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Treatment of diseases with blood group A

by Michael Palomino (2007 / 2012)

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-- Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo / Catherine Whitney: 4 Blutgruppen. Vier Strategien für ein gesundes Leben. Mit Rezeptteil (Piper 2001) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4 Programs. Live Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben. Das individuelle Konzept für körperliches und seelisches Wohlbefinden (Piper 2002) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4 Diets. Eat Right 4 Your Type)

Personality of blood group A: "type of personality C"

Type of personality C represents a personality vulnerable for cancer (richtig leben, p.72).

Humans of blood group A are the first migrants from Africa to Asia (4 Strategien, p.34). This is an "agrarian" type. These humans had to build up their first "civilization" by being farmers [probably because wild animals were all killed already]. Humans of blood group A represent
-- organization of work with labor division
-- being cog in a big wheel
-- team work (4 Strategien, p.27).

At the same time humans of blood group A are sensitive (4 Strategien, p.107).

When in Asia the first town were developing, the humans hat to stay through the first epidemics. Blood group A is less vulnerable so for plague, cholera and smallpox (4 Strategien, p.28) (about vulnerability for plague see also the discussion). Blood group A was spreading then over today's Russia to Europe down to southern Europe as the type of "Indo European". The hunters of blood group 0 - who were living in Europe already - were confronted by the immigrants from the east with blood group A who were introducing agriculture in Europe in the time from 3,500 to 2,000 B.C. Focus of blood group A are East Asia and Japan, Western Europe and Mediterranean, and only few in East Europe (4 Strategien, p.28).

Blood group A has a tendency for heart diseases, cancer and diabetes (4 Strategien, p.108).

Personality of blood group A
-- agrarian with sense for common work
-- patient (4 Strategien, p.34).

Change of alimentation in general: diet level 1 and 2

General alimentation change for prevention against chronic disease in the age is "basic diet level 1" comprising the most important beneficent and many neutral kinds of food.

Dr. D'Adamo:

<According to my experience some humans are well going with the basic diet 1 - that means they are more or less following the most important rules using beneficial and evading damaging food and eating much neutral food as a general supplement.> (richtig leben, p.213)
(orig. German:
"Nach meiner Erfahrung kommen manche Menschen sehr gut mit der grundlegenden Diätstufe eins zurecht - das heisst, sie halten sich einigermassen an die wichtigsten bekömmlichen und zu vermeidenden Nahrungsmittel und essen viele neutrale Nahrungsmittel als allgemeine Ernährungsergänzung." (richtig leben, S.213)

When already exist chronic diseases, then a radical change of alimentation has to be performed with diet level 2.

Dr. D'Adamo:

<Others need a strict plan above all when they are suffering chronic diseases. Diet level 2 is facilitating a strict election which serves for healing of diseases and for recovery.> (richtig leben, p.213)
(orig. German:
"Andere brauchen einen strengeren Plan, besonders, wenn sie an chronischen Krankheiten leiden. Die Diätstufe zwei ermöglicht eine strengere Auswahl, die zur Überwindung von Krankheiten und der Wiederherstellung des Wohlbefindens beiträgt." (richtig leben, S.213)

Blood group diet is enforcing immune system with blood group A and is reducing the risks (4 Strategien, p.108).

Management of diseases with children of blood group A

General vaccinations with children of blood group A

Children: Humans of blood group A and AB "are going well with vaccines", polio vaccination in parenteral form [injection] "because digestion tract [of humans of type A and AB] is reacting in a sensitive way to the oral polio vaccine.> (4 Strategien, p.268)
(orig. German:
Menschen der Blutgruppen A und AB "vertragen Impfstoffe recht gut", mit parenteraler Form der Polio-Impfung [Spritze], "weil der Verdauungsapparat [von Menschen der Blutgruppen A und AB] empfindlich auf den oralen Polio-Impfstoff reagiert." (4 Strategien, S.268)

Dr. D'Adamo:

<Children of blood group A and AB are going well with vaccines. A complete vaccination program - pertussis vaccination inclusive - will hardly provoke any side effect probably. Polio vaccination in for of an injection is good for A and AB children [injection] because digestion tract is sensitive to oral polio vaccine." (4 Strategien, p.268)
(orig. German:
"Kinder der Blutgruppen A und AB vertragen Impfstoffe recht gut. Ein vollständiges Schutzimpfungsprogramm - einschliesslich der Keuchhustenimpfung - wird wahrscheinlich kaum Nebenwirkungen hervorrufen. Anders als beim 0-Typ sollte man bei Kindern der Blutgruppe AB oder A die parenterale Form [mit Spritze] der Polio-Impfung wählen, weil ihr Verdauungsapparat empfindlich auf den oralen Polio-Impfstoff reagiert." (4 Strategien, S.268)

Children of 6-12 years of blood group A / and youth

Inflammatory diseases

Little quantities of zinc (u to 3 mg per day) under medical assistance are protecting children from inflammatory diseases. But one should never take this over a longer period because this would weaken the immune system in general and the adaption of other minerals would be interfered.

General disease management with blood group A

Support of the lazy immune system of blood group A

Herbs for mild support of weak immune system of blood group A
for defense of colds and influenza and for reinforcing of the immune system against cancer:
-- Echinacea purpurea, in liquid form or in pills
-- huangki (Chinese healing herb) (Astragalus membranaceous).

Sugars in both herbs have the effect of mitogens: They are stimulating the distribution of white blood cells so the immune system is stronger (4 Strategien, p.141).

Support of weak immune system of blood group A in the age
Capacity for adaption of fat-soluble vitamins in the age is reduced. Blood group A can help itself with little dosages of vitamin A so the immune system is more active against the aging process (10,000 I.U. per day) (4 Strategien, p.143).

