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Tables for blood group 0

Blood group nutrition - blood group diet - application of alimentation as remedies with blood group 0

Broccoli fördert mit Vitamin K bei
                      Blutgruppe 0 die Blutgerinnung des dünnen Blutes
                      von Blutgruppe 0, und ist wichtigste Calciumquelle
                      neben Sardinen.
Walnüsse, Baumnüsse sind eine der
                      wenigen Nusssorten, die für Blutgruppe 0
                      bekömmlich ist. Damit verbunden sind pflanzliches
                      Eiweiss und Fette. Bei Fettleibigkeit nicht
Olivenöl auf Feta-Tomatensalat:
                      Olivenöl fördert bei Blutgruppe 0 Herz und
                      Arterien, und Feta ist eine der wenigen
                      bekömmlichen Käsearten der Blutgruppe 0.
Bio-Rindfleisch und weitere
                      Bio-Fleischsorten täglich in kleinen Mengen
                      eingenommen optimieren bei Blutgruppe 0 den
                      Stoffwechsel, weil der saure Magen für
                      Fleischverdauung geschaffen ist.
Sardinen regulieren bei Blutgruppe 0
                      mit Jod die für den 0-Typ typische Unterfunktion
                      der Schilddrüse, und Sardinen sind die wichtigste
                      Calciumquelle neben Broccoli.
Broccoli with vitamin K is promoting blood coagulation of the thin blood with type 0, and is the most important calcium source for type 0, with sardines.

Walnuts are a beneficial nut for type 0, and there are not many beneficial nuts for type 0. Walnut brings vegetal proteins and fats. Is not recommendable with adiposity.

Olive oil on a feta tomato salad: olive oil supports heart and arteries with type 0, and feta is one of the few beneficial sorts of cheese for blood group 0.

Biological beef and more biological sorts of meat per day in little quantities are optimizing metabolism with type 0 because the sour stomach is made for meat digestion.

Sardines are regulating iodine balance with type 0 because type 0 suffers always with a hypofunction of thyroid gland. Add to this sardines are most important calcium source for type 0, with broccoli.

by Michael Palomino (2006 / 2012)

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-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 blood groups - 4 strategies (4 Blutgruppen. 4 Strategien für ein gesundes Leben. Mit Rezeptteil; Piper 2001)
-- Peter D'Adamo: Live right 4 your type (4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben, Piper 2002)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 blood groups. Lexicon (4 Blutgruppen. Das Lexikon für ein gesundes Leben; Piper 2005)

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1. Simple food tables for blood group 0

2. Food tables for blood group 0 making a difference between secretors and non-secretors

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1. Simple food tables for blood group 0

Meat table for blood group 0

Blood group 0 with it's sour stomach is proceeding meat in a very efficient way. For the hunters this was important for life (4 Strategien, p.75).

to avoid
Pluck (heart, liver)
(liver is best vitamin E food for blood group 0) (4 Strategien, p.103)
Beef, ground beef

pork, ham, bacon, breakfast bacon
("provoke a blood reaction which is not normal; contains substances which can cause more vulnerability for diseases."
(orig. German:
("bewirkt anomale Blutreaktion; enthält Stoff, der sich auf Krankheitsanfälligkeit auswirken kann." (Lexikon, p.706)

(from: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, p.75)
Optimizing metabolism of blood group 0 is working
-- with the permitted classes of meat, and with liver and kidney are best vitamin B food  for blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.99).

Fish and sea food table for blood group 0

-- fish with omega 3 fatty acids are bringing down the levels of lipids and blood fat with members of type 0, and are a prevention for cardiovascular diseases (4 Strategien, p.75).
-- sea food is a good iodine source regulating thyroid gland for members of type 0 (4 Strategien, p.75), and also fish, but above all sea fish (4 Strategien, p.100)
-- permitted sorts of fishes are best vitamin B food for blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.99).
very beneficial
with omega 3 fatty acids regulating thyroid gland with blood group 0
to avoid
blue fish
fresh cod
redfin perch
rainbow trout
red snapper

sardine (with a lot of calcium for blood group 0, 4 Strategien, p.100)

striped bass
tile fish
white fish
white perch

anchovy (anchovies)
clams (sand)
frog legs
kalmar (squid)
monkfish (angler)
salmon trout
Scallops (Pilgrim, scallops)
Sea bass (loup de mer)
white sturgeon
barracuda (barracuda)
caviar octopus
marinated herring
sea snails
smoked salmon

(from: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, p.76)

Table of milk products for blood group 0

Blood group 0 is rejecting cow's milk products:
-- the defense system of blood group 0 is producing antibodies against cow's milk products "fighting the invasion of this kind of food in this organism" (orig. German: "um das Eindringen dieses Lebensmittels in den Organismus" zu bekämpfen (4 Strategien, p.77)

-- the organism of blood group 0 cannot proceed cow's milk products completely
-- cow's milk products are even hindering the metabolism proceedings with other food
-- mold materials can react allergic reaction (4 Strategien, p.84-85)
-- ice cream (made of cow's milk products) can provoke arthritis (4 Strategien, p.290).
to avoid

butter (all of type 0)

farmer cheese (only secretors)

ghee [butter] (all of type 0)

goat cheese (only secretors) (richtig leben, p.229)

mozzarella (only secretors) feta (richtig leben, p.229) (only secretors)

soy cheese

soy milk

Blue cheese
Cheddar [from Cheddar, Somerset]
cheese spread
Colby [mild "American" cheese from Colby, Wisconsin]
cottage cheese
cream cheese
Farmer cheese (only non-secretors) (richtig leben, p.229)
Feta cheese (feta) (only non-secretors) (right living, p.229)
Goat cheese (only non-secretors) (richtig leben, p.229)
Goat milk (secretors and non-secretors) (right living, p.228)
Ice cream, ice cream
Milk, all varieties (including skimmed milk, goat's milk also)
Monterey Jack
Mozzarella (only non-secretors) (right living, p.229)
Ricotta [made of sheep's and cow's milk]
Yogurt, all varieties

(from: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, p.84-85;
Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben, p.229)

Grain table for blood group 0

to avoid
-- is proceeded badly with blood group 0 provoking fat deposits and gain of weight up to diabetes
-- disturb metabolism processes of other food


barley flour


Jerusalem artichokes

oats (secretors) (richtig leben, p.233)

quinoa [quinoa, buckwheat from South "America"]

rice (basmati rice, brown rice, rice flour, wild rice) (4 Strategien, p.80,81), rice milk (all kinds) (richtig leben, p.229)

rye flour

spelt flour

Wheat (precooked cracked wheat, semolina, durum wheat flour, semolina)

(The human blood of type 0 developed an immune response against wheat lectins. Wheat is then slowly converted and stored as fat (4 Strategien, p.80).

(The agglutinin of whole wheat may worsen infections with blood group 0, especially with non-secretors, especially with men (richtig leben, p.233).

(Wheat lectins in the body of members of blood group 0 are pretending the behavior of insulin and therefore are causing an insulin resistance, so that insulin must be additionally injected (richtig leben, p.263-264).


gluten-containing flour

oats (non-secretors) (richtig leben, p.233)

soba (buckwheat noodles)

multi-grain mixed flour with wheat

(Members of blood group 0 developed an immune response against wheat lectins. Wheat diet is then slowly converted and stored as fat (4 Strategien, p.80).

(The agglutinin of whole wheat may worsen infections with blood group 0, especially with non-secretors, especially with men (richtig leben, p.233).

