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Note: healing mushroom chaga - chaga mushroom - chaga tea 01

Heilpilz Chaga   Heilpilz Chaga aus Finnland abgepackt   Heilpilz Chaga
                als Tinktur   Birkenwald in
Healing mushroom chaga [1] - healing mushroom chaga from Finland in a package [2] - chaga as a tincture [3] - birch forest in Finland [4]


presented by Michael Palomino

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Healing muchroom chaga - chaga extract

April 6, 2022: The king of the healing mushrooms is healing your health problems easily
(orig. German: Der König unter den Heilpilzen räumt all deine gesundheitlichen Probleme mit Leichtigkeit aus dem Weg)
Translation by Michael Palomino
Source: Oliver Janich on Telegram: https://t.me/oliverjanich/92788

What is chaga used for?

🍄 Bronchitis, asthma
🍄 Normalization of stomach and intestine
🍄 Allergies
🍄 Skin problems like neurodermitis, psoriasis, acne
🍄 Tonic against chronic fatigue
🍄  Bone problems with parodontosis
🍄 Inflammations

Chaga mushroom also contains quite a lot of amino acids and healing vital substances as germanium, manganese, boron and zinc.

You can order it here: https://www.waldkraft.bio/chaga-extrakt-bio?sPartner=janich

Organic chaga extract
From the wild collection in the Estonian National Park Lahemaa

                  mushroom at a birch trunk   Chaga mushrom harvest, black outside   Chaga mushrom harvest, light brown inside
Chaga mushroom at a birch trunk [5] - Chaga mushrom harvest, black outside [6] - and light brown inside [7]

Chaga mushroom as chaga tea: detoxification and strengthening
Chaga mushroom - king of vital mushrooms
(orig. German: Chaga Pilz - König der Vitalpilze)
by Gerhard Kreuser - https://www.chaga-pilz.com/

This is the summary of data from the article: by Michael Palomino (translation):

Secure sources of supply for the real chaga fungus in pieces (NO powder!) in the highest quality of subpolar climate: Gerhard Kreuser: chaga.pilz@hotmail.com (German) - Shop with Chaga mushroom from Finland: https: //www.chagapilz tee.de/ (German) [web01]

Chaga mushroom from the birch trunk
-- Chaga mushroom (Latin: Inonotus Obliquus), also: polar chaga mushroom, is a tree mushroom at trunks of birches (for medical purposes), other chaga mushroom also can grow on trunks of ash trees or on trunks of common hornbeam

"The chaga mushroom contains many rare, essential mineral and plant substances in high concentrations, which are pulled out of the birch trunk or is forming itself."
(orig. German: "Der Chaga Pilz enthält viele seltene, essenzielle Mineral- und Pflanzenstoffe in hoher Konzentration, die er aus der Birke zieht oder selbst bildet.")
-- His home: is growing in the entire polar northern hemisphere: Lapland, Siberia (Tundra), Northeast China (Tundra), Canada, North Japan
-- The colder the region, the better the medical effect of the chaga mushroom with more vital substances, because only at very low temperatures the healing ingredients are formed
-- The strong healing power of the chaga teas has been known for centuries according to an old legend count, since the 12th century, as a Grand Duke of Ukraine Vladimir Monomach was on a treatment for his lip cancer and some people healed him with the intake of a strong chaga broth
-- Maybe chaga tea is already used as a remedy for much earlier times
-- "Chaga tea is drunk in Lapland for centuries as a remedy for general strengthening", in Finnish and Russian folk medicine, the chaga mushroom has been applied for centuries [web01]

Healing fields of chaga mushroom
-- The normal form how applying chaga mushroom is an extracts [teas]
-- The Chaga mushroom is up to 50cm long
-- The active ingredient combination and vital substances in the chaga mushroom is unique, they strengthen the immune system (immunity), strengthen the defensive cells, harmful bacteria are destroyed, and in this way the chaga mushroom pushes back diseases
-- Cancer is reduced, cholesterol is lowered, the skin is improved, the blood is cleaned, high blood pressure becomes normal, high blood sugar (diabetes) is reduced, bone loss (parodontosis) is reduced, adrenal glands are improved

