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5h2. Mortal poison jab of Pfizer - news 04 - Nov.14, 2021: death rate 1:200 - video analysis of VAERS data

The criminal is: Pfizer

Toxic jab of Moderna=genetic injection with gene manipulation (RNA elements) and cancer promotion, gene damage + fetus damage (PEG *)
Toxic jab of Pfizer=mortal injection with gene manipulation (RNA elements), cancer promotion, gene + fetus damage (PEG *) AND put to sleep (potassium chloride)
Toxic jab of AstraZeneca=mortal injection with allergic shocks (polysorbate 80, chimpanzen adenovirus was produced in human fetecaps)
* Starting material ethylene oxide: in animal test cancer-promoting, gene damaging and fetus damaging

Video: Nov.14, 2021: Pfizer GENE vaccinations are mortal with a probability of 1 to 200 (6'28'')

Video: Nov.14, 2021: Pfizer GENE vaccinations are mortal with a probability of 1 to 200 (6'28'')
https://www.bitchute.com/video/xtoM7KFAkwJN/ - Bitchute channel: NatMed-etc. - upload on Dec.20, 2021
The poison jabs are called "vaccinations" to block claims for compensation for vaccination damage or by vaccination murder.
The poison jabs are not there to act against corona19, but to reduce the world's population and to chip the survivors.

Every 200th batch is mortal. You can control the batch if you have got a mortal batch: https://eventimages.de/jabquest/

presented by Michael Palomino

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Death rate of the GENE vaccinations of Pfizer, Nov.14, 2021: The probability to get a mortal Pfizer GENE vaccination is in the "USA" 1 to 200
Video-Link auf YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dPKwYjtcOo
Video-Link auf Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/xtoM7KFAkwJN/

[In the "USA" mostly Pfizer vaccinations were injected. So I admit that in the video the Pfizer vaccinations are the topic].

Video: Nov.14, 2021: Pfizer GENE vaccinations are mortal with a probability of 1 to 200 (6'28'')

Video: Nov.14, 2021: Pfizer GENE vaccinations are mortal with a probability of 1 to 200 (6'28'')
https://www.bitchute.com/video/xtoM7KFAkwJN/ - Bitchute channel: NatMed-etc. - uploaded on Dec.20, 2021

Code for embedding the video: <div align="center"><iframe scrolling="no" style="border: none;" src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/xtoM7KFAkwJN/" width="640" frameborder="0" height="360"></iframe></div>

The video:

Good morning, its the 14th of November [2021] and its Sunday (6''), and I am producing this video to show some interesting things that I have discovered in the VEARS data base (16''). In summary I have discovered that not all batches - not all vaccine batches - are equally toxic (25'') - that most are harmless, but that about 1 in 200 of the batches are highly toxic (33''). And I am going to prove that to you by showing you what the VAERS data contains (41'').

Right: lot number - top: Federal State of the "USA" - left: number of adverse reactions
Here is a pivic [?] table which I made by combining the different tables from the VAERS data base (49''). On the left hand side we have the batch numbers, otherwise known as lot numbers (59'') for the Covid 19 vaccines (1'2''). And on the right hand side in this column we have the total number of adverse reactions for each batch (1'16''). So this is the total number of adverse reactions for each batch (1'21''). Along the top you can see the two-letter code for each of the states in the "United States" (1'30''). And what these columns show in between are the number of adverse reactions for a particular batch (1'42'') that occur in each state of the "USA" (1'46'').

The toxic
                          batches of the Pfizer GENE vaccinations are
                          distributed regularly, the chance to get one
                          is 1 to 200
The toxic batches of the Pfizer GENE vaccinations are distributed regularly, the chance to get one is 1 to 200 [41]

Harmless batches / lots with 1 or 2 adverse reaction report
So that's what the table formattes (1'52''). Now we can look at the table contents (1'55''). As we look down the right hand columns here which is the total number of adverse reactions for each batch (2'5''), we will notice that most of these batches only produce 1 or 2 adverse reaction reports (2'17''). So, most of the batches only produce one or two adverse reaction reports (2'24''). In fact, 70% of the batches for the vaccine only produce 1 adverse reaction report in total (2'39''), which means that 70% of the batches are harmless (2'44''). In fact, 80% of the vaccine batches only produce 1 or 2 adverse reaction reports, so 80% are harmless (2'58'').

