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Coronavirus19 5i: Ingredients of Corona vaccinations:
SNAKE VENOM 01 - PROOFS 01:  Oliver Janich video

PROOFS from master journalist Oliver Janich

Ingredients of "Corona
                    vaccinations", May 27, 2022: Oliver Janich
                    about monkey virus and snake virus in "Corona
                    vaccinations" - PROOFS with peptidases and
Ingredients of "Corona vaccinations", May 27, 2022: Oliver Janich about monkey virus and snake virus in "Corona vaccinations" - PROOFS with peptidases and patents [1 - photos from the video]

Video protocol and translation

by Michael Palomino (2022)
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Janich Productions
Janich Productions

Ingredients of "Corona vaccinations", May 27, 2022: Oliver Janich about monkey virus and snake virus in "Corona vaccinations" - PROOFS with peptidases and patents
Impfschäden Schweiz Coronaimpfung, [27.05.2022 08:41]
Video-Link: https://t.me/Impfschaden_Corona_Schweiz/45270
Video-Link auf Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/94do1mu0NKIF/

                  of "Corona vaccinations", May 27, 2022:
                  Oliver Janich about monkey virus and snake virus in
                  "Corona vaccinations" - PROOFS with
                  peptidases and patents
Ingredients of "Corona vaccinations", May 27, 2022: Oliver Janich about monkey virus and snake virus in "Corona vaccinations" - PROOFS with peptidases and patents [1 - photos from the video]

Video, May 27, 2022: Snake venom in "Corona vaccinations" PROOFS peptidases+patents
(orig. German: Schlangengifte in "Coronaimpfungen" BEWEISE Peptidasen+Patente (14'36'')

Video, May 27, 2022: Snake venom in "Corona vaccinations" PROOFS peptidases+patents
(orig. German: Schlangengifte in "Coronaimpfungen" BEWEISE Peptidasen+Patente (14'36'')

https://www.bitchute.com/video/94do1mu0NKIF/ - Bitchute-Kanal: NatMed-etc. - installed on May 27, 2022


Topic 1: Adenoviruses of chimps in the "Corona vaccinations"
In this video is explained that the vaccine contains adeno virus (of chimps) and contains snake venom. PCR test can be redirected to adenovirus so the monkey pocks virus will be the result mostly which were injected with certain vaccines.
So, for sure measures will be installed again as with Covid 19 virus.

Topic 2: snake venom in the "Corona vaccinations"
1) In the snake poisons, destructive enzymes are working which are destroying cell walls and the blood. These destructive enzymes are called among others "peptidases". There is an article by Mossad Wikipedia among others (3'43'').
2) On the web site of Spektrum.de exists a "Lexicon of Biology". The article about "snake venoms" shows clearly that certain snake venoms contain "proteolytic enzymes" (4'18'').
3) On the web site of the National Library of Medicine (in Bethesda, Maryland, "EUA"), pharma research is described how pharma wants to use snake venoms for medicaments. And again is told: snake venom contains "proteolytic enzymes" (4'35 '').
4) There is an article by Dr. Arijana Love: "Snake Venom Key Ingredient in Covid-19 Vaccine Patent". And after this article, Olver Janich shows the patents themselves.
5) And there are quotes from the patents of these "Corona vaccinations" who contain elements of snake venom for destroying the cell walls giving the way free to enter for the nanobodies. And in this way the complete body is destroyed step by step.

Video transcript (translation):

Hello dear friends of truth, it's red alarm now (18''). [This is] a very important video about the new monkey pocks and about the snake venom which both are in the vaccines (33'') - well, there are so called adenoviruses from the chips - and there is snake venom (41''). I hope that I can present all this for you here, if not, then I will present you a good English article about snake venom in the vaccinations (52''). It's possible to see this in the patent texts, and there will be further links (57''). And what I will show at any case is a German article which is sponsored by - by the German government, a Government Board which comes from vaccineinfo (impfeninfo.de) (1'13'').