"The chaga mushroom helps to strengthen the function of adrenal glands. Scientists have found out that the chaga fungus is an adaptogen. Adaptogenes are natural substances that support the body positively without side effects. The healing mushroom helps the symptoms of adrenal weakness, such as fatigue to fix bad sleep and physical weakness. Of course it takes a few weeks or months to regenerate the adrenals. "
(orig. German: "Der Chaga Pilz hilft die Funktion der Nebennieren zu stärken. Wissenschaftler haben festgestellt, dass der Chaga Pilz ein Adaptogen ist. Adaptogene sind natürliche Stoffe die den Körper auf breiter Ebene positiv unterstützen ohne Nebenwirkungen auszulösen. Der Heilpilz hilft die Symptome von Nebennierenschwäche, wie Müdigkeit, schlechtem Schlaf und körperliche Schwäche zu beheben. Natürlich dauert es einige Wochen oder Monate bis sich die Nebennieren regenerieren. ")

-- Further indications for the chaga mushroom: liver problems, heart problems, TB, parasites, inflammations, strengthening of the nervous system,
-- Finnish and Russian folk medicine uses the chaga mushroom for the immune system, against intestinal diseases (gastritis, crohn's disease), cancer, detoxification, stomach ulcers, tumors, gum bleeding, diabetes
-- The Japanese natives of the Aino in Northern Japan on Hokkaido are healing since root times with the chaga tea stomach ache and inflammations
-- Cancer healings with Chaga mushroom in Russia have been documented since the 19th century by Russian doctors, including healings of gastritis and of stomach ulcers
-- In Russia, in the 1950s, there was an intensive research about the effect of the chaga mushroom, among others the subject was a better stress resistance:

"Chaga was intensively researched in Russia since the 1950s. Among other things, the researchers were then looking for medicinal plants, which increase the stress tolerance in humans. The investigations showed that the chaga mushroom increased physical and mental performance and reduced pain. These research were carried out for the military. As a result, Russian top athletes and astronauts took the chaga mushroom as a natural "doping agent" for more stress resistence."
(orig. German: "Chaga wurde in Russland seit den 1950er Jahren intensiv erforscht. Unter anderem suchten die Forscher damals nach Heilpflanzen, die die Stresstoleranz bei Menschen erhöhen. Bei den Untersuchungen zeigte sich, dass der Chaga Pilz die körperliche und geistige Leistungsfähigkeit erhöht und Schmerzen verminderte. Diese Forschungen wurden damals für das Militär durchgeführt. In der Folge nahmen russische Spitzensportler und Astronauten den Chaga Pilz als natürliches „Dopingmittel“ ein, um sich gegen Stress abzuhärten.")
-- In 1955, the Russian Ministry of Health has officially recognized and approved the chaga fungus as a cure, Russian pharmacies are selling chaga mushroom tea, and since 1960 appr. gastritis and cancer are healed officially in Russia with chaga tea. [web01]

-- heilt Diabetes, stimuliert das Immunsystem (5'56'')
-- für mehr Ausdauer, Test im Mausexperiment mit schwimmenden Mäusen (6'50'')
-- Anspielungen auf Heilung oder Stimulation der Zirbeldrüse sind medizinisch nirgendwo bestätigt und stehen nur auf Webseiten, wo Chaga verkauft wird (7'45'')
-- das Betonin ist aus der Birke (9'3'')
-- der Chaga-Pilz befällt die Birke, löst die Weissfäule aus (9'22'')
-- Chagatee ist ein wärmender Tee, bewirkt Beruhigung und mehr Klarheit im Kopf (10'16''), heilt auch alle möglichen Arten von Magen-Darm-Erkrankungen (10'33''),

Information from the video [web03]:
-- Melanin is above all in the hard crust (sclerotium), which is so black like coal, melanin protects the DNA (4'28 ''),
-- In animal experiments, chaga heals all sorts of cancers (5'15 ")
-- Heals diabetes, stimulates the immune system (5'56 '')
-- Provokes more endurance, test with mice floating in the water (6'50 '')
-- Allusions for healing or stimulation of the pineal gland are nowhere confirmed and are only indicated on websites where chaga is sold (7'45 '')
-- Ingredients are very different according to the position, and it's not sure that chaga from polar regions is better than chaga from Central Europe (8'45'')
-- Betulin is from the birch (9'3 '')
-- The chaga mushroom attacks the birch, triggers the white rot (9'22 '')
-- Chaga tea is a warming tea, causes relaxation and more clarity in the head (10'16 ''), also heals all sorts of stomach intestinal diseases (10'33 '').