(Wheat lectins in the body of members of blood group 0 are pretending the behavior of insulin and therefore are causing an insulin resistance, so that insulin must be additionally injected (richtig leben, p.263-264).

(from: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, p.80,81)

corn flour

(disturbs insulin production with blood group 0, provokes diabetes and adiposity; when there are cases of diabetes in the family corn flour has to be avoided in any case, p.82)

(Corn lectins are copying the behavior of insulin in the body of blood group 0 causing an insulin resistance, so that additional insulin has to be injected (richtig leben, p.263-264).

Flakes of cereals

amaranth flakes
barley flakes
buckwheat flakes
kamut (Egyptian wheat)
popped millet
rice bran
rice flakes
spelt flakes

oat bran flakes


wheat flakes, wheat germ, wheat bran, shredded wheat

(Members of blood group 0 developed an immune response against wheat lectins. Wheat diet is then slowly converted and stored as fat (4 Strategien, p.80).

(The agglutinin of whole wheat may worsen infections with blood group 0, especially with non-secretors, especially with men (richtig leben, p.233).

(Wheat lectins in the body of members of blood group 0 are pretending the behavior of insulin and therefore are causing an insulin resistance, so that insulin must be additionally injected (richtig leben, p.263-264).

(aus: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, S.80)

Grains: bread table for blood group 0

to avoid
-- is not digested well with blood group 0 provoking fat deposits and gain of weight
-- disturbs metabolism of other food (4 Strategien, p.81)
-- damaging grains provoke arthritis with blood group 0 (4 Strategien p.286), for example sandwiches of wheat flour (4 Strategien, p.290).

Essen Bread
(Wheat lectins are destroyed by the germination of the wheat BEFORE making the bread) (4 Strategien, p.81); Essen Bread is beneficial for secretors and non-secretors (richtig leben, p.235).

gluten-free bread
millet Bread

rice cakes, brown rice bread (bread made from brown rice)

rye bread
soy bread
spelt bread

Bagels (from wheat buns)
Cornmeal muffins
(Corn lectins are copying the behavior of insulin in the bodies of blood group 0 provoking an insulin resistance so additional insulin injections are necessary (richtig leben, p.263-264).

Durum wheat bread

multi grain bread [with wheat in it]
wheat germ bread
wheat bran muffins
whole wheat bread (Graham bread)

(Members of blood group 0 developed an immune response against wheat lectins. Wheat diet is then slowly converted and stored as fat (4 Strategien, p.80).

(The agglutinin of whole wheat may worsen infections with blood group 0, especially with non-secretors, especially with men (richtig leben, p.233).

(Wheat lectins in the body of members of blood group 0 are pretending the behavior of insulin and therefore are causing an insulin resistance, so that insulin must be additionally injected (richtig leben, p.263-264).

Oat Bran Muffins

Pumpernickel [wheat]

(from: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, p.81)

Vegetable table for blood group 0

-- alkaline fruits and vegetables are very good for the sour stomach of blood group 0 protecting it from an overacidification, from irritations of gastric mucosa and also from gastric ulcers (4 Strategien, p.75)
-- green vegetables with much vitamin K is supporting blood coagulation of the thin blood of blood group 0: green cabbage, collard greens, cos lettuce (romain), broccoli, spinach (4 Strategien, p.82,83)
-- green leafy vegetables with folic acid (a vitamin B) (richtig leben, p.212), the green leafy vegetables (green cabbage, spinach, chard) are best vitamin B food for blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.99) and are best vitamin E food (4 Strategien, p.103)
-- green vegetables with their chlorophyll are supporting blood coagulation with blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.293).
to avoid

Cabbage, kale

(rich of vitamin K, supports blood clotting of the thin blood of blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.82, 83), is best vitamin B food for blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.99) and vitamin E (4 Strategien, p.103)

kohlrabi (turnip cabbage)


Cabbage: cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, mustard greens, white cabbage

(These vegetables are known to inhibit additionally the already weak thyroid function of blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.83).

Nightshade family

(Tomato lectins are coagulating the blood of any blood type. But members of type 0 produce no antibodies against tomatoes and therefore members of type 0 can eat tomatoes (4 Strategien, p.118).
(is from nightshade family and is depositing lectins in the body of type 0 in the tissues and joints provoking arthritic diseases).

Potatoes [boiled potatoes, French fries]
(are from nightshade family and is depositing lectins in the body of type 0 in the tissues and joints provoking arthritic diseases).

Lectins from boiled potatoes in bodies of blood group 0 are copying the behavior of insulin provoking an insulin resistance so that additional insulin injections are needed (richtig leben, p.263-264).

(from: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, p.82,83)
More vegetables


batavian endive

beans and pulses: adzuki bean, cow pea, pinto bean (4 Strategien, p.79)
(are leveling down gastric acid and can heal gastric ulcers with blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.79)

beet: Turnips, turnip greens

(with much vitamin K supporting blood coagulation of the thin blood of blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.82,83) with much calcium for blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.100)

(best vitamin B foods for blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.99) and vitamin E (4 Strategien, p.103) horseradish Chicory

Jerusalem artichoke

okra (Gumbo)
Red peppers

Romaine lettuce
(rich in vitamin K, helps blood to clot the blood thin blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.82, 83) and vitamin E (4 Strategien, p.103)

Spanish onions

(rich in vitamin K, helps blood to clot the blood thin blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.82, 83), best vitamin B foods (4 Strategien, p.99) and vitamin E (4 Strategien, p.103 )

sweet potatoes
bamboo sprouts

beans and pulses: cannellini beans, broad beans, green beans, green peas, chick peas, Lima beans, broad beans (fava beans), red beans, black beans, soybeans, white beans, snow peas (4 Strategien, p.79)

Bean sprouts
Beets, red, yellow turnip, rutabaga
chili peppers
daikon (Japanese radish)
iceberg lettuce
olive green
pak-choi (Chinese cabbage leaves)
peppers, green, yellow
radicchio [red-leaved endive]
radishes: radish sprouts
spring onions
tempeh [Indonesian soy product]
water Chestnuts
alfalfa sprouts
(are irritating the gastrointestinal system of type 0 and can enforce the problem of overacidification (4 Strategien, p.82).

(Add to this alfalfa is thinning the blood and with blood group 0 with it's thin blood this is really dangerous (4 Strategien, p.88).


beans and pulses: lentils, green lentils, kidney beans, navy beans, red lentils (4 strategies, p.79)

(Harmful beans and legumes (especially with lentils and kidney beans) provoke an alkaline muscle tissue provoking fatigue with type 0 (4 strategies, p.73).