Adenoviruses of chimps in the SNAKE VENOM vaccination - PCR test can be redirected to adenoviruses and then one can state that "monkey pocks" exist

Schimpanse am Baum
A chimp on a tree [2] - for the invention of an adenovirus...

We can read there. Then comes [the text - translation]:

"The Covid 19 vaccine from AstraZeneca and Jansen - by Johnson & Johnson - consists of a virus which has no reproduction with humans, this virus comes from the adenovirus family (flu viruses) of chimps (adenovirual vector). The vector's genetic material was modified in such a way that it contains the gene with the construction plan for the production of an optimized surface protein of the Sars Coronavirus-2, the spike protein." (1'46 '')

That means: the spike protein that we already know how dangerous it is, it contains the alleged adenoviruses of chimpanzees (1'56 ''). That means  - I utter right now at the beginning my thesis: As soon as I redirect the PCR test onto the gene plug that are in this spike protein, it comes out that there [is] something of chimps in it and there they can then maintain that these are the monkey pocks (2'18 '').

And now at the beginning they claim that it's not spread widely, but they need just to redirect the test installing more reproduction cycles and then it will be spread or they test just on another genetic sequence which often occurs (2'41''). But they will say then: Here are the chimps, this comes from the monkey pocks virus (2'47''). For this maneuver it's relatively not important if the virus exists or not. It does not exist as also all other viruses don't exist (2'56''). But this is not so important now, because there is just no control experiment for that (3'0'').

But they installed THIS into the spike protein what they mark as adeno virus of chimps (3'12'').

Snake venom in the "Corona vaccination" - PROOFS

Well, and now shortly about snake venom which is also - which one can find that it is in the vaccinations themselves (3'24''). It's not directly mentioned in the patents as "snake venom", but snake venom contains so called "proteolytic enymes" (3'37''), and the proteolytic enzymes - ehm - are in the vaccinations (3'47''). I tell you the whole phrase shortly [link]:

Mossad Wikipedia: Peptidases (orig. German: Peptidasen) [link]

Mossad-Wikipedia mit
                einem Artikel über Peptidasen in Schlangengifte
Mossad Wikipedia in an article about peptidases in snake venoms [3]


"Peptidases (short form of peptide binding hydrolases) are enzymes that can split proteins or peptides. In doing so, they catalyze the hydrolysis of peptide connections. Peptidases are often called proteases, proteinases or proteolytic enzymes, above all when larger proteins are split." (4'9'')

Spektrum.de: snake venoms (German: Schlangengifte) [link]

That's it. Now I have for you here also a German article [from] Spektrum.de which is stating clearly that in snake venom there are proteolyses - in certain snakes [link] (4'27''):

                Biologielexikon: Artikel über Schlangengifte Weiss auf
                Schwarz   www.spektrum.de
                Biologielexikon: Artikel über Schlangengifte Schwarz auf
www.spektrum.de Lexicon of biology, article about snake venom white on black [4] - and black on white - link [5]

[Text as subtitle - translation]: "The snake venom of Vipera berus snake contains additionally hyaluronidase, and the snake venoms of Palestine viper, of Carpet viper and of Sand viper contain add to this also hyaluronidase, neurotoxins and proteolytic enzymes. After a bite of them, the consequences will be poisoning are bleeding, coagulation disorders, tissue disturbance and cardiovascular shock [by the fast loss of blood in the circulation system]."
(original German: "Das Schlangengift der Kreuzotter enthält zusätzlich Hyaluronidase, die Schlangengifte der Palästinaviper, der Sandrasselotter und der Sandotter zusätzlich Hyaluronidase, Neurotoxine und proteolytische Enzyme. Folgen einer Vergiftung sind Blutungen, Gerinnungsstörungen, Gewebszerstörung und cardiovaskulärer Schock.")

And [now comes] an English article - when I reach to show it to you, from - an English science article from a scientific web site where is also indicated that - ehm - these proteins are in snake venom (4'52'').