The drying of the Chaga mushroom
-- The freshly harvested chaga mushroom is cut into little pieces at home and dried on hot places for 1 to 2 weeks, on a heating or in a stove etc.
-- Who wants, can then pulverize the dried, small chaga pieces then to enlarge the surface, but the chaga tea comes out well also with small pieces (18 ') [web03]

Production and dose
-- "Chaga tea tastes pleasantly earthy, lightly to vanilla." (orig. German: "Chaga Tee schmeckt angenehm erdig, leicht nach Vanille.")
-- Chaga tea is boiled over a few hours
-- The vital substances are solved only by boiling (https://www.chaga-pilz.com/chaga-Pilz-kaufen/)
-- "The only reliable internal application is in the water solution (tea). In hot water, the important vital substances dissolve and can be optimally utilized by the body."
(orig. German: "Die einzig zuverlässige innere Anwendung besteht im Wasserauszug (Tee). In heißem Wasser lösen sich die wichtigen Vitalstoffe und können so vom Körper optimal verwertet werden.")
-- Drink the chaga tea for several months daily:
"If you drink the chaga tea for several months daily, your entire organism will perform a purge of the body (cleanse the body). The chaga fungus is considered as a blood purifier and as a liberator of pains. In addition, you will get a nice skin."
(orig. German: "Wenn Sie den Chaga Tee über mehrere Monate täglich trinken, wird sich Ihr gesamter Organismus von Schlacken reinigen. Der Chaga Pilz gilt als Blutreiniger und Schmerzbefreier. Außerdem werden Sie eine schöne Haut bekommen.")
"As the simplest application you drink the chaga mushroom prepared as a tea. Drinking every day one to three cups of it will just flood your body with antioxidants."
(orig. German: "Als einfachste Anwendung trinken Sie den Chaga Pilz als Tee zubereitet. Wenn Sie täglich eine bis drei Tassen davon trinken wird Ihr Körper mit Antioxidantien geradezu überschwemmt.")
-- the dose for adults is a soup spoon of chaga mushrom in water per day, this should not have bad side effects (12'23'') [web03]
-- you just have to know that with collection of mushrooms in wild nature, the ingredient concentrations can vary greatly depending on the location (12'34'') [web03]

You make a tea, or a cold water extract, the people in the video let boil chaga mushroom 20 to 30 minutes in the water, so they live very healthy (15'29 ''). [web03]

Video: Med 8.4.2022: Prepare a chaga tea - from the birch comes the force (3'29'')
(orig. German: Chaga-Tee zubereiten - von der Birke kommt die Kraft (3'29'')

Video: Med 8.4.2022: Chaga-Tee zubereiten - von der Birke kommt die Kraft (3'29'')
https://www.bitchute.com/video/gxhXVuD5sbhZ/ - Bitchute-Kanal: NatMed-etc. - hochgeladen am 8.4.2022

Make an alcohol extract of chaga - make a dual extract
Persons who want mainly the active ingredients from the birch, must make an alcohol extract, so let chaga pieces several weeks in high-percentage alcohol (15'45''), Betulin e.g. is not well water-soluble, but is well alcohol-soluble (15'53 ''). If you want all active ingredients from chaga muchroom, you have to make 1 water extract and 1 alcohol extract (16'2''). [web03]

Alcohol extract is this way: Chaga pieces are placed in high-percentaged alkohl from 70% for several weeks, shake the bootles 1x per week, then all is sieved (16'20), then you make a chaga tea aside cold or warm, and then you mix the alcohol extract with the chaga tea, so you have a "dual extract" (16'31''). [web03]

A third possibility of preparation of chaga mushroom is a fermentation [liquor] (17'0'').