Winds and gases with blood group A

Winds and gases with blood group A are a signal of a bad absorption of proteins. There is help:

-- pineapple enzyme bromelain helps the gastrointestinal tract to split proteins and facilitating protein adaption in general (4 Strategien, p.142)

-- winds and gases during blood group nutrition should be treated with pro biotic compounds which deliver "good bacteria" (4 Strategien, p.142), with a high "bifidus factor", because bifidus bacteria strain is appropriated best for the organism of blood group A (4 Strategien, p.143).

Pernicious anemia with blood group A

Pernicious anemia is caused by a shortage of vitamin B12. Pernicious anemia can be seen very often with blood group A because A with low stomach acid level has got problems of adaption with the vitamin 12. Also blood group AB is affected of shortage of vitamin B12, but not so heavy like type A. Not only stomach acid level is low with A and Ab, but also intrinsic factor is low which is segregated by stomach mucosa (4 Strategien, p.292).

So, pernicious anemia of blood group A and AB can be treated easily with injections of vitamin B12. Stomach poor of acid is overcome then. Blood group nutrition is not sufficient in this case, also a treatment with the compound "Floradix" (iron and herbs) is not sufficient (4 Strategien, p.292).

With blood groups 0 and B adaption of vitamin B12 can be blocked when damaging lectins are making impossible any adaption in the gastrointestinal tract (4 Strategien, p.292-293).

When there is an anemia with blood group A, a folic acid supplement can heal this (4 Strategien, p.136).

Overweight with blood group A

Raw meat with blood group A provokes indolence and shortage of energy. Blood group A and meat consumption provokes overweight. Damaging kinds of food can provoke edema and a slow metabolism with blood group A. When meat is eliminated from the food plan, then the pounds are going (4 Strategien, p.108).

Overweight or underweight with blood group A: food for weight control with blood group A

Negative food provoking weight increase with blood group A: examples
meat, raw meat
provokes indolence and shortage of energy (4 Strategien, p.108)

Positive food provoking loss of weight with blood group A: examples
vegetable proteins
provoke full energy with blood group A (4 Strategien, p.108).

Diabetes type 1 with blood group A

Healing of diabetes
Diabetes of type 1 and 2 can be healed well with blood group nutrition. Blood group A and B are vulnerable to type 1 diabetes (youth diabetes, provoked by shortage of insulin when beta cells of pancreas are not working well any more). Blood group 0 is vulnerable to type 2 diabetes because of adiposity because the tissue is insensitive to the insulin: "The tissue reacts too insensitive to the hormone." (4 Strategien, p.311)

Prevention to secondary diseases by diabetes type 1
Quercetin [from lat. quercus = oak] is a prevention against secondary diseases of diabetes type 1. These disease are cataract, nervous diseases and cardiovascular diseases. Eventually insulin has to be balanced again (4 Strategien, p.311).

Case of Harry T., medium age, blood group A: cholesterol level is sinking within 3 months by 25%
Cholesterol in total is sinking by blood group diet within 3 months from 274 to 203, triglycerides are sinking from 226 to 127 etc. (richtig leben, p.123).

Diabetes type 2 with blood group A

Type 2 diabetes are fat people and their tissue is not sensitive to insulin any more: "The tissue is reacting in a too insensitive way to the hormone [insulin]." Blood group A has - after blood group 0 - the second most vulnerability for diabetes type 2, because of wrong alimentation with much meat and milk products, and with only few movement. 0 and A with wrong alimentation have the tendency for adiposity with high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure (4 Strategien, p.311).

Healing of diabetes type 2 which is caused by adiposity
Diabetes type 2 can be healed easily with blood group A with a corresponding program for moving and with premium vitamin B complexes, which has to be coordinated with the medical doctor. Eventually insulin has to be balanced again then. At the end the patients will be healthy and don't need any insulin treatment any more.

Alcoholism and ravenous appetite for carbohydrates with blood group A

are caused by a low serotonin level. A trial with 5-HTP (hydroxythryptophan) or with tyrosine or with glutamine between the meals can balance the serotonin level so the greedy feelings can be better managed (richtig leben, p.266).

Ravenous appetite with women is also possible when estrogen level is low. One or two maca capsules [vitalizing powder of Peruvian jungle] can normalize estrogen level then (richtig leben, p.266).

Digestive diseases with blood group A

Constipation with blood group A

Constipation is a warning for an imbalance in the gastrointestinal tract. The causes for this are
-- too less dietary fibers
-- too less liquid, above all water and juices are missing
-- too less movement (4 Strategien, p.312).

Laxatives are for nothing. Blood group A, B and AB can get rid of their constipation by integration of fiber food and pure bran (4 Strategien, p.313).

Morbus Crohn (inflammatory intestine disease) and colitis with blood group A

Morbus Crohn (inflammatory intestine disease by irritation in the gastrointestinal tract) has different causes according to the blood group. Blood group 0 has got the tendency for "colitis with swellings, probably by the thin blood with more tendency for bleeding. Blood group A, B and AB with little tendency for bleeding have the tendency for "irritable bowel" (4 Strategien, p.313).

With a blood group diet the symptoms are reducing with all blood groups (4 Strategien, p.313).

With blood groups A and AB the cause is often a psycho social stress. Blood group diet with blood group A and AB should be supplemented by stress reducing measures according to the stress programs (4 Strategien, p.313).

Food intoxication: often salmonella with blood group A
Weak immune systems are more vulnerable for food intoxications than strong and active immune systems. When there is a salmonella poisoning blood groups A and AB are very vulnerable, and healing is only going slowly. 0 and B are less vulnerable and their healing is fast (4 Strategien, p.316).

Stomach ulcer with blood group A is rare
Stomach ulcers are caused by much and too much stomach acid. Blood group A has only little stomach acid, has more an alkaline stomach, and therefore stomach ulcers are hardly found with blood group A (4 Strategien, p.316-317).

Gastritis (Inflammation of intestine mucosa) often with blood group A and AB
Gastritis is precisely the contrary of a stomach ulcer and is caused when there is too less stomach acid. And blood group A and AB just have only few stomach acid, a more or less alkaline stomach, and therefore gastritis can be found often with blood group A when there is no blood group nutrition balancing this stomach (4 Strategien, p.316-317).