National Library of Medicine in Bethesda (Maryland, "USA") Sep.29, 2019: Snake Venoms in Drug Discovery: Valuable Therapeutic Tools for Life Saving [link]

Snake Venoms in
                Drug Discovery: Valuable Therapeutic Tools for Life
Snake Venoms in Drug Discovery: Valuable Therapeutic Tools for Life Saving [6]


"Snake venoms are cocktails, which exhibit enzymatic activities. Most commonly, snake venoms possess enzymes such as proteolytic enzymes"

arginine ester hydrolase, thrombin-like enzymes, hyaluronidase, phospholipase A2, acetylcholinesterase, nucleases (RNase, DNase, and Phosphodiesterase), and L-amino-acid oxidase. Snake venoms are known as some of the richest sources of these enzymes [].


So: snake venom contains this proteolytic enzymes, and we know that research is researching with snake venom since a long time already, for - as medicament (5'17''). And it should have certain effects, about see see [again] an English article (5'25''):

"USA" April 14, 2022: Snake Venom Key Ingredient In "Covid-19 Vaccine" Patents [link]

                Snake Venom Key Ingredient In "Covid-19
                Vaccine" Patents
14.4.2022: Snake Venom Key Ingredient In "Covid-19 Vaccine" Patents [7]

The woman author of this article indicates that - she states another thing - that it should protect of Lentivirus - Lentiviruses - they call this "Lentiviruses", "through the "destruction of the viral membrane" (5'43'').

[Quote]: "The study claims snake venom works to “protect against Lentiviruses” through the “destruction of the viral membrane.”"

However, this is a lie because we know the Lentiviruses are a lab generated, chimeric mRNA bioweapon containing SARS, MERS, HIV 1-3 and SRV-1 (AIDS), as I documented in my article entitled, Transgenic Hydras & Parasites A Biological Weapons System For Rapid Human Cloning.

In reality, the woman author says, I read this for you, the matter is this that the cell membranes are destroyd so the nanobodies can enter (5'53'').

[Quote]: In actuality, snake venom is being used to destroy the human cell membrane [and] not the “viral membrane”, so that nanoparticles can enter the cell and code your genome. This PubMed study proves that HIV is being encoded into people’s cells to produce a new cell line persistently. So snake venom assists mRNA to clone your cells. The J&J patent also mentions “RNA Replicons” which are forever replicating proteins.

So: The snake venom destroys the cell membrane so that the nanoparticles can be transported in. Or just to poison people directly. In any case, it is in there (6'9 ''). About this matter, there is - I just picked out the article and show you some quotes from it (6'16'').

Patents: snake venom in spike proteins

[Now will follow the patents which contain snake venom, and which are essential for "Corona vaccinations"]:

Patent of May 4, 2021: Single domain antibodies binding to sars-cov-2 spike protein [link]

4.5.2021: Single domain
                antibodies binding to sars-cov-2 spike protein
4.5.2021: Single domain antibodies binding to sars-cov-2 spike protein - Text 01 [8]

 Single domain antibodies [are] binding to sars-cov-2 spike protein - here is really mentiones snake venom:

"The direct injection of a nanobody has also shown promise in a mouse model of cobra venom intoxication." (6'32'')

The direct injection of a nano body also looked promising in a mouse model, it was a poisoning with a Cobra venom (6'44 '').

[Here another] scientific article. This shows that you can see how it is related.

Patent of June 15, 2020: Recombinant novel coronavirus vaccine using replication-deficient human adenovirus as vector [Link]

Patent 15.6.2020: Recombinant novel
                coronavirus vaccine using replication-deficient human
                adenovirus as vector
Patent 15.6.2020: Recombinant novel coronavirus vaccine using replication-deficient human adenovirus as vector [9]

"Recombinant novel coronavirus vaccine using replication-deficient human adenovirus as vector (7'1'').