(The lectins of the harmful beans with blood group 0 insulin are copying the behavior of insulin and therefore provoke a resistance to insulin so that additional insulin has to be injected (richtig leben, p.263-264).

corn, yellow and white
(is disturbing insulin production [disturbing pancreas] with blood group 0 causing adiposity and diabetes (4 Strategien, p.82)

(Corn lectins are copying the behavior of insulin with blood group 0 provoking a resistance of insulin so that insulin has to be additionally injected (richtig leben, p.263-264).
Olives, black (contain mold materials which can provoke allergies (4 Strategien, p.82)
Sour pickled vegetables [like e.g. Sweet and Sour from Dr. Ben's] is irritating gastric mucosa heavily and are not indigestible for blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.87).

vegetable in vinegar:
-- Pickles in vinegar or in salty water (richtig leben, p.249)
-- Relish [vegetables in vinegar] (4 Strategien, p.86-87; richtig leben, p.249)
-- Mixed Pickles
-- Sour and sweet [vegetables in vinegar] (4 Strategien, p.86-87)

(Vinegar is irritating the gastrointestinal system of blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.86)

(from: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, p.83)

Mushroom table for blood group 0

to avoid

abalone mushrooms
oyster mushrooms
enoki mushrooms
shiitake mushroom
(contains mold materials which can provoke allergies with type 0(4 Strategien, p.82)

(aus: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, S.83)

Oil table for blood group 0

The permitted vegetal oils are best vitamin E food for blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.103).
Linseed oil and olive oil are supporting heart and arteries and eventually are also lowering cholesterol levels in the blood (4 Strategien, p.78).
to avoid
Linseed oil
Olive oil
Cod liver oil (cod liver oil)
rape oil
sesame oil

Corn oil
cottonseed oil
peanut oil
safflower oil

(from: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, p.78,87)

Nut table for blood group 0

Permitted nuts are best source of vitamin B (4 Strategien, p.99) and for vitamin E (4 Strategien, p.103).
to avoid
are causing colon troubles with type 0
pumpkin seeds


almonds, almond butter
macadamia nuts

Brazil nuts
peanuts, peanut butter

(from: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, p.78)

Seed table for blood group 0

to avoid
are causing colon troubles with type 0

pine nuts
sesame paste (tahini)
sunflower seeds, sunflower puree

poppy seed

(from: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, p.78)

Vegetable juice table for blood group 0

Alkaline fruits and vegetables are for the sour stomach of type 0 a protection from overacidification, a protection from irritations of the gastric mucosa and also from stomach ulcers (4 Strategien, p.75).

to avoid
-- is inhibiting thyroid gland which is already weak with type 0 (4 Strategien, p.82)

Juices of beneficial sorts of vegetables:
carrot juice
cucumber juice

tomato juice
(tomato lectins are agglutinating the blood of any blood type, but members of type 0 are producing no antibodies against tomatoes and therefore can eat tomatoes (4 Strategien, p.118).
cabbage juice

(from: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, p.83,85)

Fruit table for blood group 0

-- alkaline fruits and vegetables are very good for the sour stomach of blood group 0 protecting it from an overacidification, from irritations of gastric mucosa and also from gastric ulcers (4 Strategien, p.75)
-- berries are all no problem for type 0 with the exception of blackberries which are making digestion more difficult (4 Strategien, p.84).
-- have an alkaline effect in the stomach of blood group 0
-- have no mold materials

to avoid
-- are negative because of sour effect in the sour stomach of type 0
-- contain mold materials and can provoke allergies with type 0

Cherries: black cherries (p.85)
(are very alkaline balancing the sour stomach of type 0 (4 Strategien, p.85)

Figs (fresh and dried)
(are reacting in an alkaline way, are balancing the sour stomach of type 0 and have no mold materials charging the body of type 0 (4 Strategien, p.84)

Plums (fresh and dried)
(are reacting in an alkaline way, are balancing the sour stomach of blood group 0 and have no charging mold materials (4 Strategien, p.84).


Boysenberries [cross between loganberry, raspberry and blackberry, from New Zealand]

currants (red and black)

(are acidic, after digestion but they have alkaline properties (4 strategies, p.84)



Kumquat [orange fruit from China and Vietnam]
Loganberry ["American" cross between blackberry and raspberry]

Persimmon (Kaki)

(supporting digestion against flatulence, supports blood group 0 against edema and obesity (4 strategies, p.85)

prickly pear
Starfruit (carambola) [Carambole]
watermelon, winter melon
banana: plantain [South "America": "platano"]

(provoking digestion difficulties with blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.84).

Melon: honeydew melon, rockmelon (mold materials can cause allergic reactions with blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.82, 84)

(with blood group 0 sensitive reactions are possible (4 Strategien, p.84)


(high acidity, damaging to the acidic stomach of blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.84), acid-forming (richtig leben, p.217)

(high acidity, damaging to the acidic stomach of blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.84), acid-forming (richtig leben, p.217)

rhubarb [too acidic?]

(high acidity, damaging to the acidic stomach of blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.84), acid-forming (richtig leben, p.217)

(from: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, p.84-85)

Table with fruit juices for blood group 0

Alkaline fruits and vegetables are very good for the sour stomach of blood group 0 protecting it from an overacidification, from irritations of gastric mucosa and also from gastric ulcers (4 Strategien, p.75).
-- with an alkaline effect in the stomach of type 0
-- without mold materials.

to avoid
-- because the effect in the stomach of type 0 is too sour
-- because of too high content of sugar.

Cherry juice (from black cherries)
(cherry juice from black cherries is strongly alkaline and is balancing the acidic stomach of type 0 (4 Strategien, p.85).

Pineapple juice
(pineapple supports digestion helping eliminating flatulence, is regulating edemas and obesity with type 0 (4 Strategien, p.85).

Prune juice
(plums have an alkaline reaction and are balancing the sour stomach of type 0, and have no harmful mold materials (4 Strategien, p.84).

apricot juice

grapefruit juice
(grapefruit is acidic, but after the digestion process has alkaline properties (4 Strategien, p.84).

apple juice
(for blood group 0 to high sugar content (4 Strategien, p.85)

(for blood group 0 to high sugar content (4 Strategien, p.85)

orange juice
(mandarins and oranges have an acidic effect in the acidic stomach of blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.84-85), and they have even an acid forming effect (right living, p.217). All acidic juices like orange juice should be avoided by blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.85)

(from: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, p.84-85)

Table of herbs and spices for blood group 0

with a calming effect on the gastrointestinal system
to avoid
are irritating the gastrointestinal system

Cayenne (pepper) [ground chili peppers]
(warm spice, with a warming effect on the gastrointestinal tract with blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.86)

(warm spice, with a warming effect on the gastrointestinal tract with blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.86)

Kombu algas
(-- alkaline, preventive against gastrointestinal ulcers
-- the fucose in kombu algas protects the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore bacteria causing gastric ulcers can hardly install themselves
-- is regulating thyroid gland with iodine and has an effect against obesity (4 strategies, p.86)

Parsley (soothes gastrointestinal tract with blood group 0)

Red algae (dulse)

Turmeric [yellow ginger, saffron-like]

bay leaf
caraway, cumin
chili (red)
mustard powder
pimento (allspice)



pepper (ground, black and white)
(irritates the gastrointestinal tract (4 strategies, p.86)


The following irritating herbs that also dilute the blood in addition, are dangerous for blood group 0:

- Alfalfa [alfalfa]
- Aloe
- cocklebur
- cornsilk (4 strategies, p.88).