When there is a gastritis with blood group A and AB, this stomach with only few stomach acid cannot fight micro organisms any more, and these micro organisms are dominating the stomach then.

Dr. D'Adamo says:

<Gastritis is coming by a too low stomach acid level - and affected are primarily blood groups A and AB. Gastritis is coming when the stomach acid level is that low that the gastric juice is not a barrier any more for micro organisms [coming from the eaten food]. The microbes can install themselves in the stomach and can provoke heavy inflammations.> (4 Strategien, p.317)
(orig. German:
"Die Gastritis entsteht durch einen zu niedrigen Säuregehalt - dazu neigen in erster Linie Personen der Blutgruppen A und AB. Die Gastritis entsteht, wenn der Säuregehalt so niedrig ist, dass der Magensaft nicht länger als Schranke gegen Mikroorganismen wirken kann.  Bei zu niedrigem Säuregehalt können sich Mikroben im Magen einnisten und schwere Entzündungen hervorrufen." (4 Strategien, S.317)

Healing of gastritis with blood group A and AB is well possible by eating some food with acids (4 Strategien, p.317).

Colds and influenza with blood group A

Blood groups 0 and B are more vulnerable for influenza virus than A and AB because "A antigen of blood group A and AB is blocking many viral strains and is hindering that they are fixing themselves at the mucosas of throat and respiration ways." (4 Strategien, p.325)

Possible measures against cold and influenza for blood group A are:

-- sufficient relaxation and movement
-- evade stress
-- cut off habits which are causing stress
-- enhance vitamin C share in the food
-- little dosages of Echinacea are protecting or mitigating the illness, so some medical doctors (4 Strategien, p.325)
-- air humidity in flats can be enhanced against dry throat and nose
-- gargle with salt water when there is a throat ache
-- tee with 50% Indian saffron (curcuma) and sage, gargle it several times per day
-- when nose is running or blocked an anti histaminicum can be taken "damping the reaction of the mucosa to the infectioning virus provoking that the nose is free again", but take care: antihistamine of Ephedra group are dangerous and can provoke high blood pressure, sleep troubles and complications with prostate problems (4 Strategien, p.326).

Cold and influenza are virus illnesses. Antibiotics only have an effect against bacteria. So, antibiotics will not have any effect against cold and influenza (4 Strategien, p.326).

Sinusitis with blood group A

In the long run antibiotics do not help at all because sinusitis disease is repeating. The cause for a sinusitis is a swelling of the sinus mucosa (4 Strategien, p.328).

Blood groups A and AB have the tendency for forming much mucus and therefore are often developing a sinusitis. And the cause of this is mostly mucus favoring food, and then too much mucus is available and infections are following (4 Strategien, p.329).

Measures for a healing are:
-- blood groups A and AB have to follow blood group nutrition, and then sinusitis is mostly going by itself already
-- as an addition the herb Collinsonia can be applied with which the swellings are going down until a complete healing is coming - can also be applied with swellings in the varicosities
-- therefore in the extreme case blood group nutrition and Collinsonia are used, and no antibacterial "medicament" is needed any more (4 Strategien, p.328).

Collinsonia is not dangerous and can be bought as a tincture in health shops. Can be taken 20 to 25 drops in a glass of warm water (4 Strategien, p.329).

Bronchitis and pneumonia with blood group A

Humans of blood group A and AB often have bronchial infections, more often than 0 and B, because A and AB have naturally more mucus production and therefore are supporting the growth of more bacteria (4 Strategien, p.322).

Then for example pneumococci similar to the body cells of type A are reproducing which are dangerous for A and AB (4 Strategien, p.322-323), or Haemophilus bacteria similar to body cells of B are reproducing which are dangerous for B and AB. Therefore all in all blood group AB is mostly in danger for bronchitis and pneumonia (4 Strategien, p.323).

And there is a danger also for little children: According to statistics a dangerous combination is a child of blood group A with a mother of blood group A and a father of blood group 0. These children are dying more often by a bronchial pneumonia than others.

Dr. D'Adamo says:

<There seems to be that type A children with a 0 father and an A mother often are dying already by a bronchopneumonia. One can admit that during the birth there is a sensibilization between the type A baby and the anti A antibodies of the mother, and therefore the defense of the baby is weakened against pneumococci bacteria.> (4 Strategien, p.323).
(orig. German:
"So hat es beispielsweise den Anschein, dass Typ-A-Kinder mit einem 0-Vater und einer A-Mutter häufiger bereits im Kleinkindalter an Bronchopneumonie sterben. Man nimmt an, dass es während der Geburt zur Sensibilisierung zwischen dem Typ-A-Säugling und den Anti-A-Antikörpern der Mutter kommt, wodurch die Abwehrkraft des Säuglings gegen die Pneumokokkenbakterien geschwächt wird." (4 Strategien, S.323)

Sarcoidosis (inflammatory disease of lung and tissue) more often appears with blood group A than with 0, above all rhesus negative (4 Strategien, p.330).

Fungal infections with blood group A

Fungal infection of Candidiasis with blood group A

Blood groups A and AB have difficulties to get rid of fungal infections, and antibiotics are having an effect, but new fungal infections will come again. Antibiotics have no effect at the end but are only destroying the weak defense system then (4 Strategien, p.323).

"Normal medicine" is operating with "Candida diets" with a high protein share and with prohibitions of grains, but these measures are weakening the immune system of A and AB more than are reinforcing it, because a renunciation on leaven is no protection from Candida infections for the blood groups A and AB (4 Strategien, p.324).

Kidneys, bile ducts and liver with blood group A

Kidney infection Pyelonephritis
is emerging above all with blood group B, above all with non secretors (4 Strategien, p.331).

Liver diseases - alcoholism and liver cirrhosis with blood group A

Heavy liver diseases have above all blood group A and B, mostly non-secretors (4 Strategien, p.333).