Side effects
-- Side effects: only positive healing effects!
-- Interactions: None

"The chaga mushroom has no negative side effects. Also no unwanted interactions with medicines or foods."
(orig. German: "Der Chaga Pilz hat keine negativen Nebenwirkungen. Auch keine unerwünschten Wechselwirkungen mit Medikamenten oder Nahrungsmitteln.") [web01]
But another web site is warning from interactions:

-- Combination effects:
1. The content of oxalate is problematic, there was an incident in Japan, as a woman has gotten massively kidney stones, ev. these came from the oxalate of the chaga mushroom [this is a single case] (11'44 ''), 1 tablespoon of chaga per day should not be a problem (12'20''). Chaga has as much oxalate as peanuts and almonds (12'26''), but spinach and pie plant contain a lot more of oxalate (12'58''). [web03]
2. Chaga is suspected of diluting the blood: Several people who have had surgery, then got problems when they started with chaga tea again, there came bleeding, etc. (13'21 ''). So who takes blood thinners and chaga tea together, should thus stop with the blood thinner, and after a surgery, no chaga tea should be taken for a certain time (13'44 ''). [web03]

Healing effects of chaga tea in detail

-- The healing with chaga tea needs several months:

"The healing needs time. The chaga fungus is the fuel for strengthening and cleaning the entire organism. First, the digestive channel benefits (mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, intestines) from taking the chaga tea. The tea activates the detoxification function of the liver and bile. After a few days of chaga tea, the inflammatory values in the blood are sinking in the blood. Through the better functioning of liver, bile, pancreas, the immune system can eliminate harmful bacteria and viruses. The effect of the chaga mushroom is based on the interaction of many factors. The healing mushroom improves the metabolism processes in a variety of ways and brings the body so again into its natural balance. The return to the natural state is gentle and without side effects. "
(orig. German: "Die Heilung braucht Zeit. Der Chaga Pilz ist der Zündstoff für die Kräftigung und Reinigung des gesamten Organismus. Als erstes profitiert der Verdauungskanal (Mund, Rachen, Speiseröhre, Magen, Darm) von der Einnahme des Chaga Tees. Der Tee aktiviert die Entgiftungs-Funktion der Leber und Galle. Schon nach wenigen Tagen einer Chaga Tee Kur sinken die Entzündungswerte im Blut. Durch die bessere Funktionsweise von Leber, Galle, Bauchspeicheldrüse kann das Immunsystem schädlich Bakterien und Viren eliminieren. Die Wirkung vom Chaga Pilz beruht auf dem Zusammenspiel vieler Faktoren. Der Heilpilz verbessert die Stoffwechelprozesse auf vielfältige Weise und bringt den Körper so wieder in sein natürliches Gleichgewicht. Die Rückkehr zum natürlichen Zustand erfolgt sanft und ohne Nebenwirkungen.") [web01]

Studies with chaga mushroom: Cancer, inflammation, nerves + brain, blood sugar, joints + bones, energy, rejuvenation, immune system
-- By the time, always new studies come out with the chaga mushroom, above all against cancer: Tumor growth in the initial stage is stopped, above all with gastric cancer, colon cancer and esophageal cancer, cancer cells are killed
-- The chaga tea also reduces cancer pains and appetite comes again
-- Cancer in an advanced stage is no longer curable with chaga tea [other cancer healing methods: note link]

In addition, studies found out about the chaga mushroom:
-- Healing of inflammations
-- Promotion of brain functions, of cardiovascular function, of memory performance
-- High blood sugar is lowered
-- Joint ache is reduced
-- Bone problems are reduced
-- Liberation of pains in general
-- It is increasing energy, endurance (stamina) and vitality, purge of the body:

Quote: "Chaga, however, is mood-enhancing, provokes to wake up and raises the energy without pushing caffeine into the adrenal glands."
(orig. German: "Chaga ist jedoch stimmungsaufhellend, macht wach und hebt die Energie ohne die Nebennieren durch Koffein zu pushen.")
-- Has a rejuivenating effect, prevents premature aging, provokes a beautiful skin

-- Regulates the immune system when it is too weak or too strong:

"This universal healing mushroom stimulates the immune system, only if it is really necessary, and can calm down also an overactive immune system. In short, our immune system is returned to its natural healthy state with this chaga fungus."
(orig. German: "Dieser universelle Heilpilz stimuliert das Immunsystem, nur wenn es wirklich notwendig ist, kann jedoch genauso ein überaktives Immunsystem beruhigen. Kurz gesagt: Unser Immunsystem wird durch den Chaga Pilz wieder in seinen natürlichen gesunden Zustand versetzt.")
-- Chaga tea is used simultaneously during a chemotherapy in cancer:

"The positive effects from the chaga Mushroom have proven itself as an accompanying therapy during the treatment of cancer. Point number one: tumor growth is stopped. Point number two: the bad effects of chemotherapy are reduced and point 3: immune system is rebuilt. Life quality is improved significally during a cancer treatment. Add to this, researchers have found out that this healing mushroom itself has a strong anti cancer potential, especially during the initial stage of the disease. Betulic acid in the chaga mushroom and more ingredients such as triterpenes and polysaccharides seem to have the ability to kill cancer cells directly."
(orig. German: "Die positiven Wirkungen vom Chaga Pilz haben sich als begleitende Therapie bei der Behandlung von Krebs bewährt. Einerseits um das Tumorwachstum zu stoppen, andererseits um die Auswirkungen der Chemotherapie zu lindern und das Immunsystem wieder aufzubauen. Signifikant wird die Lebensqualität während der Krebsbehandlung verbessert. Darüber hinaus haben Forscher erste Hinweise gefunden, dass der Heilpilz selbst ein starkes Antikrebs-Potenzial besitzt, besonders im Anfangsstadium der Krankheit. Die im Chaga Pilz enthaltene Betulinsäure und weitere Stoffe wie Triterpene und Polysaccharide scheinen die Fähigkeit zu besitzen die Krebszellen direkt abzutöten.") [web01]

Analysis of the ingredients in the laboratory of chaga mushroom
-- Chaga mushroom contains "a wide range of secondary vegetal agents", which support the immune system with the defense of bacteria and viruses
-- "Chaga mushroom contains many rare, essential mineral and plant substances in high concentration, which are pulled out of the birch or it is forming itself."
(orig. German: "Der Chaga Pilz enthält viele seltene, essenzielle Mineral- und Pflanzenstoffe in hoher Konzentration, die er aus der Birke zieht oder selbst bildet.")

-- "In the chaga mushroom, hundreds of strong antioxidants are concentrated" (orig. German: "im Chaga-Pilz sind hunderte starker Antioxidantien konzentriert")

-- In the chaga mushroom are collaborating the following ingredients: triterpen, polysaccharides, polyphenols, betulic acid and germanium, and this combination reduces many degenerative diseases and premature aging.

"The wildly growing chaga mushroom is one of the strongest antioxidant substances ever found. Thes was shown by investigations by the Brunswick Institute, a well-known medical laboratory from the US specializing in the scientific measurement of antioxidants. With an ORAC value of 52,452 units, the chaga fungus acts three times stronger than the well-known healing mushroom maitake (15977). (3) ORAC is a scientific process for measuring antioxidant capabilities of plants. The chaga mushroom achieved the highest values ​​ever measured."
(orig. German: "Der wild wachsende Chaga Pilz ist einer der  kräftigsten antioxidativen Stoffe, die je gefunden wurden. Dies haben Untersuchungen des Brunswick Instituts ergeben, eines bekannten medizinischen Labors aus den USA, das auf die wissenschaftliche Messung von Antioxidantien spezialisiert ist. Mit einem ORAC-Wert von 52.452 Einheiten wirkt der Chaga Pilz dreimal stärker als der bekannte Heilpilz Maitake (15977). (3) ORAC ist ein wissenschaftliches Verfahren zur Messung der antioxidativen Fähigkeiten von Pflanzen. Der Chaga Pilz erreichte dabei die höchsten Werte, die jemals gemessen wurden.") [web01]
The strong antioxidants of the chaga mushroom:
-- Melanin
-- Germanium
-- Triterpen
-- Vitamins
-- Beta glucan
-- Flavonoids [web02]

Chaga mushroom contains a unique combination of active ingredients:

-- "Germanium
-- Betulinic acid
-- Iron
-- Chrome
-- Polysaccharides
-- Flavonoids
-- Triterpen
-- Melanin

The interaction of these substances increases the health-promoting effect. The decisive advantages of this unique fungus are the absolute safety of its natural antioxidants and its cleansing and rejuvenating effects. " [web01]

Forms for selling
-- In Europe, chaga mushroom from Finland [Lapland] is of very good quality
-- Use only wildly grown chaga mushrooms
-- Chaga mushroom from breeding plants is ineffective or harmful due to pesticides and other chemicals
-- Careful drying process is important, otherwise there is a danger of mold
-- With the chaga mushroom pieces must be made a chaga tea [web01]

Forms for selling: chaga mushroom as a powder [in capsules] has NO healing effect
-- Use of chaga mushroom in form of powder [in capsules] has virtually no effect or is even dangerous:
-- human body cannot absorb the powder
-- Chaga mushroom powder is vulnerable for mold formation which is difficult to control in the powder
-- Chaga mushroom powder can contain also birch bark which is also difficult to control.

"Using the application as a powder [in capsules] is widespread in Western Europe, but there is practically no effect with it. Why is that so? The chaga fungus has a very hard consistency because it consists of chitin. If you take ground chaga powder, the powder is passing the body without any digestion process. Therefore the health benefit is zero."
"However, every user should know that there are no healing effects with chaga powder. In Russia, only water extractions are approved for medical use."
(orig. German: "Die Anwendung als Pulver ist zwar heutzutage verbreitet in Westeuropa, jedoch bringt praktisch keinen Nutzen. Warum ist das so? Der Chaga Pilz hat eine sehr harte Konsistenz, weil er aus Chitin besteht. Wenn Sie gemahlenes Chaga Pulver einnehmen geht das Pulver praktisch unverdaut durch Ihren Körper. Der gesundheitliche Nutzen ist gleich null."
"Jedoch sollte jeder Anwender wissen, dass es für Chaga Pulver keine Heilwirkungen belegt sind. In Russland sind nur Wasserauszüge für die medizinische Verwendung zugelassen.") [web01]
Chaga mushroom as a powder [in capsules] is only sold
-- Because the powder [in capsules] is easier to pack
-- Because the powder can be stretched with tree bark or with old chaga mushrooms
-- Because mold is only hardly to detect in the powder
-- Thus, chaga mushrom powder in capsules is a big fraud, and propaganda makes no use for it
-- Traders selling chaga mushroom in powder form are defrauders
-- Chaga powder from China and from chaga farms is worthless and is even dangerous because of the pesticides [web02]

Forms for selling: alcoholic chaga extracts and tinctures
-- Are only suitable for adults who are tolerating alcohol well
-- So for children, sick or ex-alcoholics not
-- Chaga mushroom combined with alcohol changes its effect [web01], for example, betuline is well soluble in alcohol (15'53''). [web03]

Chaga mushroom for animals

-- According to experience reports, pets such as dogs and cats can heal with chaga tea
-- The chaga tea is mixed into the food

"There are many interesting reviews of happy dogs and cat owners who could get their beloved pet through the chaga mushroom. Just mix the chaga tea in the food of the animals. And this will have often amazing effects."
(orig. German: "Es gibt jedoch viele interessante Erfahrungsberichte glücklicher Hunde und Katzenbesitzer, die ihr geliebtes Haustier durch den Chaga Pilz wieder auf die Beine bekommen konnten. Dazu mischen sie den Chaga Tee in das Essen der Tiere. Mit oft erstaunlichen Wirkungen.") [web01]

Harvest of chaga mushroom in Lapland

-- Chaga mushroom must grown on birches in the polar cold ("birch chaga", "wild chaga mushroom"), otherwise it does not contain the healing ingredients
-- The birches must be 30 to 70 years old, and the chaga mushroom has to grow over the ground in at least 1m height
-- The chaga mushroom is unusable when it grows on sick birches or on birches of lakeside or riverbanks (where too much water is suck from the birch trunk)
-- Further quality enhancement of the chaga mushroom is possible with the right selection and drying.