(from: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, p.86-87)

Table with syrups / spiced oils / thickening agents for blood group 0
to avoid

Lemon juice

Salt: iodized salt
(iodine in little quantities has a regulating effect on thyroid gland of type 0 which is hardly working (4 Strategien, p.86)

agar [thickener E406]
almond oil
Arrowroot flour
brown rice syrup
cream of tartar (winestone)
jam (from acceptable fruits)
jellies (from acceptable fruits)
maple syrup
miso [Japanese soy paste]
rice syrup

salad dressings (low fat, only permissible ingredients) [for example soya sauce or the olive oil]

sugar, white and brown
sugarcane juice

tamari (dark soy sauce, wheat free, live rightly, p.252)

tapioca [cassava starch]
wintergreen oil
Worcestershire sauce

capers [in vinegar]

cornstarch (impairing insulin production with type 0 [disturbing pancreas] provoking diabetes and obesity, has to be avoided absolutely when there are cases in the family already (4 Strategien, p.82)

corn syrup (impairing insulin production with type 0 [disturbing pancreas] provoking diabetes and obesity, has to be avoided absolutely when there are cases in the family already (4 Strategien, p.82)

vinegar: Apple cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar, red wine vinegar, white wine vinegar, mayonnaise [contains vinegar], tomato ketchup (contains vinegar)

(vinegar irritates blood group 0 in the gastrointestinal tract (4 strategies, p.86)

(from: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, p.86-87)

Tea table for blood group 0
-- having a calming effect in the hyperactive digestion system and on the hyperactive immune system of blood group 0
to avoid
-- having an irritating effect

bark of gray elm (red elm)
chili (red)

(calming effect for the overactive digestive system and the hyperactive immune system of blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.87)

rose hip
(calms the overactive digestive system and the hyperactive immune system of blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.87)

sarsaparilla tea (spice from the sarsaparilla root)
(calms the overactive digestive system and the hyperactive immune system of blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.87)

dong quai (Chinese tea, Angelica sinensis)

green tea (caffeine in green tea is allowed as a substitute for coffee; 4 strategies, p.88, 89)


licorice root
(as a powder or candy (eglycyrrhisirierte licorice, Glycyrrhiza glabra DGL).
(Liquorice heals the stomach and protects the stomach from gastric acid (4 strategies, p.101)

mint: spearmint, catnip
raspberry leaf
white horehound
White oak bark

alfalfa (lucerne)
(exhausted from blood group 0 the gastrointestinal tract and can the problems of acidity or (4 strategies reinforce, p.82).

(Alfalfa further diluted the blood and for blood group 0 with his blood dangerously thin (4 strategies, p.88).

(irritate the gastrointestinal tract, has a blood thinning effect and is thus for blood group 0 with thin blood dangerous (4 strategies, p.88).

big climb
(irritate the gastrointestinal tract, has a blood thinning effect and is thus for blood group 0 with thin blood dangerous (4 Strategies, p.88).


(irritate the gastrointestinal tract, has a blood thinning effect and is thus for blood group 0 with thin blood dangerous (4 strategies, p.88).

currant herb
gentian tea
red clover
shepherd's purse
strawberry leaf
yellow dock

(from: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, p.88)

Table with drinks for blood group 0
-- having a calming effect in the hyperactive digestion system and on the hyperactive immune system of blood group 0
to avoid
-- with an irritating effect
Mineral water
beer (in limited quantities)
green tea
red wine
white wine
alcoholic beverages
bean coffee with caffeine, without caffeine
black tea

(from: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, p.88)

Vitamin table useful food for blood group 0

B12 and folic acid are responsible for the formation of red and white blood cells (richtig leben, p.212).
beef, liver, lamb, poultry, fish
Folic acid (a vitamin B)
liver, leafy vegetables, mushrooms, peas, beans, nuts

(from: Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben, p.212)

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2. Food tables for blood group 0 making also the difference between secretors and non-secretors

Nutrition of blood group 0: to avoid (negative food for blood group 0)
(beneficial: +; neutral: o; to avoid: -)
Milk and milk products (dairy and dairy products)
Milk (dairy): cow's milk: skim milk, whole milk (richtig leben, p.227), goat's milk (richtig leben, p.228)

Milk products (dairy products): English blue cheese, Brie, Camembert, casein, cheddar [English cow's milk cheese from Cheddar in England, Somerset], American Cheddar, Colby [mild "American" cheese from Colby in the "USA", Wisconsin], Edam, Emmental cheese, cream cheese, gouda cheese, cheddar, cottage cheese, Jarlsberg cheese, yogurt, kefir, Monterey Jack, Muenster cheese (richtig leben, p.227), Neufchatel, paneer (Indian cheese), Parmesan, Provolone, ricotta cheese (richtig leben, p.228)

Further milk products (further dairy products): buttermilk, ice cream (p.227), cottage cheese, sour cream, whey (richtig leben, p.228).

- The defense system of type 0 produces antibodies against cow's milk products, fighting "the invasion of this food into the organism" (4 Strategien, p.77)

- the organism of type 0 can not process milk products properly

- dairy products interfere the metabolism of other foods

- mold materials in the milk products can provoke allergic reactions (4 Strategien, p.84-85).

[Blood group 0 cannot process dairy products properly], milk products are only hard to digest (richtig leben, p.215).

Milk products with type 0 provoke adiposity, inflammations and fatigue (richtig leben, p.226).

Ice cream can cause arthritis with blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.290).

Milk products: cheeses: farmer cheese, feta, mozzarella, goat's cheese (richtig leben, p.229)
Grains: Wheat Products: couscous (semolina), barley, wheat products with gluten, flour with gluten, durum wheat, durum wheat products, corn (all types), corn meal, popcorn, sorghum (Durra), wheat extract flour, wheat germ bread (p. 234), whole wheat products, wheat, white wheat flour products (richtig leben, p.235)

Grains: more products: malt, wheat germ, wheat bran (right living, p.234)

Wheat: members of blood group 0 developed an immune response against wheat lectins. The wheat diet is then slowly converted and is not converted into energy but is stored as fat (4 Strategien, p.80).

The agglutinin of whole wheat may worsen with blood group 0 infections, especially for non-secretors, above all with men (richtig leben, p.233).

Wheat and corn lectins in bodies of blood group 0 are imitating insulin and are provoking that pancreas is not producing insulin any more so an insulin resistance is developing and additional insulin has to be injected (richtig leben, p.263-264).

Damaging crops

- are digested badly by blood group 0 provoking new fat deposits and weight gain in weight up to diabetes

- interfere metabolism of other foods (4 Strategien, p.80-82).

The harmful effect of cereals with blood group 0 can go up to obesity and up to diabetes (richtig leben, p.215). The lectins of wheat and corn are copying the behavior of insulin provoking in extreme cases that [pancreas means that there is no insulin needed any more and stops it's insulin production], that the body becomes resistant to insulin (richtig leben, p.263-264).

The lectins of harmful cereals can also cause arthritis with blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.286), for example, sandwiches made of wheat flour [McDonalds etc.] (4 Strategien, p.290).

Corn, yellow and white, are affecting insulin production with blood group 0 [pancreas means that there is no insulin needed any more] causing obesity and diabetes; 4 Strategien, p.82).

Cereals: buckwheat (kasha (roasted buckwheat), spelt, spelt flour, spelt products, gluten-free bread, oats / oat bran / oatmeal, oat flour (richtig leben, p.235), soba noodles (100% buckwheat), soya bread, tapioca (cassava), Jerusalem artichoke pasta / topinambour pasta (richtig leben, p.236)
cause for non-secretors of type 0 obesity to diabetes, for secretors these cereals are neutral without problem (richtig leben, p.215)
Eggs: goose eggs, salmon eggs, quail eggs (right living, p.228)

Meat: turtle, quail (richtig leben, S.220)
Meat: ham / bacon / pork (richtig leben, S.220)
Fish / seafood: abalone, barracuda, frog legs, squid (calamari, octopus), octopod (octopus), sea snails, muskellunge (sort of pike), Hechtart), pollack (richtig leben, p.222)

frozen fish (richtig leben, p.222)

Fish is normally very good for blood group 0 regulating omega 3 fatty acids which are produced by thyroid gland, but with type 0 thyroid gland is producing too less omega 3 fatty acids normally (4 Strategien, p.76). Well, but some fish contain hostile lectins or hostile polyamines for type 0 (richtig leben, p.221), with non-secretors even worse than for secretors. Therefore one has to choose every fish exactly. Frozen fish has much more polyamines than fresh fish and therefore frozen fish should be avoided at all (right living, p.222). -
Fish / seafood: anchovies (p.223), crabs (p.224), mussels (richtig leben, p.225)

Fish / seafood: catfish (richtig leben, p.222)

Vegetables: kidney beans, navy beans, lentils, peanuts and potatoes [boiled potatoes, and French fries] (boiled potatoes)

Beans and pulses / legumes (particularly with lentils and kidney beans) provoke that the muscle tissue is alkaline, so that all movements are slower for blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.73).