Well - and this is written in the text how all this is working:

"Take 50 μL of the vaccine candidate strain venom seed solution, add 2 μL of proteinase K, digest the virus genome at 50°C for 30 minutes, and use this as a template to amplify the S protein and S1 protein gene sequences."

So, with vaccination candidates

"of the vaccine candidate strain venom seed solution" (7'15'').

Well, here will be also - the matter is that adenovirus is a vector here, and also the word "venom" is mentioned (7'24'').

Patent of AstraZeneca of July 19, 2021: Sars-cov-2 proteins, anti-sars-cov-2 antibodies, and methods of using the same [Link]

Then we have - what's the matter about? (7'30'') Yes, I believe that the matter is about the patent of AstraZeneca, here is the text word by word:

Patent von AstraZeneca 19.7.2021:
                Sars-cov-2 proteins, anti-sars-cov-2 antibodies, and
                methods of using the same
Patent of AstraZeneca of July 19, 2021: Sars-cov-2 proteins, anti-sars-cov-2 antibodies, and methods of using the same [10]


Patent von AstraZeneca
                19.7.2021: Sars-cov-2 proteins, anti-sars-cov-2
                antibodies, and methods of using the same - text
Patent of AstraZeneca of July 19, 2021: Sars-cov-2 proteins, anti-sars-cov-2 antibodies, and methods of using the same - text [11]

[Quote]: "For example, Fab and F(ab’)2 fragments described herein can be produced by proteolytic cleavage of immunoglobulin molecules, using enzymes such as papain (to produce Fab fragments) or pepsin (to produce F(ab’)2 fragments). A Fab fragment corresponds to one of the two identical arms of a tetrameric antibody molecule and contains the complete light chain paired with the VH and CHI domains of the heavy chain. A F(ab’)2 fragment contains the two antigen-binding arms of a tetrameric antibody molecule linked by disulfide bonds in the hinge region."

"For example, Fab and F(ab’)2 fragments described herein can be produced by proteolytic cleavage of "... blablabla (7'43'').

also here they are playing their role (7'50'').

And with BionTech it's the same:

Patent of Pfizer / BionTech of March 21, 2021: Coronavirus vaccines and methods of use [Link]

Patent von
                Pfizer / BionTech 21.3.2021: Coronavirus vaccines and
                methods of use
Patent von Pfizer / BionTech 21.3.2021: Coronavirus vaccines and methods of use [12]

Here is spoken about "proteolytic cleavage":

Patent von Pfizer / BionTech 21.3.2021: Coronavirus
                vaccines and methods of use - text
Patent of Pfizer / BionTech of March 21, 2021: Coronavirus vaccines and methods of use - text [13]

[Quote]: "[000146] “Proteins or molecules of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)”, “MHC molecules”, “MHC proteins” or “HLA proteins” are to be understood as meaning proteins capable of binding peptides resulting from the proteolytic cleavage of protein antigens and representing potential lymphocyte epitopes, (e.g., T cell epitope and B cell epitope) transporting them to the cell surface and presenting them there to specific cells, in particular cytotoxic T-lymphocytes, T-helper cells, or B cells. The major histocompatibility complex in the genome comprises the genetic region whose gene products expressed on the cell surface are important for binding and presenting endogenous and/or foreign antigens and thus for regulating immunological processes. The major histocompatibility complex is classified into two gene groups coding for different proteins, namely molecules of MHC class I and molecules of MHC class II. The cellular biology and the expression patterns of the two MHC classes are adapted to these different roles."

Well, also here is installed the same (8'9''). "Cleavage" means not only valley but also partition: cell division (8'21''). [...] So the matter is about the proteolytic cleavatge (8'25'').

Before we should look. But I'm actually on the road and do it now only because it is so urgent (8'30 ''). Well, with the "proteolythic cleavage" this will be produced. The same we have with BionTech - "proteolythic cleavage" (8'43''). So, as I read it before, when specially large proteins have to be split (8'51'').