Non-secretors are often vulnerable for alcoholism.

Dr. D'Adamo says:

<Non-secretors which are about 20% of the population seem to be more vulnerable for alcoholism, but their predisposition has less to do with their secretor status. But there is a strange disposition with the cells, so the gene which is fixing the non-secretor status is on the same place of DNS like the gene which is fixing how much alcohol can be processed by the liver. My patients which were non-secretors almost always had a long alcoholism tradition in their families.> (4 Strategien, p.331)
(orig. German:
"Nicht-Sekretoren, die etwa 20 Prozent der Bevölkerung ausmachen, sind offenbar am anfälligsten für Alkoholismus, aber ihre Empfänglichkeit hat wenig mit ihrem Sekretorstatus zu tun. Durch einen unglücklichen und möglicherweise zufälligen Dreher auf zellulärer Ebene befindet sich das Gen, das den Nicht-Sekretor-Status festlegt, auf derselben Stelle der DNS wie das Gen, das festlegt, inwieweit die Leber Alkohol abbauen kann. Meine Patienten, die zu den Nicht-Sekretoren gehören, können fast immer auf eine lange Alkoholismustradition in ihrer Familie verweisen." (4 Strategien, S.331)

Alcoholism is a strong stress component. Blood group A eventually has the ambition to reduce stress by euphoric agents like alcohol, and therefore is very in danger for alcoholism. 3% of the alcohol are excreted in pure form, 97% are proceeded by the liver and are proceeded in the stomach and intestine. When there is a constant overcharge, then liver cirrhosis is developed, "this is a heavy malnutrition by insufficient adaption of nutrients, and at the end death is coming.> (4 Strategien, p.332
(orig. German:
"eine schwere Mangelernährung durch die ungenügende Aufnahme von Nahrungsbestandteilen und schliesslich der Tod." (4 Strategien, S.332).

More liver damages
More liver damages can be by
-- infections
-- allergies
-- troubles with metabolism
-- jaundice as a symptom of a hepatitis (4 Strategien, p.332).

Liver cirrhosis is not only a question of alcoholism, but "can [also] be caused by infections and different diseases of the liver and the bile ducts." (4 Strategien, p.332)
(orig. German:
Leberzirrhose ist nicht nur eine Folge von Alkoholismus, sondern "kann [auch] durch Infektionen und verschiedene Erkrankungen der Leber und Gallenwege verursacht werden." (4 Strategien, S.332)

Blood group A has most cases of liver cirrhosis, followed by B and AB, and blood group 0 has fewest cases of all. The same counts for gall stones, for illnesses of bile ducts and jaundice. Blood group A is especially vulnerable for tropical liver infections, less 0 and AB (4 Strategien, p.333).

Case: Estel, 67 years old, blood group A: healing of liver inflammation "primary biliary cirrhosis"
Estel is coming to the office of Dr. D'Adamo with swellings of veins in the zone of esophagus. Estel [it's not said if it's a man or a woman] has very bad levels [blood levels and liver levels] and was also an alcoholic person until about 55 (4 Strategien, p.334).

Measures for healing:
-- blood group diet
-- liver specific antioxidants
-- treatment of vein swellings in the zone of esophagus (4 Strategien, p.334).

The levels now are coming down but don't reach the normal average (4 Strategien, p.334). Liver transplantation can be avoided and the patient gets rid of all symptoms (4 Strategie, p.335).

Case: Sandra, 70 years old, blood group A: healing of liver disease
with liquid accumulation in the abdominal cavity (ascites) and with anemia. Ascites is an indicator for an already badly developed liver cirrhosis (4 Strategien, p.335).

Measures for a healing process:
-- blood group nutrition is introduced
-- liver specific natural medicine is used (4 Strategien, p.335).

After 4 months ascites has gone, and liver enzymes have reached a normal level, and anemia is also reducing. Then she is living without symptoms (4 Strategien, p.335).

Heart diseases with blood group A

Blood group A is often affected by heart diseases because of a low level of enzymes of of the alkaline enzyme phosphatase in the gastrointestinal tract, because phosphatase is responsible for the procedure and for the adaption of nutrition fats in the intestine. So, with blood group A too less fats are proceeded, and to many fats are reaching the blood, and therefore blood group A has always a high cholesterol level. Blood groups A and AB have the highest danger for suffering cardiovascular diseases, then comes B, and 0 has least cholesterol problems of all. But with the blood groups A and AB a cardiovascular danger is always present (4 Strategien, p.295).

Low dosages of niacin compounds (nicotine acid) are lowering cholesterol levels with blood group A (4 Strategien, p.136).

High blood pressure
High blood pressure can be the precursor for a heart attack or for a stroke. Normal are 120 to 80, under 40 years from 140 to 90 on, with humans over 40 from 160 to 95 on. Risks are smoking, diabetes, women after menopause, overweight, and much stress. Blood group A and AB should especially take care because they have most of all cardiovascular diseases. High blood pressure is treated with blood group nutrition and with blood group sports (4 Strategien, p.299).

Case of Bill, 54 years old, blood group A, broker at stock exchange: healing from high blood pressure
Bill comes with a blood pressure of 150 to 105, is a chunky man of Italian origin, but is suffering a terrible stress in his profession and also has private problems. Blood pressure reducing medicaments of "normal medicine" provoke heavy side effects like dizziness and constipation. The treatment with Dr. D'Adamo is the following:

-- blood group diet for his group A is introduced
-- some phyto medical compounds are taken
-- and some movement programs for blood group A like Yoga and relaxing exercises are executed.

And with this treatment Bill gets his life back, is more balanced and more calm, and his levels are soon falling back into the normal range (4 Strategien, p.300).

Heart diseases: tendency for strokes with blood group A because of thick blood
Blood group A has thick blood (4 Strategien, p.293) and has got the tendency forming deposits in the arteries, and therefore there is always a great danger for cardiovascular diseases. The same counts for blood group AB. Above all women of blood group A and AB have got the tendency for forming blood clots [forming blood deposits in the arteries and veins blocking the passage of the blood] when their alimentation is against their blood group. With a diet according to type of personality B the risk of blood clots is reduced substantially (4 Strategien, p.294).