Lectins of wheat, corn, potatoes and harmful beans in bodies of type 0 are copying the behavior of insulin [so that the pancreas means that there would be enough insulin already and is reducing or even stopping insulin production] leading to an insulin resistance so that insulin must be subsequently injected (richtig leben, p.263-264).

Vegetables: Alfalfa sprouts (alfalfa), aloe products, cauliflower (p.237), cucumber, black olives, leeks, rhubarb, taro [tubers from the South Pacific area], yucca, acacia (p.238), capers [in vinegar] potatoes [boiled potatoes, and French fries], shiitake mushrooms (right living, p.239)

Vegetables in vinegar: pickle / pickles in vinegar or brine, relish [vegetables in vinegar] (right living, p.249)

Alfalfa sprouts (lucerne) are irritating gastrointestinal system of type 0 and may enforce the problem of overacidification of the sour stomach of type 0 (4 Strategien, p.82). Alfalfa sprouts also have a blood-thinning effect and are dangerous for blood group 0 with it's thin blood (4 strategies, p.88).

Aloe is irritating gastrointestinal system and has got a blood thinning effect and therefore is dangerous for type 0 with it's thin blood (4 Strategien, p.88).

Vinegar (for example capers in vinegar) with blood group 0 irritates the gastrointestinal tract (4 strategies, p.86).

The lectins of potatoes [and French fries and chips] are imitating the behavior of insulin in blood group 0, and in extreme cases [the pancreas means that there would be enough insulin already and is reducing or even stopping insulin production] so that there will be an insulin resistance (right living, p.263-264). Add to this the lectins of potatoes cause arthritis with blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.286)

Shiitake mushrooms and black olives contain mold materials that can trigger allergic reactions with blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.82).

Vegetables: supplementary food: agar, aubergine (eggplant) (p.239), cabbage (white, red, Chinese cabbage), cabbage juice, olives (green) (S.240), Brussels sprouts, sourcrout (richtig leben, p.241)

Cabbage types are vegetables that are reducing the work of thyroid gland which is already working in a reduced way with blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.82, 83)

Aubergine (eggplant) (richtig leben, p.239) (Solanaceae; 4 Strategien, p.82,83)
The following Solanaceae eggplant and boiled potatoes are storing their lectins in tissues and joints provoking arthritic diseases (4 strategies, p.82, 83)
Potatoes (richtig leben, p.239) (Solanaceae, nightshade family; 4 Strategien, p.82,83)
Pilze: Shiitake mushrooms (richtig leben, p.239)
Shiitake mushrooms have mold materials and can provoke allergies with blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.82,83).
Mushrooms: mushrooms (richtig leben, p.237)

Beans and pulses: reduce the following ones:

Kidney beans, pearl bean (richtig leben, p.230)
Beans with blood group 0 are not a very good source of protein (richtig leben, p.215), because beans and legumes (pulses) often have damaging lectins and therefore as a source of protein they are only of second priority for type 0 (richtig leben, p.229). The lectins of the harmful beans copy the behavior of insulin [so that the pancreas means that there would be enough insulin already and is reducing or even stopping insulin production] so that insulin must be subsequently injected (right living, p.263-264).

Beans and legumes (pulses): lentils, green lentils, pinto beans, red lentils (richtig leben, p.230)


Beans and legumes (pulses): broad bean (fava bean), chickpeas (p.230), red beans, soya beans, soya products (right living, p.231)

Soya bean products: miso (p.230), soya flakes, soya cheese, soya milk, whole grain soya flour, tempeh, tofu (right living, p.231)

Fruits: orange, tangerine, strawberry (richtig leben, p.217) These fruits have a high acidity, damaging the acidic stomach of blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.84), add to this they are acid-forming which cannot be accepted at all in the already sour stomach of type 0 (right living, p.217)
Fruits: Nutritional Supplements: Apple (a juice), apricot (a juice), dates, strawberries (richtig leben, p.244)
Apple juice for blood group 0 has too much sugar (4 Strategien, p.85). o
Fruits: avocado (richtig leben, S.242)

Fruits: bitter melon, blackberries (also juice), honeydew (winter melon), rockmelon (kantalup melon), kiwi, coconut milk, Mandarin (also the juice), orange (also the juice) (p.243), plantain (South "America": "platano"), litchi (richtig leben, p.244)

Damaging melons have harmful mold materials which can trigger  allergic reactions in bodies of type 0 (4 Strategien, p.82,84).

Blackberries are making digestion of blood group 0 more difficult (4 Strategien, p.84).

Coconut products can cause sensitive reactions with blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.84).

Tangerines (mandarins) and oranges have an acidic effect in the acidic stomach of blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.84-85), also orange juice (4 strategies, p.85), and moreover, they are acid forming and this is not at all acceptable for the already sour stomach of blood group 0 (right living, p.217) .

Nutrition of blood group 0: beneficial (positive food for blood group 0)
(beneficial: +; neutral: o; to avoid: -)
Milk products (dairy products): butter, ghee (clarified butter, butterfat) (richtig leben, p.229)

Milk products (dairy products): cheese: Farmer cheese, feta, mozzarella, goat cheese (richtig leben, p.229)

Grains: Essen Bread With Essen bread germed wheat is used where gluten lectins (almost all are in the seed coat) have been eliminated within the germination process before producing the flour. Therefore Essen Bread is rich of nutrients with many beneficial intact enzymes (4 Strategien, p.80-81), respectively is beneficial (richtig leben, p.235).
Grains: amaranth, millet, kamut (Egyptian wheat) (richtig leben, p.235), quinoa [from South "America"], rice, rice products (p.236), rice milk (p.229), rye, rye products, tef (type of millet [in Africa]) (richtig leben, p.236)


Grains: buckwheat (kasha, roasted buckwheat), spelt, spelt flour / spelt products, gluten-free bread, oats / oat bran / wholegrain oatmeal, oat flour (p.235), soba noodles (100% buckwheat), soya bread, tapioca (cassava), Jerusalem artichoke pasta (topinambour pasta) (richtig leben, p.236)

cause for non-secretors obesity up to diabetes (richtig leben, p.215)
Eggs: egg yolk (hen's egg), egg white (hen's egg), chicken eggs, duck eggs (richtig leben, p.229) have - in medium quantities - a positive effect, with  docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) may help with blood group 0 building up active tissue (richtig leben, S.226) o
Eggs: goose eggs, salmon eggs, quail eggs (richtig leben, p.228)

Meat: can be eaten several times per week, also semi-bloody (richtig leben, p.215), meager biological meat (richtig leben, p.219), no pork (richtig leben, p.220).

Buffalo, mutton, veal, beef, venison (p.220), heart / sweetbreads (richtig leben, p.221)
for strength, energy and a good metabolism (richtig leben, p.215), for the delivery of proteins and for the perfect fat metabolism (richtig leben, p.219). The permitted types of meat are best vitamin B food for blood group 0 (4 strategies, p.99).

When lean (meager) biological meat is missing in the nutrition [and many grain and milk products are eaten], diabetes and cardiovascular diseases can be expected for the longer term, above all with non-secretors (richtig leben, p.219).