KV Berlin (no date): SNAKE VENOM vaccinations of AstraZeneca with chimp adenovirus

Well. And now we have here the proof that it is especially in AstraZeneca, so, we show it here, this is also something special, this chimp adenovirus which is especially in AstraZeneca (9'14''). And this comes from KV Berlin [Health Insurance Association of Berlin - Kassenärtzliche Vereinigung Berlin - with a pdf]:

Title: COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca jab mixture
(orig. German: COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca Injektionssuspension) [link]

KV Berlin:
                SCHLANGENGIFTimpfung von AstraZeneca mit
KV Berlin: SCHLANGENGIFTimpfung von AstraZeneca mit Schimpansen-Adenovirus [14]

[Quote - translation]: "One dose (0.5 ml) contains: chimpanzees' adeno virus, and this will encode the Sars-Cov-2-Spike Glycoprotein (Chadox1-S)*"
(orig. German: "Eine Dosis (0,5 ml) enthält: Schimpansen-Adenovirus, der das SARS-CoV-2-Spike-Glykoprotein (ChAdOx1-S)* kodiert")

The PCR test can be reset to the monkey virus
The chimpanzee adenovirus encodes the Sars-Cov-2-Spike protein (9'34 ''). So if I am looking for this chimpanzee adenovirus, or when I look for this gene sequence, in a test, PCR test, then - with the vaccinated - and it is reset accordingly, then I will find it (9'50 ''). This means that you can now shift all the vaccination dead to the new monkey pocks virus if you want (9'57 ''). Or they invent a new virus, comes a Marburg virus, whatever, but the most likely that they will now - now it is waved off, well, also by Biden (10'10 ''): This is only rarely transmitted, etc. (10'12 '').

Article of May 23, 2022: Monkeypox threat doesn't rise to level of Covid-19, says Joe Biden [Link]  

Quote: "President Joe Biden sought Monday to calm concerns about recent cases of monkeypox that have been identified in Europe and the United States."

Joe Biden | Health crisis

                23.5.2022: Monkeypox threat doesn't rise to level of
                Covid-19, says Joe Biden
Article of May 23, 2022: Monkeypox threat doesn't rise to level of Covid-19, says Joe Biden [15]

Very few cases. Of course, they are also testing less (10'15''). Of course, they did not detect the new virus. Chimps virus resp. monkey pocks virus exists a long time already, and now suddenly it comes up (10'22''). It can only come up, and this was in Munich I think, where the same medical doctor who was detecting the first Corona virus patient, has now detected the first "monkey pocks virus patient", of course this is only a coincidence (10'42''). It only works when you will apply the monkey pocks virus test (10'46''). Well, then tesrt some people and after the test is reset, then the monkey pocks virus comes up where the tests are done (10'56''). Wo one can reset always deliberately, and Mr. [vaccination monster] Lauterbach is already alarming again, but Biden is giving signal: not so important, but Trump also gave signal: not so impoftant and then he started yet the Worp Speed Program (11'12''). Now, they can let it come up as they want, and even during this summer yet. We all thought that we have time until autumn, but when they want, they can perform all this in summer and block everything again (11'26''). Now, who wants to leave the country should do it now yet, I think (11'30''). Then comes up the question where to go? But as I often said, Germany will be hit the hardest, and there is also Ucraine Crisis yet with the complete destruction of Germany (11'40''), who has possessions in Germany yet should sell all this now, and the situation is now a good one yet because inflation is driving prices up yet, so when you can sell now, this could be a bargain, for pure Bitcoin [?], gold or some land somewhere where possibly will not be depropriation, to day it like this (12'2''). This is a difficult position (12'3'').

Summary: "Corona vaccinations" contain snake venom

Well be careful, there are things that are in snake venom, they are also in the vaccines, and it's the chimp adeno virus in the vaccine, in the vaccines, which is easily detected by resetting the test with the right genetic sequence, and all can be sold as "monkey pocks". Very bad (12'29'').