Surviving rate with heart attacks and strokes with blood group A and AB is essentially lower than with blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.294).

Compound with whitethorn (genus Crataegus): heart tonic for blood group A
Whitethorn of whitethorn tree is strengthening the cardiovascular system. When there are heart diseases in the family whitethorn is absolutely recommended and has "extraordinary good preventive capacities":
-- is enhancing the elasticity of the arteries
-- is strengthening the heart
-- is lowering blood pressure
-- has got a slight soluble effect against the deposits in the arteries (4 Strategien, p.140).

Beta-carotene with blood group A: prevention against vascular diseases
-- in low dosages beta-carotene has got a preventive effect against vascular diseases. Dr. D'Adamo recommends for blood group A also carotinoids (4 Strategien, p.143)
-- high dosages have a counterproductive effect and are irritating the blood vessels as a "pro oxidant" and are accelerating the damages in the tissues (4 Strategien, p.143).

Best food with beta-carotene for blood group A are:
-- eggs
-- pumpkin
-- carrots
-- spinach
-- broccoli (4 Strategien, p.143).

Diseases of urinary ways with blood group A

Blood groups A and 0 are not very affected by diseases of their urinary ways (bladder inflammation, cystitis etc.). But blood group B and AB are very vulnerable for bladder infections (cystitis) (4 Strategien, p.330), because most bacteria provoking infections in the urinary ways have characters similar to the cells of blood group B, and the bodies of B and AB do not produce antibodies against them, for example

-- E. coli
-- pseudomonas
-- klebsiella (4 Strategien, p.331).

Healing is going on according to Dr. D'Adamo's recommendation with a mixed juice of pineapple and cranberry juice, 1 or 2 glasses per day (4 Strategien, p.331).

Inflammations of urinary ways with blood group A

Blood group A has a little risk for infections of the urinary ways. But non-secretors have a higher risk by 25% (richtig leben, p.132).

Epidemics with blood group A

Blood group A has a big experience with epidemics in general because type A was the blood group of the first "civilizations" and towns where the epidemics had to be gone through (4 Strategien, p.28, 402-403). Read here:

Tuberculosis (TB) with blood group A
Blood group 0 is the most vulnerable for lung TB. Blood group A is most vulnerable for the other forms of TB. Above all rhesus negative is affected. With AIDS and with homeless persons TB is spreading again over the whole world. Bad hygienic conditions and chronic diseases [by wrong nutrition against the blood group] are weakening the immune system and are giving TB agents a base (4 Strategien, p.330).

Cholera with blood group A
0 is vulnerable, A is resistant (4 Strategien, p.324).

Plague, typhus, smallpox
Blood groups A, B and AB are all less vulnerable to epidemics than blood group 0 which is the eldest blood group and is not prepared to fight epidemics. That counts for plague, typhus, and smallpox (4 Strategien, p.327).

Mosquitos and malaria
Mosquitos of Central Europe seem to be very attracted by blood group A and AB. Anopheles mosquito transmitting the malaria agent seems to prefer blood group 0 and B especially (4 Strategien, p.327).

Parasite infections with especially blood group A and AB
Parasites like to be in the gastrointestinal tract of blood groups A and AB [because in the stomachs of A and AB is hardly any gastric acid]. Normally these parasites are copying the behavior of the antigen A, so the immune system of A and AB cannot detect the parasites. Statistically blood groups A and AB are also "vulnerable for complications by parasitic cysts in the liver." Therefore A and AB are easily victims for example by amoebic dysentery or by the parasite Giardia lamblia ("revenge of Montezuma") which has a shape similar to the body cells of blood group A. Transmission is performed by contaminated waters, or often also by water from wells (4 Strategien, p.329).

Humans of blood group A and AB on trips should have something against contaminated water: barberry or charcoal tablets, and should take them regularly (4 Strategien, p.329).

Parasites: worms with blood group A, B, and AB
Worms often have characteristics of the blood groups A and B. So, blood groups A and B are vulnerable for worms, especially blood group AB.

Dr. D'Adamo says:

<Many parasitic worms like tapeworm and roundworm indicate characteristics similar to cells of blood group A and B, and they can be found often in bodies of persons with these blood groups. Type AB with his double antigen of A and B is especially vulnerable.> (4 Strategien, p.330)
(orig. German:
"Viele parasitäre Würmer wie der Bandwurm und der Spulwurm weisen A-ähnliche und B-ähnliche Merkmale auf und finden sich häufiger bei Personen mit diesen Blutgruppen. Der AB-Typ mit seinen doppelten Antigenen A und B ist besonders anfällig." (4 Strategien, S.330)

is emerging above all with blood group A, and when it's coming, then with especially viral strains (4 Strategien, p.330).

Cancer with blood group A

Blood groups A and AB are most vulnerable for cancer, B less, 0 hardly.

It's proved that blood groups A and AB have a higher cancer rate and a worse survival rate than blood groups 0 and B (4 Strategien, p.346).

"Almost all tumors are attacking humans of blood group A or AB." (4 Strategien, p.356).
(orig. German:
"Fast alle Karzinome befallen bevorzugt Menschen mit der Blutgruppe A oder AB." (4 Strategien, S.356).

The principle of cancer: cancer cells are mostly "disguising" like body cells of blood group A

Principally an immune system is always detecting converted cells and is eliminating them. A little part is not detected,

"the 'successful' cancer cells (p.349) are cheating the immune system and are provoking that it has no power: cancer cells are copying the behavior of the normal cells." (4 Strategien, p.350)
(orig. German:
"wobei die 'erfolgreichen' Krebszellen (S.349) das Immunsystem betrügen und machtlos machen, indem sie die normalen Zellen nachahmen." (4 Strategien, S.350)

Cancer cells are presenting themselves mostly similar like A-cells (4 Strategien, p.351-352): Cancer cells with a behavior like cells of blood group A are "disguising" themselves, and the big majority of kinds of cancer are provoked by cells with a behavior like body cells of blood group A (4 Strategien, p.353).