Beef with vitamin B12 (richtig leben, p.212)
Meat: lamb, liver (veal) (richtig leben, p.220)
Lamb and liver with vitamin B12 (richtig leben, p.212); liver with folic acid (one of the vitamins B) (richtig leben, p.212)

Liver and kidney are best vitamin B food for blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.99).
Meat: pheasant, young pigeon, rabbit, partridge, ostrich (richtig leben, p.221)

Meat: squirrel, duck, goose, chicken, guinea fowl, horses, turkeys, grouse, goat (richtig leben, p.221)
poultry with vitamin B12 (richtig leben, p.212) o
Meat: turtle, quail (richtig leben, p.220)

Fish and seafood: very oily sea fish (richtig leben, S.215, 221):

Redfin perch (all kinds), pike, cod (p.222), shad (shad), yellowtail, rainbow trout, swordfish, sole, sturgeon, tile fish (richtig leben, p.223)
-- Fish with vitamin B12 (richtig leben, p.212); these permitted kinds of fishes are best vitamin B food for blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.99)

-- fish with it's omega 3 fatty acids is regulating thyroid gland with blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.76). Fish with omega 3 fatty acids is decreasing lipids and blood fat levels with blood group 0 and is a prevention against cardiovascular diseases (4 Strategien p.75).

-- Fish oils inhibit inflammations, stimulate the thyroid functions, stimulate metabolism (richtig leben, p.215), fish and seafood are protein source for blood group 0, and must not contain harmful lectins or polyamines (richtig leben, p.221)

-- seafood for human blood group 0 is a good source of iodine for thyroid regulation (4 Strategien, p.75), fish, especially well as marine fish (4 Strategien, p.100).
Fish and seafood: perch, halibut, red snapper (richtig leben, p.223)

Fish and seafood: herring, mackerel (p.224), hake (richtig leben, p.225)

Fish and seafood: eel, oysters, river trout, blue fish, tilapia, butter fish, dolphin, harvest fish (p.223), marlin, flounder, shrimp, sea bream, shark, pike perch, lobster, scallops, carp, catfish, caviar, gurnard, salmon, salmon trout, cusk, white fish, mullet, sea bream, whiting (p.224), sunfish, parrot fish, Pacific pompano, redfish, sucker, haddock, sea bass, monkfish, smelt, tuna, weakfish / sea bass, clams, escargots, white fish, white sturgeon, whiting, grouper (richtig leben, p.225)
Fish and seafood: anchovy (anchovies) (p.223), crabs (p.224), mussels (richtig leben, S.225)
Fish and seafood: catfish (richtig leben, p.222)
Vegetables and Fruits
Humans should eat much fruits and vegetables
but only the beneficial types and sorts!
(richtig leben, p.215)

Level 1: chicory (p.237), kombu algas, dandelions, horseradish, turnip greens, beet stems, seaweed, spinach, onions;

Level 2: artichokes, broccoli (p.238), endive, pumpkin, kale, turnip greens, beet greens, okra [bean-like vegetable from Africa], red pepper, artichoke (p.239)

Basic fruits and vegetables are responsible for the acidic stomach of blood group 0, a protection against acidification, irritation of the stomach and thus preventing stomach ulcers (4 Strategien, p.75).

-- are alkaline and preventive against gastrointestinal ulcers
-- the fucose in kombu algas protects the lining of the gastrointestinal system, therefore bacteria that can cause stomach ulcers, can hardly install themselves in the gastrointestinal system
-- regulate thyroid gland with iodine and is counteracting obesity (4 Strategien, p.86)

Green vegetables increase blood clotting with blood group 0 with chlorophyll  (4 Strategien, p.293).
Green vegetables [with much chlorophyll]:
Broccoli / Broccoli (with calcium; 4 Strategien, p.100), cabbage: green cabbage (kale, collard greens), Romaine lettuce, spinach (4 Strategien, p.82,83), silverbeet (4 Strategien, p.99).
with a lot of vitamin K supporting blood clotting of thin blood of blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.82,83), green leafy vegetables with folic acid (vitamin B) (richtig leben, p.212)

Moreover, broccoli contains much calcium (4 Strategien, p.100).

The green leafy vegetables (kale, spinach, chard) are for blood group 0 best vitamin B foods (4 Strategien, p.99) and also for vitamin E (4 Strategien, S.103).
+ +
Vegetables: Level 2: parsnips, romaine lettuce, sweet potatoes, turnips (richtig leben, p.239)

Vegetables: supplementary food: bamboo shoots, watercress, chili, daikon (Japanese radish), endive, Enoki mushrooms, peas (green / snow peas), fennel, green onions, green beans, yellow turnips, celeriac, Squash, carrot juice (p.240), Pak-Choi, peppers (green, yellow, jalapeño), radicchio, rice straw (fungus), radish, radish sprouts, beets (also the juice), arugula, lettuce, scallions, celery (also the juice), senna leaves, asparagus, tomatoes (also the juice), water chestnuts, yams, zucchini (right living, p.239-241) Peas with folic acid (vitamin B) (richtig leben, p.212)

Tomato lectins agglutinate the blood of each blood type. 0-types, however, produce no antibodies against tomato and thus they may eat tomatoes (4 Strategien, p.118).
Vegetables: supplementary food: ginger, garlic, carrots (richtig leben, p.240)

Vegetables: supplementary food: agar, eggplant (aubergine) (p.239), cabbage (white, red, Chinese cabbage), cabbage juice, olives (green) (S.240), Brussels sprouts, sourcrout (richtig leben, S.241)

The nightshade plant lectins from the eggplant are stored in the tissues and joints provoking arthritic diseases (4 Strategien, p.82,83) o
Mushrooms: abalone mushrooms (p.239), maitake mushrooms (richtig leben, p.240)
mushrooms with folic acid (a vitamin B) (richtig leben, p.212)
Mushrooms: mushrooms (richtig leben, p.237)
Beans and pulses: adzuki beans, cowpea (richtig leben, p.230)
Beans contain folic acid (a vitamin B) (richtig leben, p.212)

Adzuki beans and cowpeas are reducing stomach acid and can heal gastric ulcers with blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.79).
Beans and pulses: cannellini beans, French bean, Lima bean, mung bean, mung sprouts (p.230), broad beans, black beans, white beans (richtig leben, p.231).

Beans and pulses: puy lentil, pinto bean, red lentils (richtig leben, p.230)
Beans and pulses (above all with lentils and kidney beans) are provoking an alkaline muscle tissue and are provoking fatigue with blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.73).

Pinto beans are reducing stomach acid and can heal stomach ulcers with blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.79).
Beans and pulses: Broad beans, chickpeas (richtig leben, p.230), red beans, soya beans, soya products (richtig leben, p.231).

Soya bean products: miso (richtig leben, p.230), soya flakes, soya cheese, soya milk, soya whole flour, tempeh, tofu (richtig leben, p.231)

Level 1: banana (richtig leben, p.243), blue berries, dried plums, figs, guava [apple formed fruit from tropical South "America"], cherries (all sorts), mango, plums (all sorts) (richtig leben, p.243);

Level 2: pineapple juice (richtig leben, p.244).
Basic fruits and vegetables are a protection from an overacidification of the stomach of type 0, a protection from irritations of gastric mucosa and also from stomach ulcers (4 Strategien, p.75).

Pineapple is supporting digestion against winds and gases, is working with type 0 against edemas and overweight (4 Strategien, p.85).

Cherries (black cherries) are strongly alkaline and are balancing the stomach of blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.85).