<<       >>

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Ingredients of "Corona vaccinations", May 27, 2022: Oliver Janich about monkey virus and snake virus in "Corona vaccinations" - PROOFS with peptidases and patents -- Video, May 27, 2022: Snake venom in "Corona vaccinations" PROOFS peptidases+patents (orig. German: Schlangengifte in "Coronaimpfungen" BEWEISE Peptidasen+Patente (14'36'') -- Topic 1: Adenoviruses of chimps in the "Corona vaccinations" -- Topic 2: snake venom in the "Corona vaccinations" -- Adenoviruses of chimps in the SNAKE VENOM vaccination - PCR test can be redirected to adenoviruses and then one can state that "monkey pocks" exist -- Snake venom in the "Corona vaccination" - PROOFS -- Mossad Wikipedia: Peptidases (orig. German: Peptidasen) -- Spektrum.de: snake venoms (German: Schlangengifte) -- National Library of Medicine in Bethesda (Maryland, "USA") Sep.29, 2019: Snake Venoms in Drug Discovery: Valuable Therapeutic Tools for Life Saving -- "USA" April 14, 2022: Snake Venom Key Ingredient In "Covid-19 Vaccine" Patents -- Patents: snake venom in spike proteins -- Patent of May 4, 2021: Single domain antibodies binding to sars-cov-2 spike protein -- Patent of June 15, 2020: Recombinant novel coronavirus vaccine using replication-deficient human adenovirus as vector -- Patent of AstraZeneca of July 19, 2021: Sars-cov-2 proteins, anti-sars-cov-2 antibodies, and methods of using the same -- Patent of Pfizer / BionTech of March 21, 2021: Coronavirus vaccines and methods of use -- KV Berlin (no date): SNAKE VENOM vaccinations of AstraZeneca with chimp adenovirus -- Title: COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca jab mixture (orig. German: COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca Injektionssuspension) -- The PCR test can be reset to the monkey virus -- Article of May 23, 2022: Monkeypox threat doesn't rise to level of Covid-19, says Joe Biden -- Summary: "Corona vaccinations" contain snake venom-

Photo sources
[1] Video by Oliver Janich: https://www.bitchute.com/video/94do1mu0NKIF/
[2] Chimp on a tree: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/117938083983880016/
[3] Mossad Wikipedia with an article about peptidases in snake venom: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peptidasen - Video-Link: https://t.me/Impfschaden_Corona_Schweiz/45270
[4] Spektrum.de with article about snake venom: Video by Oliver Janich: https://www.bitchute.com/video/94do1mu0NKIF/
[5] Spektrum.de with article about snake venom:
[6] Snake Venoms in Drug Discovery: Valuable Therapeutic Tools for Life Saving: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6832721/
[7] Article of April 14, 2022: Snake Venom Key Ingredient In "Covid-19 Vaccine" Patents:
[8] Article of May 4, 2021: Single domain antibodies binding to sars-cov-2 spike protein - Text 01: https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2021224606A1/en
[9] Patent 15.6.2020: Recombinant novel coronavirus vaccine using replication-deficient human adenovirus as vector:
[10] Patent of AstraZeneca of July 19, 2021: Sars-cov-2 proteins, anti-sars-cov-2 antibodies, and methods of using the same:
[11] Patent of AstraZeneca of July 19, 2021: Sars-cov-2 proteins, anti-sars-cov-2 antibodies, and methods of using the same: video by Oliver Janich:
[12] Patent von Pfizer / BionTech 21.3.2021: Coronavirus vaccines and methods of use: https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2021188969A2/en
[13] Patent von Pfizer / BionTech 21.3.2021: Coronavirus vaccines and methods of use: video by Oliver Janich: https://www.bitchute.com/video/94do1mu0NKIF/
[14] Article KV Berlin: SCHLANGENGIFTimpfung von AstraZeneca mit Schimpansen-Adenovirus:
[15] Article of May 23, 2022: Monkeypox threat doesn't rise to level of Covid-19, says Joe Biden:

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