provitamin A, which is good for skin and eyes, to B vitamins for our nerves, to "anti-aging" vitamin E, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. The content of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, varies from variety to variety: "A Boskop contains about four times as much vitamin C as a Golden Delicious," Wild informs us. 
In terms of minerals, the fruit is characterized by a high potassium content: Potassium regulates the water balance and has a blood pressure-lowering effect. It also contains calcium, which is important for bones and teeth, and iron, which we need for blood formation.

Like all fruits, apples are also rich in secondary plant compounds, especially polyphenols. These have an anticarcinogenic effect, i.e. they prevent cancer. They also promote blood clotting [in wounds] and can render free radicals harmless - to the benefit of cell health. However, this does not apply to all varieties. Modern varieties such as the green Granny Smith contain fewer of these bioactive substances. The white plant pigment quercetin, which is also beneficial, is very much present in the Granny Smith. This has an anticarcinogenic effect on the stomach and intestines and promotes blood clotting [in wounds] and the health of blood vessels.

Since the apple peel contains tannins, which are good for our digestion and promote intestinal health, it is better not to peel the fruit. The peel is also rich in fiber, which also promotes digestion.
The healthy mix of minerals and vitamins in combination with secondary plant compounds gives apples an overall anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting effect.

Energy supplier and digestive aid
The fruit also contains sugars, which we need for the immune system, among other things. These are mainly soluble sugars such as glucose, sucrose and fructose, which are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and thus provide quick energy. And they do so without putting a strain on blood sugar levels. "That's why apples are also good for diabetics," adds the nutritionist. In addition, the fruit has a favorable effect on fat metabolism.
Apart from the sweetness the acid - concretely the different fruit acids - plays an important role: Sourly tasting apples are particularly rich in malic acid, tartaric acid, citric acid. These are likely to contribute significantly to the antibacterial effect of the fruit. In addition, fruit acids promote digestion: they activate digestive enzymes and stimulate the flow of saliva. Furthermore, they contribute to dental health by cleaning the teeth and strengthening the gums and oral flora.
On top of that, fruit acids are a "preservative" for all nutrients and keep secondary plant compounds stable. "The more acidic an apple, the more polyphenols," Wild points out.

Good old varieties of apples
Studies show that the content of healthy ingredients is particularly high in old apple varieties. This is probably due to the fact that old varieties contain more of the preservative fruit acids. Eat much of the varieties such as Renette, Grafensteiner, Boskop, Gloucester or the light yellow clear apples more often. These do not have a long shelf life, but are good for making applesauce or compote.
Old varieties are also rich in the soluble fiber pectin, which has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism. "Pectin binds bile acids in the intestine, so that the body has to form new bile acids from the cholesterol, which regulates the cholesterol level," Ms. Wild explains. In addition, pectin can bind harmful substances in the colon: These are absorbed as by a sponge and excreted.
Last but not least, old varieties are better tolerated by pollen allergy sufferers because they contain fewer potential allergens. Birch pollen allergy sufferers in particular often react with discomfort to apples. Boskop or Rubinette are likely to contain fewer allergenic proteins, especially the Mal d 1 protein. "This protein can be inactivated by polyphenols," Ms. Wild informs. And because there are more polyphenols in the older varieties, they also contain fewer "apple allergens."

Things to know

Old cultivated fruit. The apple (Malus) is a pome fruit of the rose family. By far the best known is the cultivated apple (Malus domestica) with its approximately 20,000 varieties. The name "Malus" comes from Latin and means "bad" - possibly an allusion to the Old Testament, in which the apple was the cause of Adam and Eve's expulsion from paradise. In ancient times, the apple was considered a symbol of love and fertility.
Originally, the fruit was native to the regions around the Black and Caspian Seas, roughly in what is now Kazakhstan. It was cultivated in Europe as early as the first century AD and then spread across the globe.

Apple country. In Austria, the apple is by far the most popular fruit - around 20 kilograms are eaten per capita and year. The largest apple-growing region is in Styria - Styrian apples are the epitome of the crunchy, delicious fruit.

Preserving nutrients. Even in compote, mush or apple strudel, apples provide valuable ingredients such as the heat-stable minerals. "If the peel is also processed, the bioactive substances and dietary fiber are also going on to be contained," adds nutritionist Dr. Birgit Wild. To retain as much of the light- and heat-sensitive vitamin C as possible, she recommends "gentle preparation."


Tips and tricks

Good to store. Apples can be stored for a long time - preferably in a cool, not too dry place, e.g. in the refrigerator or cellar. Because they produce the ripening gas ethylene, they should be stored separately from other fruits and vegetables.

Many purposes. Apples taste great with cheese. They are delicious in fruit salads and are the perfect finishing touch to boiled beef in apple horseradish [?]. They are also suitable for making jelly, jam, mush, chutney, juice and wine. It is also indispensable in the cuisine of pastry.

Proven remedy. "Apple peel tea is prescribed in nutritional medicine for colds and upper respiratory diseases such as bronchitis," Ms. Wild explains. Apple cider vinegar relieves heartburn and has a mild disinfectant effect. Grated apple is recommended for gastrointestinal complaints: the pectin has a disinfecting, soothing and slightly constipating effect.