Women of blood group A and AB with liver damage or colon damage are in a great danger for cancer

Liver and colon are reducing estrogen. When these organs are damaged, then the estrogen level is enhanced. And then comes this: "A higher estrogen activity can provoke the growth of cancer cells."

Fibers can rise the level of butyric acid salt in the cells of the colon wall. The salts of the butyric acid are supporting then the normalization of the tissue (4 Strategien, p.365).

Kinds of cancer with cells similar to body cells of blood group A
Tumor antigens (markers) are similar to body cells of blood group A with

-- brain tumors
-- kinds of cancer of the nervous system (4 Strategien, p.356)
-- many kinds of cancer of feminine reproduction organs (4 Strategien, p.357).

Kinds of cancers emerging mostly with blood group A and AB
-- cancer of mouth and esophagus (4 Strategien, p.357)
-- stomach cancer with stomachs of blood group A and AB which have a low stomach acid level as a precondition (4 Strategien, p.358)
-- cancer of pancreas, liver, gall bladder, and bile ducts, B less, 0 least (4 Strategien, p.358)
-- prostate cancer (4 Strategien, p.360-361)
-- skin cancer: malicious melanoma (4 Strategien, p.361).

And there are kinds of cancer similar to body cells of blood group B

Some kinds of cancer are also similar to body cells of blood group B (4 Strategien, p.356).

-- some kinds of cancer of feminine reproduction organs: It seems that there are produced different tumor antigens ("markers") with kinds of cancers of the feminine reproduction organs (4 Strategien, p.357)
-- bone cancer (4 Strategien, p.361).

And blood group 0 is eliminating all cells which are similar to body cells of A or B

Dr. D'Adamo says:

<Humans with blood group 0 seem to be much more resistant concerning cancer. Metabolism of blood group 0 has got a behavior - as I believe - which is intolerant and hostile, and the simple fucose molecules are predisposing him for this to eliminate the cancer cells which are similar to body cells of blood group A and B, respectively the metabolism of blood group 0 is strong in developing anti A or anti B antibodies.> (4 Strategien, p.356)
(orig. German:
"Menschen mit der Blutgruppe 0 scheinen sehr viel resistenter gegenüber der Entwicklung fast aller Krebsarten zu sein. Der Stoffwechsel des 0-Typs verhält sich, wie ich glaube, intolerant und feindselig, und seine eher einfachen Fucosemoleküle prädisponieren ihn dafür, die A-ähnlichen - in manchen Fällen auch B-ähnlichen - Krebszellen zu entfernen und Anti-A- oder Anti-B-Antikörper zu entwickeln." (4 Strategien, S.356)

But there is cancer with blood group 0:

Kinds of cancer with blood group 0 as the most vulnerable one
-- skin cancer (4 Strategien, p.361).

Kinds of cancer with blood group A

Stomach cancer with blood group A
Blood group A has a low level of stomach acid, and therefore a higher stomach cancer rate than all other blood groups (4 Strategien, p.137).

Nitrate by smoked and pickled food: nitrate which emerges by smoking and pickling food is an especial problem for blood group A because of cancer-causing effect with it's low level of stomach acid (4 Strategien, p.137).

Prevention against cancer is possible with vitamin C as an antioxidant which is blocking the cancer provoking reaction in the stomach of blood group A (4 Strategien, p.137).

Pancreas cancer with blood group A
Blood group A is often developing tumors of pancreas (4 Strategien, p.333).

Remedies and prevention against cancer with blood group A

Blood group A and AB
Good are peanuts, lentils, wheat germs (4 Strategien, p.362), but don't take wheat when there is a bladder cancer because wheat lectins are supporting bladder cancer (4 Strategien, p.361).

Peanuts have an effect against all kinds of cancer with cancer cells similar to body cells of blood group A. The effects working with a special lectin against breast cancer, but in a little extent also against all other kinds of cancer. Peanuts should be eaten with their [dark brown] skin (4 Strategien, p.364). Peanuts are damaging for blood group 0 provoking troubles in the colon (4 Strategien, p.78; richtig leben, p.233).

The lectin in brown and green lentils has a special effect against breast cancer "and probably has an influence against other tumors whit cancer cells similar to body cells of type A." (4 Strategien, p.364)
(orig. German:
Das Lektin in braunen und grünen Linsen wirkt spezielle gegen Brustkrebs "und hat wahrscheinlich Einfluss auf andere A-ähnliche Karzinome." (4 Strategien, S.364)

Lima beans: Lima beans are having an effect against A-similar kinds of cancer, with a lectin in the Lima bean. It is one of the "most effective agglutinants of all cells of type A. [...] The lectin is agglutinating cancer cells without end. Add to this some innocent and upright body cells of type A will be destroyed, but this exchange is worth it."
(orig. German:
Bei Erkrankung an A-ähnlichen Krebsarten wirken Limabohnen gegen Krebs mit dem Limabohnen-Lektin, eines der "wirkungsstärksten Agglutinantien sämtlicher Zellen des A-Typs. [...] Das Lektin wird unzählige Krebszellen verklumpen Ausserdem wird es einige völlig unschuldige und aufrechte A-Typ-Zellen zerstören, aber dieser Tausch lohnt sich."

But note this: When the body is healthy Lima beans are damaging (4 Strategien, p.364).

Soya (tofu products) are a prevention against cancer and can detect the A-similar cancer cells:

<Soya bean agglutinins are capable to detect the converted cells behaving like A-cells producing the A type antigen, and therefore they will be eliminated from the organism, but the normal cells of type A are left safe.>
(orig. German:
"Sojabohnen-Agglutinine sind in der Lage, früh mutierte Zellen, die das A-Typ-Antigen produzieren, selektiv zu bestimmen und aus dem Organismus zu beseitigen, während die normalen A-Typ-Zellen in Ruhe gelassen werden."