Principle of criminal Pfizer: toxic and mortal batches (lots) of Pfizer gene vaccines are provoking over 1.000 adverse reaction reports
However as I looked down, I came across anomalies (3'4''). Now, these anomalies consisted of batches that produce 1000s of times the number of adverse reactions (3'13''), and they are very - they stand out very distinctly from the harmless batches (3'18''). Here - here is a couple of examples (3'21''). Here is a batch [with the] number 0028218 (3'29''). Now, rather than producing just one or two adverse reaction reports - as the harmless batches do - this one produced 1.394 adverse reaction reports (3'42'').

Principle of criminal Pfizer: toxic and mortal batches (lots) provoke damage and killings in ALL Federal States
In addition to this you can see that this particular batch was consistently producing adverse reactions right across all the states in the "USA" (3'58''), which suggests that the cause of these adverse reactions isn't the personal health or demographics of the recipient (4'11''). The cause of these reactions is the batch itself. In other words: the vaccine (4'17''). It's the vaccine, which is [has?] reached a toxic level here of 1.394 times (4'26'').

Principle of criminal Pfizer: 80% of the batches (lots) are harmless - but 20% are damaging+killing: 1.394 reports, 1.099 reports, 1.012 reports in ALL Federal States
The base rate: The base rate being defined as the number of adverse reactions produced by the majority of the batches - by 80% of the batches - which is 1 or 2 (4'41''). This is 1.394 times [of] that (4'45''). And: it's producing adverse reactions consistently across EVERY state (4'52''). And as we look down, we will see that these tops - highly toxic batches are not infrequent (5'0''). Here is another one: 1.099 times the base rate - 1.012 times the base rate (5'10''). And each time we can identify these toxic batches visually by the fact that they create a string of numbers right across the screen (5'19''), showing that they are affecting people in EVERY state, wherever they are deployed, wherever they are dispensed (5'30'').

Principle of criminal Pfizer: the toxic+mortal batches come with a certain frequency of 1:200
And these toxic batches occur at a regular frequency interspersed between the harmless batches (5'40'').

The actual frequency of batches with a toxicity between 1.000 and 5.000 times the base rate: The actual frequency of those batches is 1 in 200 (5'55''). So this is a 1 in 200 chance when you take your vaccine that you will get a toxic batch (6'1'').

And these batches consistently - and I mean: consistantly - cause adverse reactions, hospitalizations, disabilities, and death (6'17''). across the "USA" in EVERY state (6'21''). THIS is what THEY DO (6'23''). The harmless batches are harmless. But these batches [1 of 200 batch] they cause harm (6'28'').


Dec 26, 2021: VAERS data of Pfizer show: certain batches are regularly toxic or even mortal (video 1min.)

CDC and FDA are managing a VAERS registry with the side effects of vaccinations. The data show: Pfizer with it's GENE vaccine against Corona commits calculated murder and nobody stops this crime.
Link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/uvuxUOdtaq0X/
Quelle: https://t.me/achtungachtungschweiz/19112

                            Dec,26, 2021: Data of VAERS with Pfizer:
                            certain batches are regularly toxic or even
                            mortal (1min.)
Video Dec,26, 2021: Data of VAERS with Pfizer: certain batches are regularly toxic or even mortal (1min.) [63]

Dec.26, 2021: VAERS data of Pfizer show: certain batches are regularly toxic or even mortal (1min.)
(orig. German title: 26.12.2021: VAERS-Daten mit Pfizer: Gewisse Chargen sind regelmässig toxisch bis tödlich

Dec.26, 2021: VAERS data of Pfizer: certain batches are regularly toxic or even mortal (1min.)
https://www.bitchute.com/video/uvuxUOdtaq0X/ - Bitchute channel: NatMed-etc. - upload on Dec.26, 2021

Text (translation):

During a visit in Lübeck, I became aware by a friend and data analysts about some anomalies with the side effects of the "US" American vaccine batches (8 ''), which I would like to talk to Professor Stöcker (10 ''). If you download the raw data of the reporting system of vaccination side effects, which is operated by CDC and FDA in the "USA" [the VAERS reporting system], and [then] you process the date in the Excell table program, an interesting observation comes out (22"). In the left column, the continuous numbers of the vaccine batches can be seen, and in the [horizontal] lines you see the distribution of the reported side effects per "US" federal state (32 ").

In addition to the expected ambient noise, certain vaccine batches reach extremely high reports of vaccine reactions (39 "), and that in the factor of 1 to 1000 (e.g., 2128 reports) (41"). And not only that: "Now it gets exciting." (46 ''). The special vaccine batches seem to occur with a regularity that not only raise questions, but also urgently must be presented in the public discussion about vaccination recommendations and vaccinations (57 ").