Plums, dried plums and figs are reacting in an alkaline way, are balancing the sour stomach of blood group 0 and have no charging mold materials (4 Strategien, p.84).
Fruits: Nutritional supplements: pineapple, pear, boysenberry [crossing of loganberry, raspberry and blackberry, from New Zealand], breadfruit [apricot-like, bread tasting], "American" Dewberry, Galia melons, grapefruit, raspberries (p.244), elderberry honeydew melon, currants, kumquat, lime, loganberries, mulberries, nectarines, papayas, persimmons (kaki), peach, cranberry, quince, raisin, gooseberry, star fruit / carambola, grapes (all), watermelons, winter melons (p.245), youngberry , lemon, melon (richtig leben, p.246)
Berries are all without any problem for blood group 0 with the exception of blackberries making digestion more difficult (4 Strategien, p.84).

Pineapple supports digestion against flatulence, and with blood group 0 has also an effect against edemas and overweight (4 Strategien, p.85).

Grapefruits are sour, but after it's digestion they have alkaline characteristics (4 Strategien, p.84).
Fruits: nutritional supplement: Apple (also the juice), apricot (also the juice), Datteln, strawberries (richtig leben, p.244)
Apple juice contains too much sugar for blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.85).
Fruits: nutritional supplements: pomegranate (p.244), cactus pear (Indian fig) (richtig leben, p.245)

Fruits: avocado (richtig leben, p.242)

Supplements: peeled, de-glycyrrhizinied licorice (can be bought in pharmacies as powder or lozenge)
Licorice supports the secretion of secretine (Sekretin) which is reducing the production of gastric acid, and is supporting growth of gastric mucosa; but raw licorice is not so good because in the bark are substances enhancing blood pressure and this is not suitable for the active blood group 0 (richtig leben, p.216).
Nutritional supplements:
- NAG (N acetyl glucosamine)
- Fucus vesiculosis (real bladder wrack)
- Laminaria (brown algae)
- Larch AG (larch arabinogalactan or larch gum) (richtig leben, p.219)
These nutritional supplements are neutralizing damaging lectins from damaging food with blood group 0 which cannot be proceeded well (richtig leben, p.219).

Real bladderwalk is balancing thyroid gland with iodine with blood group 0, is protecting the gastrointestinal system against ulcers, has a weight reducing effect, and probably is also accelerating the lazy metabolism of blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.101-102).
Supplements: probiotic bacteria: bifido bacteria, lactic acid bacteria (lactobacilli) (Lactobacillus bifidus, Bacillus breve, Bacillus infantis)
These elements are enhancing resistance against stomach ulcers (richtig leben, p.257)

[But it seems strange: milk products are normally not allowed with blood group 0...]

Table of nuts with blood group 0 (secretors and non-secretors)
(beneficial: +; neutral: o; to avoid: -)

Nuts are excellent detoxifier for blood group 0 (richtig leben, p.215). Nuts contain folic acid (a vitamin B) (richtig leben, p.212). Permitted types of nuts are best vitamin B food for blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.99).
Walnut Walnuts are excellent detoxifier for blood group 0 (richtig leben, p.231).
Nuts: butternut, hazelnut, macadamia nut, almond puree, almonds, pecan (richtig leben, p.233)

Nuts: cashews, peanuts, peanut butter, chestnuts, brazil nuts, pistachios (richtig leben, p.233)
These nuts are causing colon troubles with blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.78). [All members of blood group 0 get chronic diseases by them on the long term].

Table of seeds for blood group 0 (secretors and non-secretors)
(beneficial: +; neutral: o; to avoid: -)
Seeds: linseeds, pumpkin kernels (richtig leben, p.231, 232)
are enforcing the immune system with blood group 0 (richtig leben, p.231)
Pine nuts, sesame paste, sesame (richtig leben, p.233)

Seeds: safflower seeds (S.233)

Seeds: Beech nuts, sunflower seeds, chestnuts (p.231), poppy seeds (p.232)

Sun flower puree (S.232)
contain damaging lectins for blood group 0 [are wrongly proceeded and provoke chronic diseases on the long term] (richtig leben, p.231)

Oil table with cold-pressed oils for blood group 0 (secretors and non-secretors)
(beneficial: +; neutral: o; to avoid: -)
Olive oil
Olive oil and linseed oil are supporting heart and arteries and are eventually reducing also cholesterol levels (4 Strategien, p.78).
Linseed oil
Linseed oil and olive oil are supporting heart and arteries and are eventually reducing also cholesterol levels (4 Strategien, p.78). +

Walnut oil

Black current oil
Sesame oil
Borage seed oil

Cod liver oil

Coconut oil
Coconut products can provoke sensitive reactions with blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.84).
Cottonseed oil, Distelöl, peanut oil, castor oil, corn oil, soya oil, sun flower oil, wheat germ oil, evening primrose oil


(richtig leben, p.247-248)

Table of spices and thickeners with blood group 0 (secretors and non-secretors)
(beneficial: +; neutral: o; to avoid: -)
Red alga, curry, parsley (richtig leben, p.249)
Curry and parsley have a calming effect on the gastrointestinal system of type 0 (4 Strategien, p.86-87).
Red elm bark (Ulmus rubra) is nursing stomach, intestine and urinary ways (richtig leben, p.216), is healing gastric mucosa (richtig, leben, p.257)
Ginger root
inhibits inflammations of gastrointestinal system with blood group 0, with antioxidants, is stimulating intestine peristalsis (intestine movements) (richtig leben, p.216, 258)
o [?] +
Cloves contain much eugenol, inhibit inflammations and ulcers with type 0, are also preventing Candida infections (richtig leben, p.216, 258)
o [?] o [?]
turmeric [curcuma root, yellow ginger, saffron-like]
(richtig leben, p.249)
has got an effect against cancer, against inflammations, against ornithine decarboxylase, contains antioxidants, is balancing gastrointestinal system, is enhancing formation of mucin, is bettering liver functions (richtig leben, p.216)
Cayenne [ground chili pepper Cayenne]

is detoxing the gastrointestinal system, contains antioxidants, has an effect against inflammations and ulcers (richtig leben, p.217), has a warming and calming effect to the gastrointestinal system of type 0 (4 Strategien, p.86-87).
[+?] [+?]
Azardirachta Indica (neem) from India
has an effect against stress causing stomach ulcers with blood group 0 (richtig leben, p.258)
Carob [fruit from carob tree] (richtig leben, p.249)

Basil, yeast, tarragon, bay leaf (p.250), oregano, saffron (p.251), licorice root (richtig leben, p.252
Oregano has a slight inflammation inhibiting effect in the gastrointestinal system with type 0 (richtig leben, p.257)

Licorice can be taken as a powder or as sweets (Glycyrriza glabra DGL). Licorice is healing gastric mucosa of the stomach of type 0, and is protecting the stomach from gastric acids (4 Strategien, p.101).
Anise, bergamot oil, savory, chili, dill, gelatin, clove, spearmint, cardamom, chervil, coriander, cumin, marjoram (S.250), almond essence, sea salt, molasses, mint, pepper, peppercorns (not ground), dried chili peppers , peppermint, arrowroot, pimento / allspice, rosemary, salad dressings with suitable ingredients, chives, chocolate, mustard, mustard powder (S.251), tamarind, thyme, cream of tartar, wintergreen [oil] (richtig leben, p.252)
Thyme and rosemary have a slight inflammation inhibiting effect in the gastrointestinal system with type 0 (richtig leben, p.257).
Nutmeg (richtig leben, p.249)

Maple syrup, barley malt, honey (p.250), rice syrup, sage, soya sauce (p.251), tamari (dark soya sauce, free of wheat), vanilla, Worcester sauce, cinnamon, sugar (brown and white), sugar cane juice (richtig leben, p.252)

Vinegar: apple vinegar (richtig leben, p.250)

Products containing vinegar: mayonnaise (richtig leben, p.251)
Vinegar is irritating gastrointestinal system with blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.86).
Blue-green algae (cynanobacteria), fructose (p.248), corn syrup, corn starch, pepper (black and white, ground), grape sugar, juniper, nutmeg flower (richtig leben, p.249)

Vinegars: Balsamico, white whine vinegar, red wine vinegar (richtig leben, p.248)

Products containing vinegar: tomato ketchup (richtig leben, p.249).
Cynanobacteria contain an agglutinining lectin (richtig leben, p.248).