<Add to this the soya bean lectin contains the compounds genistein and diazide which are similar to estrogen. These compounds do not only help balancing the effect of feminine estrogen level, but add to this they have more characteristics with the effect reducing the blood supply to tumor cells.> (4 Strategien, p.363)
(orig. German:
"Das Sojabohnen-Lektin enthält ausserdem die östrogenähnlichen Verbindungen Genestein und Diaziden. Diese Verbindungen helfen nicht nur, die Wirkung des weiblichen Östrogenspiegels auszugleichen, sondern enthalten darüber hinaus noch weitere Eigenschaften, die dazu beitragen können, die Blutzufuhr zu den Tumorzellen zu verringern." (4 Strategien, S.363)

Soya products are beneficial for blood group A and AB and are working like a "strong remedy". Japanese women with traditionally much consumption of soya in Japan hardly have any breast cancer, but Japanese women in "America" with much McDonalds food and much meat consumption have much breast cancer. The more McDonalds, the less tofu, the more breast cancer comes with blood groups A and AB (4 Strategien, p.363).

Wheat germs

<Agglutinine in wheat germs shows a big attraction for cancer diseases with humans of blood group A. It's concentrating in the shell, the outer cover which is eliminated normally. Original wheat bran delivers the most important quantity of this lectin. But one can also use industrially produced wheat germ products.> (4 Strategien, p.365)
(orig. German:
"Das Agglutinin in Weizenkeimen zeigt eine grosse Anziehung für Krebserkrankungen bei Menschen mit der Blutgruppe A. Es konzentriert sich in der Samenschale, der äusseren Hülle, die normalerweise entfernt wird. Unbehandelte Weizenkleie liefert die die wichtigste Menge dieses Lectins. Man kann allerdings auch industriell hergestellte Weizenkeimerzeugnisse verwenden." (4 Strategien, S.365)

Snails: escargots are for blood group A and AB like a medicine against cancer, because escargots (Helix promatia) "is a strong breast cancer agglutinin" which is also detecting cancer cells in the lymph nodes: "which is capable if cancer similar cells are building tumors in the lymph nodes."
(orig. German:
"das zu bestimmen vermag, ob die krebsartigen Zellen in die Lymphknoten metastasieren."

There is no damage with escargots (4 Strategien, p.365).

Colon cancer
Against colon cancer there are above all two things: dietary fibers can rise the butyric acid salt level in the cells in the colon walls. The salts of butyric acid are supporting the normalization in the tissue then. And the lectin of amaranth grain is also destroying cancer cells in the colon (4 Strategien, p.365).

Selenium against cancer
can be applied with blood group A, but should be applied with care under medical assistance (4 Strategien, p.140).

Quercetin compound [from lat. quercus = oak]: prevention against cancer for blood group A
Quercetin is a highly effective antioxidant, some 100 times stronger than vitamin E, is an effective prevention against cancer with blood group A. Quercetin can be found in some vegetables, above all
-- in onion
-- or as a compound in capsules in health stores (4 Strategien, p.142).

The quercetin compound can be bought in health stores in form of capsules of 100 to 500 mg (4 Strategien, p.213).

Holy thistle against cancer at the organs
Holy thistle has a very good effect as an antioxidant for blood group A, has got a specialty reaching high concentrations in the liver and in the bile ducts. It should be taken as a prevention when there have been cases in the family already with troubles with liver, pancreas or gallbladder (4 Strategien, p.142).

Chemotherapy can be accompanied by holy thistle compounds protecting the liver from the radiation (4 Strategien, p.142).

see also: Cancer according to blood groups

Diseases of nervous system of blood group A

Polio is going most with blood group B
Polio is a virus infection of the nervous system with paralyzations during childhood and youth. Polio is most going with blood group B (4 Strategien, p.328).

Viral meningitis is most with blood group 0
Viral meningitis is an infection of the nervous system with symptoms of fatigue, high fever and stiffening of neck muscles. Blood group 0 is affected most by it, probably because their immune system of blood group 0 is not so resistant against infections (4 Strategien, p.328).

Neurological diseases in the age with blood group A

Neurological diseases in the age are possible with blood group A by a shortage of vitamin B12. This shortage is emerging because blood group nutrition of type A is going without meat and without cow's milk products, and B12 is hardly absorbed by the weak stomach of blood group A because the gastric mucosa is not giving any intrinsic factor (4 Strategien, p.136).

Dementia with blood group A
Dementia is possible with blood group A again by a shortage of vitamin B 12 which is hardly in blood group nutrition without meats and without cow's milk products, and it's hardly absorbed by the weak stomach of blood group A because the gastric mucosa is not giving any intrinsic factor (4 Strategien, p.136).

Skin diseases with blood group A

Dermatitis and psoriasis
Dr. D'Adamo indicates that contact eczema (dermatitis) and psoriasis are "normally caused by chemicals which have an allergenic effect in the blood." (4 Strategien, p.335).
(orig. German:
"normalerweise durch im Blut wirkende allergene Chemikalien verursacht." (4 Strategien, S.335)

Allergic skin reactions on chemical compounds are most with blood groups A and AB, psoriasis less (4 Strategien, p.336).


There is a contradiction to Dr. D'Adamo: indications about a high vulnerability for plague with blood group A

There was the following meaning (from Denise.Harders@web.de) indicating that blood group A would be more vulnerable for the plague than blood group 0. This indication contradicts the indications of Dr. D'Adamo:

<I just found your web site when I wanted to find out something about blood groups. Then it was striking that with the topic "Treatment of diseases with blood group A" (with the indication of "type of personality of blood group A is "type of personality C") there is the claim (citation): "Blood group 0 does not know the diseases of the later civilization and therefore is vulnerable for plague, cholera and smallpox (4 Strategien, p.28), because viral strains are always getting more complex and are dangerous for the immune system of blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.278) and "When the first big town were developed in Asia, the humans had to stay through the first great epidemics. Therefore blood group A is less vulnerable for plague, cholera and smallpox (4 Strategien, p.28)."