Harvest of chaga mushroom in Lapland

"Chaga mushrooms must be at least 5 years old and grow on birches that are neither too young nor too old and neither sick nor dead. Only then they contain enough vital substances to ensure a health benefit.
In addition, the chaga mushrooms must grow at least one meter above the surface and the birches should not stand directly on a lake or stream. Otherwise they pull more water from the birch as nutrients.
The cutting is careful by hand and not in a brutal way with a chainsaw, so the birch and it's health is preserved. This avoids also a contamination of the chaga mushroom with chainsaw oil. "
(orig. German: "Die Chaga Pilze müssen mindestens 5 Jahre alt sein und an Birken wachsen, die weder zu jung noch zu alt und weder krank noch abgestorben sind. Nur dann haben sie genug Vitalstoffe aufgenommen, um einen gesundheitlichen Vorteil zu gewährleisten.
Außerdem müssen die Chaga Pilze mindestens einen Meter über der Oberfläche wachsen und die Birken sollten nicht direkt an einem See oder Bach stehen. Sonst ziehen sie mehr Wasser aus der Birke als Nährstoffe.
Das Abschneiden erfolgt vorsichtig per Hand und nicht rabiat mit einer Motorsäge, um die Gesundheit der Birke nicht zu schädigen. Dadurch wird auch eine Verunreinigung des Chaga Pilzes mit Kettensägenöl vermieden.")

-- Chaga is easily to grow by hand or with a blow of a stick - ulcers of the birch tree are not so easy to harvest and cannot be mixed up with chaga [web03]
-- Chaga harvest is mostly between autumn and spring [during the coldest climate] when the birch trees have no leaves [web03]

Buy chaga mushroom from North Finland (Lapland)
-- Chaga mushroom must be in pieces, NO powder [in capsules]
-- Chaga mushroom must come from cold, polar climate as in Lapland, otherwise no healing effect is available

But another web site tells us in a video:
-- Ingredients are very different according to the position, and it's not sure that chaga from polar regions is better than chaga from Central Europe (8'45'') [web03]

Of course, Lapland has very high quality standards for natural medicine with birch trees:

-- Quote: "Finland has the highest variety of birch species worldwide. In the sprawling birch forests, the chaga mushroom is still growing as many centuries ago."
(orig. German: "Finnland hat die weltweit höchste Vielfalt an Birkenarten. In den weitläufigen Birkenwäldern wächst der Chaga Pilz noch so, wie vor vielen Jahrhunderten.")

-- Lapland has little pollution: "No pollution, no radioactive burden, barely car traffic, because Lapland is mostly empty."
(orig. German: "Keine Umweltverschmutzung, keine radioaktive Belastung, kaum Autoverkehr, denn Lappland ist zu großen Teilen menschenleer.")

-- The harvest is safe: "The natives of Lapplands know the chaga since their childhood. They know where high-quality chaga grows."
(orig. German: "Die Ureinwohner Lapplands kennen den Chaga von Kindesbeinen an. Sie wissen, wo hochwertiger Chaga wächst.")

Teilen / share:


[web01] https://www.chaga-pilz.com/
[web02] https://www.chaga-pilz.com/chaga-Pilz-kaufen/
[web03] Schiefer Schillerporling / Chaga - Merkmale, Inhaltsstoffe, Wirkung, Verwendung (Inonotus obliquus):
Video on YuTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1W6t2MvsZ6A
[web04] https://www.chagapilz-tee.de/

Photo sources
[1] Chaga-Pilz: https://www.chagapilz-tee.de/
[2] Chaga-Pilz abgepackt aus Finnland: https://www.chagapilz-tee.de/product/3-monate/
[3] Chaga-Pilz-Tinktur: https://www.chagapilz-tee.de/product/chaga-tinktur/
[4] Birkenwald in Finnland: Virpi Janhunen hat sich etwas auf Finland gemerkt.: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/98234835595011443/
[5] Chaga-Pilz an einer Birke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1W6t2MvsZ6A (13'4'')
[6] Chaga-Pilz, die schwarze Aussenseite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1W6t2MvsZ6A (1'5'')
[7] Chaga-Pilz, die hellbraune Innenseite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1W6t2MvsZ6A (1'26'')

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