Vinegar is additionally irritating gastrointestinal system, so throw vinegar away (4 Strategien, p.86-87).

Maple syrup and maple starch are disturbing insulin production with blood group 0 provoking diabetes and adiposity. When there are cases of diabetes in the family maple products have to be thrown away immediately (4 Strategien, p.82).

Black and white pepper are irritating gastrointestinal tract (4 Strategien, p.86-87).

Tomato ketchup contains vinegar and provokes more acidity of the already acid stomach of type 0 (4 Strategien, p.87).
Thickener and chemical substances

Apfelpektin (richtig leben, p.250)

Aspartame [synthetic sweetener E951]
carrageenan [thickener E407] (p.248)
guarana [Bitter powder with caffeine]
guar [thickener E412]
malto dextrin [starch sugar]
sodium L-glutamate [sodium salt of glutaminic acid E621]
(richtig leben, p.249)


Drink table for blood group 0 (secretors and non-secretors)
(beneficial: +; neutral: o; to avoid: -)

Mineral water with carbon acid (richtig leben, p.253)
Warm mineral water (or with room temperature) is inhibiting the liberation of gastrin in the stomach of type 0 and is therefore reducing the production of gastric acid in the stomach of type 0 (richtig leben, p.217).
Red wine, white wine (richtig leben, p.253)
is enhancing gastrin production in the stomach of type 0 (richtig leben, p.217)
Green tea, beer (richtig leben, p.253)
Green tea contains polyphenols blocking the production of damaging polyamines. By this an unnatural growth of organs is inhibited (richtig leben, p.252).
Coffee, black tea, lemonades, alcoholics (p.252-253), aloe tea (richtig leben, p.237)
Aloe is irritating the gastrointestinal system and has got a blood thinning effect and is therefore very dangerous for type 0 with it's thin blood (4 Strategien, p.88).

Coffee is enhancing gastrin production [this hormone which is stimulating most stomach acid production] (p.215,217).

Caffeine is activating the sympathetic nervous system provoking a higher liberation of adrenaline. And this high liberation of adrenaline is pretending a too low sugar level [with hyperactive blood group 0] and by this is provoking sweat (richtig leben, p.265), shivering, heart palpitations, feeling of hunger, unrest and fear (richtig leben, p.266).

Black tea is enhancing the secretion of gastric acid (richtig leben, p.215, 217).

Alcoholic beverages, white wine, milk, and beer are enhancing gastrin production [this hormone which is stimulating most stomach acid production] (richtig leben, p.215).

But see here what Dr. D'Adamo says: The rating of wine does not seem to be clear:

"Evade milk, beer, alcoholics and white wine. All these products are enhancing gastrin. Red wine is permitted in medium quantities." (richtig leben, p.217)

(orig. German:
"Meiden Sie Milch, Bier, Spirituosen und Weisswein. Sie alle steigern die Produktion von Gastrin. Rotwein ist, in Massen genossen, erlaubt." (richtig leben, S.217)

"Non-secretors of blood group 0 like to drink sometimes a glass wine too much; when they are consuming wine in medium quantities, then it's a good agent for their cardiovascular system."
(orig. German:
"Nicht-Sekretoren mit der Blutgruppe 0 trinken vielleicht gelegentlich gern ein Glas Wein zum Essen; wenn sie ihn in Massen geniessen, tut er ihrem Herz-Kreislauf-System ausgesprochen gut." (richtig leben, S.252)

Tea table of blood group 0 (secretors and non-secretors)
(beneficial: +; neutral: o; to avoid: -)
Green tea
<Green tea should be in the food plan of every member of type 0. Green tea contains polyphenols blocking the production of damaging polyamines." (richtig leben, p.252)
(orig. German:
"Grüner Tee sollte zum Diätplan eines jeden 0-Typs gehören. Er enthält Polyphenole, die die Produktion schädlicher Polyamine blockieren." (richtig leben, S.252)
[Damaging polyamines can cause organs to a damaging growth].
Rosehip tea
Peppermint tea
has got a calming effect on the hyperactive digestion system and on the hyperactive immune system of blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.87).
+? +?

Juice tables for blood group 0 (secretors and non-secretors)
(beneficial: +; neutral: o; to avoid: -)
Vegetable juices
Spinach juice (p.238)
Spinach is rich of vitamin K supporting blood coagulation of the thin blood of type 0 (4 Strategien, p.82).
Carrot juice (p.240), beetroot juice, beet green juice, tomato juice (p.241)
Tomato lectins are coagulating the blood of any type. But members of type 0 are producing antibodies against tomatoes and therefore may eat them (4 Strategien, p.118).
Cabbage juice (p.240)
Cabbage is inhibiting work of thyroid gland which is already weak with type 0 (4 Strategien, p.82).
Aloe juice (S.237), cucumber juice (p.238)
Aloe is irritating the gastrointestinal tract and has got a blood thinning effect, and therefore this aloe juice is very dangerous for type 0 with it's thin blood (4 Strategien, p.88).
Fruit juices

Guava juice, cherry juice (from sweet cherries), mango juice, plum juice (p.243), pineapple juice (richtig leben, p.244)
-- these fruit juices have an alkaline effect and are balancing the sour stomach of blood group 0
-- these fruit juices have no mold materials (4 Strategien, p.84-85).

Pineapple supports digestion against winds and gases and has an effect against edemas and overweight with blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.85).

Cherry juice of black cherries is strongly alkaline and is balancing the sour stomach of blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.85).

Pear juice, grapefruit juice (p.244), lime juice, nectarine juice, papaya juice, cranberry juice (richtig leben, p.245)
Grapefruits are first sour, but after digestion they have alkaline characteristics (4 Strategien, p.84).
Apple juice (richtig leben, p.244), cider (4 Strategien, p.84-85)
Apple juice and cider contain too much sugar for type 0 (4 Strategien, p.85).
Blackberry juice, coconut milk, mandarin juice, orange juice, (richtig leben, p.243).
Mandarins and oranges have a sour effect in the already sour stomach of blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.84-85), and moreover, they are even acid-forming (richtig leben, p.217).

Blackberries are making digestion of type 0 more difficult (4 Strategien, p.84).

Coconut products can provoke sensitive reactions with blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.84).

Orange juice is too sour and absolutely damaging for the already sour stomach of blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.85).

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Photo sources

-- broccoli: http://absolutefanatic.info/broccoli/
-- walnuts: http://www.nutwork.de/deutsch/produkt_walnuss.htm
-- olive oil on feta-tomato salad: http://kanakis.rethymnon.com/bindexd.html
-- beef, scheme: http://www.kochatelier.de/Warenkunde/rindfleisch.htm
-- sardines: http://www.bcseafoodonline.com/files/pacific_sardine_jpeg.html