Deliciously healthy recipe
(by Dr. Birgit Wild)

Baked apples
(For 6 persons)


6 apples (Reinetten or Jonathan)
20 g raisins
1/16 liter red wine
1 pinch of cinnamon, 2 cardamom seeds
2 tablespoons of cranberry compote
100 g marzipan paste
4 eggs
1/2 liter of milk
1 pinch of vanilla
2 tablespoons of sugar or honey
200 ml cream
1 pinch of salt
3 tbsp. sliced almonds


Wash apples and remove the skin. Briefly boil raisins with red wine and spices.
Mix marzipan with egg yolk and mix then with red wine and cranberries. Fill apples with marzipan mixture and bake it in the oven at 150° C on a greased tray or baking paper. With the remaining egg yolks, make a thick sauce mixing them with milk, vanilla, sugar, and cream. Arrange apples on vanilla sauce and sprinkle with sliced almonds.

Status 10/2017

Epoch Times online, Logo

July 28, 2019: Apple seeds contain little traces of hydrogen cyanide (vitamin B17), which destroys cancer cells:
Why you should eat [and chew] apple cores regularly
(orig. German: Warum Sie Apfelkerne regelmäßig mitessen sollten)

 Apple seeds
Apple seeds [4]

Translation with Deepl:

<They exist, the people who eat apples including core and stem. The rumors about the deadly prussic acid in apple cores does not seem to harm this joy. Admittedly, there are no documented deaths after consuming apple cores. Instead, their beneficial effects have been documented.

Researchers at the University of Technology of the town of Graz [Austria] recently proved that an apple has 100 million bacteria in it in addition to vitamins, trace elements and minerals, which could be beneficial to health.

When the benefits of the high pectin content of the peel are added to this, it is clear why the saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," has worldwide acceptance. Apple pectin protects the intestinal wall and binds bacterial toxins that cause complaints such as diarrhea.

A proposal: Apple pectin is easy and quick to make yourself. It is used in the kitchen as a gelling agent, for example, to reduce the sugar content in jam.

Home of bacteria - apple cores

People who do not eat the apple skin would ingest ten times less beneficial bacteria than those who eat the apple including the skin and stem - so said the study published in "Frontiers in Microbiology". Studies have shown that the composition of the apple differs even inside. Therefore, the peel, core and pulp could not be compared in their effect spectra on the body.

The Styrian Arlet apple was put under the microscope. It was divided into six microhabitats: Stem, skin, core, pulp, the lower area, and the upper area of the apple. The bacterial presence would be as follows: Seeds would have about 38 million bacteria, the lower part 22 million and the upper 10 million.

The flesh contains about 20 million bacterial cells, while the skin provides a home for only 1.6 million microbes. The previous assumption that seeds would be sterile on the inside was thus disproved.

Confirmed in this case: Organic apples are more complete

The correlation between qualitative nutritive soil and the increase in diversity was demonstrable. The scientists of Technical University of Graz also compared organic apples with conventional ones. Result: the microbiome of organic apples was much more pronounced.

In the conventional apple samples, Escherichia shigella, which is known to cause diarrhea and intestinal diseases, was found instead. Organic apples were not affected by this. On the contrary, here were additionally beneficial bacteria, such as probiotic bacteria, lactobacilli.

Instead, in the normal apples of conventional cultivation the Escherichia shigella was found which is known to cause diarrhea and intestinal disease. Organic apples were not affected by this. On the contrary, here were additionally beneficial bacteria found, such as probiotic bacteria, lactobacilli.

Cancer prophylaxis - eating apple seeds [B17 against cancer cells, for growth, cell division, blood formation].

Carotenoids and flavonoids are responsible for lowering the risk of cancer. In addition, apple cores contain large amounts of B17 - also known as laetri or amygdalin. According to recent research, this is a substance that protects against colorectal cancer by balancing the intestinal flora. Laetri would slow the growth of precancerous or tumor cells.

B17 deficiency can have serious consequences. The body needs laetrile for growth, cell division and blood formation. Especially pregnant women and vegetarians are recommended to pay special attention to B17 intake.

Hype about B17 against cancer cells

The American Dr. Ernst T. Krebs promoted research into the healing power of B17 in cancer, partly through self-experimentation. The scientist was of the opinion that cancers are metabolic diseases. He compared this with a deficiency of vitamin C, which resulted in the disease scurvy. So when there is a lack of vitamin B17, cancer would come.

In the 70's a real boom had broken out around the cancer therapy treatment with Amygdalin. The research of Dr. K. Sugiura (from the Cancer Research Center Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital, New York) originated in this period and it proved the effect of B17 on cancer cells. At that time, the physician Dr. Hans Nieper opened the world's largest Laetrile practice in Hannover.

Nowadays there is no approved drug with amygdalin in Germany, because the discussion around its toxic effect did not want to stop. In Austria, it's allowed as a food supplement.>

Supplement: Vitamin B17 against cancer is in apple seeds and in bitter apricot kernels
-- is in apple seeds, CHEW THEM WELL!
-- is in bitter apricot kernels, CHEW THEM WELL!
-- you can buy the bitter apricot kernels in ANY organic market -- the bitter apricot kernels come from Turkey).
Michael Palomino, July 28, 2019

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Regenbogenkreis - Lübeck - Versand: Ganz Europa

[1] Text: Text: Apfel essen statt Pillen schlucken: Michael Palomino NIE IMPFEN 19.12.2022
[2] Rote Äpfel mit Apfelschnitz: https://www.fitforfun.de/news/zum-tag-des-apfels-warum-du-diese-powerfrucht-jeden-tag-essen-solltest-334781.html
[3] Grüne Äpfel: https://pixabay.com/de/photos/%C3%A4pfel-fr%C3%BCchte-lebensmittel-1952999/
[4] Apfelkerne: https://www.blogichics.com/2015/09/30/propiedades-y-caracteristicas-de-la-semilla-de-manzana/