This justification is "inappropriate", and also some of these facts are wrong. I don't know which book is this information of, but it's wrong. It's definitively proved that just blood group A is especially vulnerable for smallpox, and blood group 0 and B just not. This was confirmed to me also from other sides. Below are more citations of other web sites (and the sources). But first there is a biological explanation:

There was investigated that smallpox viruses are having antigen A on their surface. Blood group B and 0 have just no antigen A on their antibodies. A only has antibodies against antigen B. Persons of blood group A resp. 0 can "switch on" their immune defense immediately, because they detect the intruder and are having an antidote against it. But blood group A NOT. Blood group A does not detect the pathogen immediately but have to form their antibodies first. That's why they are longer having smallpox and it's heavy with a first contact with smallpox virus.>

Here are the citations of other web sites about the high plague vulnerability of blood group A:

<Certain blood groups are more vulnerable for certain pathogens than others because they have specific antibodies or anti genes. For smallpox especially people of blood group A is vulnerable, but blood group 0 for the plague, and 0 is also affected by bacterias provoking stomach ulcers many times. Persons with blood group A are statistically more vulnerable for some kinds of cancer like breast cancer and heart attacks.>


<Blood group A would be very vulnerable for smallpox. In former times there were more humans with blood group 0 killed by plague. Today 0 has especially more stomach ulcers. Blood group A has a vulnerability for different kinds of cancer and for heart attacks. Asthma can be observed above all with persons of blood group B. The causes are not cleared for this.>


<According to Dr. D'Adamo also different illnesses are concentrated with some blood groups. Blood group A is said to be more vulnerable for smallpox, humans of blood group B for asthma, and humans of blood group 0 with more stomach ulcers.>



(orig. German:

< Ich bin eben auf Ihre Seite gestoßen, als ich etwas über Blutgruppen raussuchen wollte. Da ist mir aufgefallen, dass sie beim Thema "Krankheitsbehandlung bei Blutgruppe A" ("Die Persönlichkeit von Blutgruppe A: "Persönlichkeitstyp C"") behaupten: (Zitat:) "Blutgruppe 0 kennt die Krankheiten der späteren Zivilisationen nicht und ist deswegen sehr anfällig für Pest, Cholera und Pocken (4 Strategien, S.28), denn die Virusstämme werden immer komplexer und sind für das alte Immunsystem der Blutgruppe 0 gefährlich (4 Strategien, S.278)."  und "Als sich in Asien die ersten grossen Städte entwickelten, mussten die Menschen die ersten grossen Krankheiten. Blutgruppe A ist somit weniger anfällig für Pest, Cholera und Pocken (4 Strategien, S.28)."

Nicht nur das die Begründung ganz schön "hinkt", stimmen auch einige Ihrer Tatsachen nicht. Ich weiß nicht aus was für einem Buch Sie das haben, aber es ist falsch. Es ist definitiv bewiesen, dass gerade die Blutgruppe A besonders anfällig für Pocken ist und die Blutgruppen 0 und B eben nicht. Dieses wird mir auch noch von vielen anderen Seiten bestätigt. Unten habe ich einige Zitate anderer Seiten (und deren Internetseite) eingefügt. Aber erstmal die biologische Erklärung:

Man hat festgestellt, dass Pockenviren auf ihrer Oberfläche das Antigen A tragen. Blutgruppen von B und 0 haben bereits schon von Anfang an Antikörper gegen dieses Antigen A. A eben nicht. A hat nur Antikörper gegen das Antigen B. Personen mit der Blutgruppe B bzw. 0 können also gleich ihre Immunabwehr "einschalten", da diese den Eindringling erkennen und schon ein Mittel dagegen haben. Blutgruppe A eben nicht. Diese erkennen den Erreger nicht sofort und müssen dann erst noch Antikörper bilden. Deshalb erkranken sie länger und schwerer beim Erstkontakt mit dem Pockenvirus.>

Die Zitate anderer Webseiten zur hohen Pestanfälligkeit von Blutgruppe A:

"Bestimmte Blutgruppen sind anfälliger für bestimmte Krankheitserreger als andere, da sie jeweils spezifische Antikörper und Antigene haben. Für Pocken sind daher besonders Menschen mit Blutgruppe A anfällig, während Träger der Blutgruppe 0 früher besonders der Pest zum Opfer fielen und heute von den Magengeschwüre verursachenden Bakterien besonders betroffen sind. Menschen mit Blutgruppe A sind statistisch anfälliger für verschiedene Krebsarten wie Brustkrebs und Herzinfarkte."


"Die Blutgruppe A sei in etwa sehr für Pocken anfällig. In früheren Zeiten fielen vermehrt Menschen mit der Blutgruppe 0 der Pest zum Opfer; heute werden gehäuft Magengeschwüre bei Personen mit dieser Blutgruppe festgestellt. Die Blutgruppe A zeigt häufige Anfälligkeiten für verschiedene Krebsarten und für Herzinfarkte. Asthma ist vor allem bei Personen mit der Blutgruppe B zu beobachten. Die Ursachen dafür sind ungeklärt."


"Auch verschiedene Krankheiten kommen laut Peter Adamo bei manchen Blutgruppen häufiger vor, als bei anderen. Menschen der Blutgruppe A sollen demnach anfälliger für die Pocken sein, Menschen der Blutgruppe B von Asthma und bei Menschen der Blutgruppe O sollen sich Magengeschwüre häufen."



Contradiction to the natives and primary nations
When this should be the truth that blood group A is especially sensitive for smallpox and not type 0, then the mass death of the natives in "America" (who have blood group 0) remains without explanations. This mass death since 1492 was provoked by contact with the Spanish, English, Dutch and French racist colonialist (who had blood group A)...

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