Text (orig. German):

Bei einem Besuch in Lübeck wurde ich von einem Freund und Datenanalysten auf einige Anomalien bei den Nebenwirkungen der "US"-amerikanischen Impfstoff-Chargen aufmerksam gemacht (8''), über die ich mit Professor Stöcker sprechen möchte (10''). Wenn man sich die Rohdaten des Meldesystems für Impfstoff-Nebenwirkungen, das von CDC und FDA in den "USA" betrieben wird, herunterlädt [das VAERS-Meldesystem], und [dann] in Excell verarbeitet, so ergibt sich eine interessante Beobachtung (22''). In der linken Spalte sind die fortlaufenden Nummern der Impfstoff-Chargen zu sehen, und in den [horizontalen] Zeilen die jeweilige Verteilung der gemeldeten Nebenwirkungen pro "US"-Bundesstaat (32'').

Neben dem erwartbaren Grundrauschen kommt es bei bestimmten Impfchargen zu extrem hohen Meldungen von Impfnebenwirkungen (39''), und das im Faktor von 1 zu 1000 (z.B. 2128 Meldungen) (41''). Und nicht nur das: "Jetzt wirds spannend." (46''). Die speziellen Impfchargen scheinen mit einer Regelmässigkeit aufzutreten, die nicht nur Fragen aufwerfen, sondern auch dringend Eingang in die öffentliche Diskussion über Impfempfehlungen und Impfpflicht finden sollte (57'').


Dec.31, 2021: Pfizer batch number EJ6796 is mortal and kills (video 7min.) - two "US" victims - and many more mortal batches of vaccines

The two victims of GENE vaccinations were vaccinated in Switzerland in Brig (Glis) with Pfizer in February 2021, batch number EJ6796, and died in the "USA" in August 2021 both within 2 weeks. That was too striking, and thus a search began for the batch number.

Link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/V8bGtsFPQheW/
Source: https://t.me/achtungachtungschweiz/19645

Pfizer batch of
                          EJ6796 was injected in Brig (Glis -
                          Switzerland), this is a mortal batch killing
Pfizer batch of EJ6796 was injected in Brig (Glis - Switzerland), this is a mortal batch killing people [4]

Video Dec. 31, 2021: Pfizer batch number EJ6796 is mortal and kills (7'1'')
(orig. German: Video 31.1.2021: Pfizer-Charge EJ6796 ist tödlich - Pfizer batch EJ6796 kills (7'1''))

Video Dec. 31, 2021: Pfizer batch number EJ6796 is mortal and kills (7'1'')
(orig. German: Video 31.1.2021: Pfizer-Charge EJ6796 ist tödlich - Pfizer batch EJ6796 kills (7'1''))
Link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/V8bGtsFPQheW/ - Bitchute channel: NatMed-etc. - upload on Dec. 31, 2021

Hi guys, this is 7-11 on Saturday [in 2021], and I just wanted to talk a little bit about this Pfizer toxic batch [with the number] EJ6796 that I have recently determined [that] it was toxic (12''). And the reason why I looked is because of my father, and my step mother, my father 87 and my step mother 83 / 84 (22''), they would die in August [2021] (24''). They were both vaccinated with this - ahm - Pfizer vaccine in Glis [Brig] Switzerland - [she shows the vaccination document: "Glis, 18.2.2021]: Dr. med. H-P B[aumli]" (29''). [Brig in Italian is Glis]. I will not give the name of the doctor but it's doctor B (34'').
H-P stands for Hans-Peter and there is only one medical doctor Hans-Peter in Brig - so this is the murderer:
see the Swiss register of search.ch: https://tel.search.ch/?was=Hans-peter&wo=brig
Baumli, Hans-Peter und Myriam
Dres. med. Aerzte
Lingwurmstrasse 48, 3900 Brig VS
027 924 44 50

Hans-Peter Baumli, criminal with
                            vaccionations in Brig (Schweiz)
Hans-Peter Baumli, criminal with vaccionations in Brig (Schweiz) [1]
They were vaccinated in January [22.01.2021] and February [2021]. They died [both!] in August [2021] (40''). And you know, a friend of mine was saying: "That just sounds very odd that they died only - you know - 20 days apart." (46'') And I also thought [that] it was so odd (49''). So, I didn't know - you know - ahm - much about these vaccines, I knew NOTHING about it (55''). Until I heard on YouTube that apparently of 5% of the batches were responsible for ALL of the reported deaths (1'4'').

Now, so I ran this search on VAERS, the "Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System" (1'11''). Excuse me, I don't have softwares, I will try to keep this really brief (1'15''). Ahm [?] not a good software - but I ran this search and my research found almost 20,000 cases where vaccine against Covid19  - Covid19 general vaccine - could have any manufacturer (1'29'') - and where the patient died. All right? (1'33''). And I was absolutely floored: 2,000 of these pages, very long pages, came up - ahm - 2,000 pages came up with this run (1'46''), and then I scrolled down so you see how many adverse events and deaths are listed on this ONE - just ONE page (1'55''). And I remember that there is almost 2,000 pages here for this listing (1'59''). But at the very top of these 2,000 pages - this is just ONE page - HERE they go! EJ6796 (2'13''). It was the very top of deaths (2'18''). Now, when remedies' deaths are listed in order of size, so in general what happens is - ahm - the deaths, you know - are obviously there going down by lot number (2'33''). And - ahm - at some point you reach just 1 death per line [she is scralling down the list]. Now I ran this for deaths only. This is not about all the adverse events, it is just the adverse event of death (2'44''). So, if you can see, I was scrolling down this page and I have not counted how many entries there are, but in some point we reach ONE - right? ONE death - and then to the next 999 however many pages, there is only 1 death per vaccination lot (3'0'').

                          Mortal batches of GENE vaccinations of Pfizer
                          / BionTech
2021: Mortal batches of GENE vaccinations of Pfizer / BionTech [3]

Now, this obviously would be a lot of meaning for, by how many vaccines were administered per lot. I don't (3'9''). I don't have a finding about this information. But all I know, is that at the very top of this page, these particular lot numers were incredibly toxic (3'20''). And there are a lot of Pfizer lot numbers of the very top, and EJ6788, EJ6795, EN, EK (3'31''), [here is] another EJ, my father's lot, 6796, EN6200, EN 5318, EN, EL, EP, EN, EL (3'42''), a few more EJs in VAERS (3'44'').

So, I just - it really can't be coincidence here (3'48''). This is NOT coincidence (3'49''). And I think, this is one we are finding: a lot of families - you know - going down, because they all got the same lot number (3'57''). I mean my - you know - my father here look at this (4'1''):

These are their cards. They got EJ6796 for both doses, dose 1 and dose 2 (4'8''). Each of them got the same one and they died [both] 6 months after they got it (4'12''). So, guys, I am running on 5 minutes here - ahm - I don't mean to be - you know - a kind of exaggerating here - but I - I was just floored (4'22''). I mean, I got the med out, just I found this out last night and - ahm - I just couldn't believe it. I just could NOT believe it (4'29''). And of course I never reported these to VAERS, because I just thought: What? They died 6 months after they got their vaccines, I have always been a little - you know - hesitant of these vaccines (4'40'').

Tesis: batch number EJ6796 was given to whole Valais and all population there will die soon
But I leave you with ONE anecdote to make this short: Ahm - after that died and after his funeral in Switzerland I - ahm - went up to this very beautiful glacier right nearby (4'52''). And I believe that this batch number - this batch number EJ6796 - I believe that this batch number was probably distributed to the canton of Valais (5'6''), and that this glacier - you know - probably got the same vaccine batch as the town of Brig, and the town of Glis (5'12'').

And - ahm, this - I met a lady on the top of this glacier who was really upset and she said: both her husband and her son had died after the vaccine (5'22''). She wasn't going to take the third vaccine (5'25'').

Vaccinated people have to check up their batch number
So guyes, yo know, if you are in the canton of Valais, do check your batch number (5'31''). And ahm - you know, I am glad that you survived and you may want to go to work or whatever and double check your health state as - because (5'41''): these particular batches, they - they drew up a lot of death here, hundreds of people died in these batches (5'49'').

The killing batches come with regularity - so the killing action is on purpose
So, and I really don't think - I think this is out of the round of testible possibility, I think there is something going on there (5'56''): They either were toxic, there was a factory error or something (5'59''). Or it was on purpose (6'1'').  Ahm, and I personally I personally believe that it was on purpose because we have grass showing that these vaccines stepped down in toxicity over time (6'11''). So, that indicates that they were doing toxicity or doses stays on these vaccines (6'18'').

Mother with EJ6796 died of a clot - father died of seizures
And by the way, my step-mother died of a - a blood clot, and my  - ahm - I believe it was a stroke. And my father? I don't know, I was with him (6'28''). He exceptly cried before he died that ten days before he died, but - ahm - at [?] 80st (6'33''). He was having very slow seizures and he died very quickly and he went downhill very very fast - ahm - within about a day (6'43''). He just - he just plunged and he lost all muscle strength and ahm, he was having small seizures, did his tongue and then all the sudden - he just couldn't even sit up and better all (6'55''). So, that's that, and - ahm - so I just thought you would like to know. Thank you for listening (6'59'').


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